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JMeta.hh File Reference

ROOT I/O of application specific meta data. More...

#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <map>
#include "RVersion.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TNamed.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "JLang/JType.hh"
#include "JLang/JException.hh"
#include "JLang/JEquation.hh"
#include "JLang/JEquationParameters.hh"
#include "JLang/Jpp.hh"
#include "JLang/JManip.hh"
#include "JROOT/JRootFileReader.hh"
#include "JSystem/JUTSName.hh"
#include "Jeep/JComment.hh"
#include "Jeep/JeepToolkit.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  JSUPPORT::JMeta
 Auxiliary class for ROOT I/O of application specific meta data. More...
struct  JSUPPORT::JMetaOld_t
 Type definition of old meta data. More...


 Support classes and methods for experiment specific I/O.
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


const char * JSUPPORT::getName (const JType< JMeta > &type)
 Get ROOT name of given data type. More...
int JSUPPORT::getNumberOfCycles (TFile *file, const TString &key)
 Get number of cycles of named objects with same title as given key. More...
void JSUPPORT::getObject (TFile *file, const TString &key, JMeta *&ps)
 Read object from ROOT file. More...
bool JSUPPORT::putMeta (TDirectory &dir, const std::string &key, const std::string &buffer)
 Write meta data as ROOT TNamed object. More...
bool JSUPPORT::putObject (TDirectory &dir, const JMeta &meta)
 Write meta data to ROOT directory. More...
bool JSUPPORT::putObject (TDirectory *dir, const JMeta &meta)
 Write meta data to ROOT directory. More...
TFile & JSUPPORT::operator<< (TFile &file, const JMeta &meta)
 Write meta data to ROOT file. More...
const char * JSUPPORT::getName (const JType< JMetaOld_t > &type)
 Get ROOT name of given data type. More...
void JSUPPORT::getObject (TFile *file, const TString &key, JMetaOld_t *&ps)
 Read object from ROOT file. More...
bool JSUPPORT::putObject (TDirectory &dir, const JMetaOld_t &meta)
 Write old meta data to ROOT directory in new format. More...


static const char *const JSUPPORT::META_NAME = "JMeta"
 ROOT name for meta data. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::META_DIRECTORY = "META"
 ROOT sub-directory for meta data. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::application_t = "application"
 Definition of meta data parameters. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::SVNrelease_t = "SVN"
 SVN release. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::GITrelease_t = "GIT"
 GIT release. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::ROOTrelease_t = "ROOT"
 ROOT release. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::namespace_t = "namespace"
 name space More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::command_t = "command"
 Linux command. More...
static const char *const JSUPPORT::system_t = "system"
 system information More...

Detailed Description

ROOT I/O of application specific meta data.


Definition in file JMeta.hh.