Jpp  master_rocky-43-ge265d140c
the software that should make you happy
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NANTARESName space for Antares
 NJAANETExtensions to Evt data format
 NJACOUSTICSAuxiliary classes and methods for acoustic position calibration
 NJCALIBRATEAuxiliary classes and methods for PMT calibration
 NJCOMPASSAuxiliary classes and methods for orientation calibration based on compasses
 NJDATABASEAuxiliary classes and methods for database I/O
 NJDETECTORFile Auxiliary data structures and methods for detector calibration
 NJDYNAMICSMain namespace for dynamic position and orientation calibration
 NJEEPGeneral puprpose classes and methods
 NJFITAuxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression
 NJGEOMETRY2DAuxiliary classes and methods for 2D geometrical objects and operations
 NJGEOMETRY3DAuxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations
 NJGIZMOAuxiliary applications for use of ROOT and more
 NJIOAuxiliary classes and methods for binary I/O
 NJLANGAuxiliary classes and methods for language specific functionality
 NJLOGGERMessage logging
 NJMATHAuxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations
 NJPARSERLocal namespace for command line parser
 NJPHYSICSAuxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water
 NJPPThis name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES)
 NJRECONSTRUCTIONModel fits to data
 NJROOTAuxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O
 NJSIRENEDetector simulations
 NJSONAuxiliary classes and methods for detector calibration
 NJSUPPORTSupport classes and methods for experiment specific I/O
 NJSYSTEMAuxiliary classes and methods for operating system calls
 NJTOOLSAuxiliary classes and methods for multi-dimensional interpolations and histograms
 NJTRIGGERAuxiliary classes and methods for triggering
 NJUTCAuxiliaries for handling universal time coordinate (UTC)
 NJUTMAuxiliaries for handling universal transverse mercator coordinate system (UTM)
 NKM3NETName space for KM3NeT
 NKM3NET2DName space for KM3NeT with 2D function for angular acceptance and QE of PMTs
 NKM3NET_HIGHQEName space for KM3NeT with high-QE PMTs
 NKM3NETDAQKM3NeT DAQ data structures and auxiliaries