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1#ifndef __JPHYSICS__JLED__
2#define __JPHYSICS__JLED__
9#include "JTools/JElement.hh"
10#include "JTools/JQuadrature.hh"
14 * \author mdejong
15 */
17namespace JPHYSICS {}
18namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; }
20namespace JPHYSICS {
31 /**
32 * Interface for emission profile from LED.
33 */
35 public:
37 /**
38 * Virtual destructor.
39 */
40 virtual ~JAbstractLED()
41 {}
44 /**
45 * Light yield from LED (number of p.e. per unit solid angle per unit time).
46 *
47 * \param ct zenith angle of emission
48 * \param phi azimuth angle of emission
49 * \param dt time of emission [ns]
50 * \return d^2P / dOmega dt [npe/ns/sr]
51 */
52 virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct,
53 const double phi,
54 const double dt) const = 0;
55 };
58 /**
59 * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT.
60 */
61 class JLED :
62 public virtual JDispersionInterface,
63 public JAbstractPMT,
64 public JAbstractLED,
65 public JAbstractMedium
66 {
67 public:
68 /**
69 * Constructor.
70 *
71 * \param lambda wavelength photon [nm]
72 * \param Tmin_ns minimal time of emmision [ns]
73 * \param Tmax_ns minimal time of emmision [ns]
74 * \param engine scattering angle integrator
75 * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration
76 * \param epsilon precision of points for integration
77 */
78 JLED(const double lambda,
79 const double Tmin_ns,
80 const double Tmax_ns,
81 const JQuadrature& engine = JCotangent(20),
82 const int numberOfPoints = 20,
83 const double epsilon = 1e-12) :
84 wavelength(lambda),
85 tmin(Tmin_ns),
86 tmax(Tmax_ns),
88 beta_engine(engine)
89 {
90 const double dp = PI / numberOfPoints;
92 for (double x = 0.5*dp; x < PI; x += dp) {
93 phi_engine.push_back(JElement3D_t(cos(x),sin(x), dp));
94 }
95 }
98 /**
99 * Probability density function for direct light from LED.
100 *
101 * \param D_m distance between LED and PMT [m]
102 * \param cd cosine angle LED orientation and LED - PMT position
103 * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT
104 * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT
105 * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct light [ns]
106 * \return dP/dt [npe/ns]
107 */
108 double getDirectLightFromLED(const double D_m,
109 const double cd,
110 const double theta,
111 const double phi,
112 const double t_ns) const
113 {
114 const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd));
115 const double d = D_m; // photon path [m]
117 const double A = getPhotocathodeArea();
119 const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi);
120 //const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi);
121 const double pz = cos(theta);
123 const double ct = sd*px + cd*pz; // cosine angle of incidence on PMT
125 const double qe = getQE(wavelength);
126 const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(wavelength);
127 const double ls = getScatteringLength(wavelength);
129 const double U = getAngularAcceptance(ct);
130 const double V = exp(-d/l_abs) * exp(-d/ls); // absorption & scattering
131 const double W = A/(d*d); // solid angle
133 return qe * getLightFromLED(cd, 0.0, t_ns) * U * V * W;
134 }
137 /**
138 * Probability density function for scattered light from LED.
139 *
140 * \param D_m distance between LED and PMT [m]
141 * \param cd cosine angle LED orientation and LED - PMT position
142 * \param theta zenith angle orientation PMT
143 * \param phi azimuth angle orientation PMT
144 * \param t_ns time difference relative to direct light [ns]
145 * \return dP/dt [npe/ns]
146 */
147 double getScatteredLightFromLED(const double D_m,
148 const double cd,
149 const double theta,
150 const double phi,
151 const double t_ns) const
152 {
153 using namespace std;
155 double value = 0;
157 if (t_ns >= tmin) {
159 const double ng = getIndexOfRefractionGroup(wavelength);
161 const double sd = sqrt((1.0 + cd)*(1.0 - cd));
162 const double l = D_m; // distance [m]
164 const double A = getPhotocathodeArea();
165 //const double sr = sqrt(A/PI) / D_m;
166 //const double cr = sqrt((1.0 + sr)*(1.0 - sr));
168 const double px = sin(theta)*cos(phi);
169 const double py = sin(theta)*sin(phi);
170 const double pz = cos(theta);
172 const double qx = cd*px + 0 - sd*pz;
173 const double qy = 1*py;
174 const double qz = sd*px + 0 + cd*pz;
176 const double qe = getQE(wavelength);
177 const double l_abs = getAbsorptionLength(wavelength);
178 const double ls = getScatteringLength(wavelength);
180 const double Jc = 1.0 / ls; // dN/dx
182 const double xmin = tmin;
183 const double xmax = std::min(tmax, t_ns);
185 JQuadrature buffer;
187 if (xmax > xmin) {
189 for (JQuadrature::const_iterator i = main_engine.begin(); i != main_engine.end(); ++i) {
191 const double t = 0.5 * (xmax + xmin) + i->getX() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin);
192 const double dt = i->getY() * 0.5 * (xmax - xmin);
194 buffer[t] = dt;
195 }
197 } else {
199 buffer[tmin] = 1.0;
200 }
202 for (JQuadrature::const_iterator i = buffer.begin(); i != buffer.end(); ++i) {
204 const double t = i->getX();
205 const double dt = i->getY();
207 const double d = l + C*(t_ns - t)/ng; // photon path
208 const double V = exp(-d/l_abs); // absorption
210 for (JQuadrature::const_iterator j = beta_engine.begin(); j != beta_engine.end(); ++j) {
212 const double cb = j->getX();
213 const double dc = j->getY();
215 const double sb = sqrt((1.0 + cb)*(1.0 - cb));
217 const double v = 0.5 * (d + l) * (d - l) / (d - l*cb);
218 const double u = d - v;
220 if (u <= 0) continue;
221 if (v <= 0) continue;
223 const double cts = (l*cb - v) / u; // cosine scattering angle
225 const double W = min(A/(v*v), 2.0*PI); // solid angle
226 const double Ja = getScatteringProbability(cts); // P(cos(),phi)
227 const double Jd = ng * (1.0 - cts) / C; // dt/du
229 const double ca = (l - v*cb) / u;
230 const double sa = v*sb / u;
232 for (std::vector<JElement3D_t>::const_iterator k = phi_engine.begin(); k != phi_engine.end(); ++k) {
234 const double cp = k->getX();
235 const double sp = k->getY();
236 const double dp = k->getZ();
238 const double dom = dc * dp * v*v / (u*u);
240 const double ct0 = cd*ca - sd*sa*cp;
241 const double ph0 = atan2(sa*sp, cd*sa*cp + sd*ca);
243 const double vx = -sb*cp * qx;
244 const double vy = -sb*sp * qy;
245 const double vz = cb * qz;
247 const double U =
248 getAngularAcceptance(vx + vy + vz) * getLightFromLED(ct0, +ph0, t) +
249 getAngularAcceptance(vx - vy + vz) * getLightFromLED(ct0, -ph0, t);
251 value += qe * dt * dom * Ja * Jc * U * V * W / Jd;
252 }
253 }
254 }
255 }
257 return value;
258 }
260 protected:
261 double wavelength; // wavelength photon [nm]
263 double tmin; // minimal time of emmision [ns]
264 double tmax; // maximal time of emmision [ns]
266 JQuadrature main_engine; // numerical integration
267 JQuadrature beta_engine; // numerical integration of scattering angle
268 std::vector<JElement3D_t> phi_engine; // numerical integration of phi angle
269 };
272 /**
273 * Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface)
274 */
275 class JLED_C :
276 public JLED,
277 public JDispersion
278 {
279 public:
280 /**
281 * Constructor.
282 *
283 * \param Area photo-cathode area [m^2]
284 * \param LED pointer to interface for emission profile from LED
285 * \param QE pointer to function for quantum efficiency of PMT
286 * \param Pmt pointer to function for angular acceptance of PMT
287 * \param L_abs absorption length [m]
288 * \param L_s scattering length [m]
289 * \param Km3 pointer to model specific function to describe light scattering in water
290 * \param P_atm ambient pressure [atm]
291 * \param wavelength wavelength of light [nm]
292 * \param Tmin_ns minimal time of emmision [ns]
293 * \param Tmax_ns minimal time of emmision [ns]
294 * \param engine scattering angle integrator
295 * \param numberOfPoints number of points for integration
296 * \param epsilon precision of points for integration
297 */
298 JLED_C(const double Area,
299 //
300 // pointers to static functions
301 //
302 const JAbstractLED* LED,
303 double (*QE) (const double),
304 double (*Pmt) (const double),
305 const double L_abs,
306 const double L_s,
307 double (*Km3) (const double),
308 //
309 // parameters for base class
310 //
311 const double P_atm,
312 const double wavelength,
313 const double Tmin_ns,
314 const double Tmax_ns,
315 const JQuadrature& engine = JCotangent(20),
316 const int numberOfPoints = 20,
317 const double epsilon = 1e-12) :
318 JLED(wavelength, Tmin_ns, Tmax_ns, engine, numberOfPoints, epsilon),
319 JDispersion(P_atm),
320 A (Area ),
321 led (LED ),
322 qe (QE ),
323 l_abs(L_abs),
324 ls (L_s ),
325 pmt (Pmt ),
326 km3 (Km3 )
327 {}
330 /**
331 * Light yield from LED (number of p.e. per unit solid angle per unit time).
332 *
333 * \param ct zenith angle of emission
334 * \param phi azimuth angle of emission
335 * \param dt time of emission [ns]
336 * \return d^2P / dOmega dt [npe/ns/sr]
337 */
338 virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct,
339 const double phi,
340 const double dt) const override
341 {
342 return led->getLightFromLED(ct, phi, dt);
343 }
346 /**
347 * Photo-cathode area of PMT.
348 *
349 * \return photo-cathode area [m^2]
350 */
351 virtual double getPhotocathodeArea() const override
352 {
353 return A;
354 }
357 /**
358 * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.).
359 *
360 * \param lambda wavelenth [nm]
361 * \return QE
362 */
363 virtual double getQE(const double lambda) const override
364 {
365 return qe(lambda);
366 }
369 /**
370 * Angular acceptance of PMT.
371 *
372 * \param ct cosine angle of incidence
373 * \return relative efficiency
374 */
375 virtual double getAngularAcceptance(const double ct) const override
376 {
377 return pmt(ct);
378 }
381 /**
382 * Absorption length.
383 *
384 * \param lambda wavelenth [nm]
385 * \return absorption length [m]
386 */
387 virtual double getAbsorptionLength(const double lambda) const override
388 {
389 return l_abs;
390 }
393 /**
394 * Scattering length.
395 *
396 * \param lambda wavelenth [nm]
397 * \return scattering length [m]
398 */
399 virtual double getScatteringLength(const double lambda) const override
400 {
401 return ls;
402 }
405 /**
406 * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water
407 * (integral over full solid angle normalised to one).
408 *
409 * \param ct cosine scattering angle
410 * \return probability
411 */
412 virtual double getScatteringProbability(const double ct) const override
413 {
414 return km3(ct);
415 }
417 protected:
418 /**
419 * photo-cathode area [m2]
420 */
421 const double A;
423 /**
424 * Pointer to interface for emission profile from LED
425 */
428 /**
429 * Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl. absorption in glass, gel, etc.)
430 *
431 * \param lambda wavelenth [nm]
432 * \return QE
433 */
434 double (*qe)(const double lambda);
436 /**
437 * Absorption length
438 */
439 double l_abs;
441 /**
442 * Scattering length
443 */
444 double ls;
446 /**
447 * Angular acceptance of PMT
448 *
449 * \param ct cosine angle of incidence
450 * \return relative efficiency
451 */
452 double (*pmt)(const double ct);
454 /**
455 * Model specific function to describe light scattering in water
456 *
457 * \param ct cosine scattering angle
458 * \return probability
459 */
460 double (*km3)(const double ct);
461 };
The elements in a collection are sorted according to their abscissa values and a given distance opera...
Physics constants.
Auxiliary classes for numerical integration.
int numberOfPoints
Interface for emission profile from LED.
Definition JLED.hh:34
virtual ~JAbstractLED()
Virtual destructor.
Definition JLED.hh:40
virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct, const double phi, const double dt) const =0
Light yield from LED (number of p.e.
virtual double getAbsorptionLength(const double lambda) const =0
Absorption length.
virtual double getScatteringLength(const double lambda) const =0
Scattering length.
virtual double getScatteringProbability(const double ct) const =0
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (integral over full solid angle normali...
virtual double getPhotocathodeArea() const =0
Photo-cathode area of PMT.
virtual double getQE(const double lambda) const =0
Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl.
virtual double getAngularAcceptance(const double ct) const =0
Angular acceptence of PMT.
virtual double getIndexOfRefractionGroup(const double lambda) const
Index of refraction for group velocity.
Implementation of dispersion for water in deep sea.
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT (C-like interface)
Definition JLED.hh:278
double(* qe)(const double lambda)
Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl.
Definition JLED.hh:434
double l_abs
Absorption length.
Definition JLED.hh:439
virtual double getAbsorptionLength(const double lambda) const override
Absorption length.
Definition JLED.hh:387
virtual double getScatteringLength(const double lambda) const override
Scattering length.
Definition JLED.hh:399
double(* pmt)(const double ct)
Angular acceptance of PMT.
Definition JLED.hh:452
double ls
Scattering length.
Definition JLED.hh:444
double(* km3)(const double ct)
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water.
Definition JLED.hh:460
virtual double getAngularAcceptance(const double ct) const override
Angular acceptance of PMT.
Definition JLED.hh:375
virtual double getLightFromLED(const double ct, const double phi, const double dt) const override
Light yield from LED (number of p.e.
Definition JLED.hh:338
const double A
photo-cathode area [m2]
Definition JLED.hh:421
const JAbstractLED * led
Pointer to interface for emission profile from LED.
Definition JLED.hh:426
JLED_C(const double Area, const JAbstractLED *LED, double(*QE)(const double), double(*Pmt)(const double), const double L_abs, const double L_s, double(*Km3)(const double), const double P_atm, const double wavelength, const double Tmin_ns, const double Tmax_ns, const JQuadrature &engine=JCotangent(20), const int numberOfPoints=20, const double epsilon=1e-12)
Definition JLED.hh:298
virtual double getScatteringProbability(const double ct) const override
Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (integral over full solid angle normali...
Definition JLED.hh:412
virtual double getQE(const double lambda) const override
Quantum efficiency of PMT (incl.
Definition JLED.hh:363
virtual double getPhotocathodeArea() const override
Photo-cathode area of PMT.
Definition JLED.hh:351
Probability Density Functions of the time response of a PMT.
Definition JLED.hh:66
JLED(const double lambda, const double Tmin_ns, const double Tmax_ns, const JQuadrature &engine=JCotangent(20), const int numberOfPoints=20, const double epsilon=1e-12)
Definition JLED.hh:78
JQuadrature main_engine
Definition JLED.hh:266
double tmin
Definition JLED.hh:263
JQuadrature beta_engine
Definition JLED.hh:267
double tmax
Definition JLED.hh:264
double getDirectLightFromLED(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const
Probability density function for direct light from LED.
Definition JLED.hh:108
double getScatteredLightFromLED(const double D_m, const double cd, const double theta, const double phi, const double t_ns) const
Probability density function for scattered light from LED.
Definition JLED.hh:147
std::vector< JElement3D_t > phi_engine
Definition JLED.hh:268
double wavelength
Definition JLED.hh:261
container_type::const_iterator const_iterator
Numerical integrator for .
Numerical integrator for .
Type definition for numerical integration.
Light yield from LED (number of p.e.
Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water.
JTOOLS::JElement3D< double, double > JElement3D_t
Definition JLED.hh:28
JTOOLS::JElement2D< double, double > JElement2D_t
Definition JLED.hh:27
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
2D Element.
Definition JPolint.hh:1131
3D Element.
Definition JElement.hh:494