2'''Calculate convergence angle from UTM coordinates in degrees
3Requires `pip install docopt numpy utm km3astro`
6 get_convergence_angle.py <easting> <northing> <zone> <letter>
9 easting UTM Easting of the site
10 northing UTM Northing of the site
14from docopt
import docopt
15from km3astro.coord
import convergence_angle
19args = docopt(__doc__, version=
20easting = args[
21northing = args[
23letter = args[
25latitude, longitude = utm.to_latlon(float(easting), float(northing), int(zone), letter)
26conv_angle = convergence_angle(latitude/180.*numpy.pi,longitude/180.*numpy.pi)*180./numpy.pi
"lat, long", latitude, longitude)
"convergence angle",conv_angle)
void print(const TH1 &h1, std::ostream &out)
Print histogram parameters.