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Namespaces | Functions
JMathToolkit.hh File Reference

Auxiliary methods for geometrical methods. More...

#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include "JLang/JException.hh"
#include "JMath/JZero.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Auxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations.
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


long long int JMATH::factorial (const long long int n)
 Determine factorial. More...
long long int JMATH::factorial (const long long int n, const long long int m)
 Determine combinatorics. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
bool JMATH::equals (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second, const double precision=std::numeric_limits< double >::min())
 Check equality. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
double JMATH::getDistanceSquared (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
 Get square of distance between objects. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
double JMATH::getDistance (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
 Get distance between objects. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
double JMATH::getDot (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
 Get dot product of objects. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
double JMATH::getAngle (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
 Get space angle between objects. More...
template<class JFirst_t , class JSecond_t >
double JMATH::getPerpDot (const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
 Get perpendicular dot product of objects. More...
template<class T >
JMATH::getCross (const T &first, const T &second)
 Get cross product of objects. More...
template<class T >
std::vector< T > JMATH::convolve (const std::vector< T > &input, const std::vector< T > &kernel)
 Convolute data with given kernel. More...

Detailed Description

Auxiliary methods for geometrical methods.

In this, the action of each global method is transferred to the corresponding member method of the leading (first) argument, e.g:

getXXX(first, second, ...)


first.getXXX(second, ...)


Definition in file JMathToolkit.hh.