Jpp  master_rocky
the software that should make you happy
Namespaces | Functions
JUNESCO.hh File Reference

Sound velocity according UNESCO equation. More...

#include "JMath/JConstants.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Auxiliary classes and methods for acoustic position calibration.
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


double JACOUSTICS::getGravity (const double phi)
 Get gravitational constant. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getVelocityMackenzie (const double D, const double S, const double T)
 Get sound velocity. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getVelocityCoppens (const double D, const double S, const double T)
 Get sound velocity. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getVelocityUNESCO (const double P, const double S, const double T)
 Get sound velocity. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getVelocityDelGrosso (const double p, const double S, const double T)
 Get sound velocity. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getDepth (const double P, const double phi, const bool option=true)
 Get depth. More...
double JACOUSTICS::getPressure (const double z, const double phi, const bool option=true)
 Get pressure. More...

Detailed Description

Sound velocity according UNESCO equation.


Definition in file JUNESCO.hh.