Jpp test-rotations-new
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1#ifndef __JMATH__JMATH__
2#define __JMATH__JMATH__
4#include <cmath>
5#include <iterator>
7#include "JLang/JNullType.hh"
8#include "JLang/JClass.hh"
9#include "JLang/JBool.hh"
10#include "JLang/JVectorize.hh"
11#include "JLang/JException.hh"
12#include "JMath/JZero.hh"
16 * \file
17 *
18 * Base class for data structures with artithmetic capabilities.
19 * \author mdejong
20 */
21namespace JMATH {}
22namespace JPP { using namespace JMATH; }
24namespace JGEOMETRY3D { class JQuaternion3D; }
26namespace JMATH {
28 using JLANG::JNullType;
33 /**
34 * Power \f$ x^{y} \f$.
35 *
36 * \param x value
37 * \param y power
38 * \return result
39 */
40 template<class T>
41 inline T pow(const T& x, const double y);
44 /**
45 * Auxiliary class to hide data type specific methods.
46 */
47 struct JMath_t {
48 /**
49 * Friend declaration of global method.
50 */
51 template<class T>
52 friend T JMATH::pow(const T&, const double y);
54 private:
55 /**
56 * Power \f$ x^{y} \f$.
57 * This method corresponds to primitive data types.
58 *
59 * \param x value
60 * \param y power
61 * \param option true
62 * \return result
63 */
64 template<class T>
65 static inline T pow(const T& x, const double y, const JLANG::JBool<true> option)
66 {
67 return std::pow(x, y);
68 }
71 /**
72 * Power \f$ x^{y} \f$.
73 *
74 * This method corresponds to non-primitive data types.
75 *
76 * \param x value
77 * \param y power
78 * \param option false
79 * \return result
80 */
81 template<class T>
82 static inline T pow(const T& x, const double y, const JLANG::JBool<false> option)
83 {
84 return T(x).pow(y);
85 }
86 };
89 /**
90 * Power \f$ x^{y} \f$.
91 *
92 * \param x value
93 * \param y power
94 * \return result
95 */
96 template<class T>
97 inline T pow(const T& x, const double y)
98 {
99 using namespace JPP;
102 }
105 /**
106 * Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types.
107 */
108 template<class JFirst_t, class JSecond_t = JNullType>
109 struct JMath;
112 /**
113 * Template base class for data structures with arithmetic capabilities.
114 *
115 * This class provides for the operators <tt> - += -= *= /= + - * / </tt>.\n
116 * To this end, the template parameter should privide for the corresponding member methods:
117 * <pre>
118 * T& negate();
119 * T& add(const T& object);
120 * T& sub(const T& object);
121 * T& mul(const double factor);
122 * T& div(const double factor);
123 * </pre>
124 *
125 * This class also provides for the object multiplication operators <tt>*= *</tt>.\n
126 * To this end, the template parameter should then also provide for the member method:
127 * <pre>
128 * T& mul(const T&, const T&);
129 * </pre>
130 *
131 * This class adds interpolation functionality.\n
132 * This class uses in-class friend operators (see Barton-Nackman trick).
133 */
134 template<class T>
135 struct JMath<T, JNullType> {
136 /**
137 * Affirm operator.
138 *
139 * \param object this object
140 * \return affirmed object
141 */
142 friend T operator+(const T& object)
143 {
144 return T(object);
145 }
148 /**
149 * Negate operator.
150 *
151 * \param object this object
152 * \return negated object
153 */
154 friend T operator-(const T& object)
155 {
156 return T(object).negate();
157 }
160 /**
161 * Add object.
162 *
163 * \param object this object
164 * \param value value
165 * \return this object
166 */
167 friend T& operator+=(T& object, const T& value)
168 {
169 return object.add(value);
170 }
173 /**
174 * Subtract object.
175 *
176 * \param object this object
177 * \param value value
178 * \return this object
179 */
180 friend T& operator-=(T& object, const T& value)
181 {
182 return object.sub(value);
183 }
186 /**
187 * Scale object.
188 *
189 * \param object this object
190 * \param factor factor
191 * \return this object
192 */
193 friend T& operator*=(T& object, const double factor)
194 {
195 return object.mul(factor);
196 }
199 /**
200 * Scale object.
201 *
202 * \param object this object
203 * \param factor factor
204 * \return this object
205 */
206 friend T& operator/=(T& object, const double factor)
207 {
208 return object.div(factor);
209 }
212 /**
213 * Add objects.
214 *
215 * \param first first object
216 * \param second second object
217 * \return result object
218 */
219 friend T operator+(const T& first, const T& second)
220 {
221 return T(first).add(second);
222 }
225 /**
226 * Subtract objects.
227 *
228 * \param first first object
229 * \param second second object
230 * \return result object
231 */
232 friend T operator-(const T& first, const T& second)
233 {
234 return T(first).sub(second);
235 }
238 /**
239 * Scale object.
240 *
241 * \param object object
242 * \param factor factor
243 * \return object
244 */
245 friend T operator*(const T& object, const double factor)
246 {
247 return T(object).mul(factor);
248 }
251 /**
252 * Scale object.
253 *
254 * \param factor factor
255 * \param object object
256 * \return object
257 */
258 friend T operator*(const double factor, const T& object)
259 {
260 return T(object).mul(factor);
261 }
264 /**
265 * Scale object.
266 *
267 * \param object object
268 * \param factor factor
269 * \return object
270 */
271 friend T operator/(const T& object, const double factor)
272 {
273 return T(object).div(factor);
274 }
277 /**
278 * Multiply with object.
279 *
280 * \param object object
281 * \return result object
282 */
283 T& mul(const T& object)
284 {
285 return (static_cast<T&>(*this) = T().mul(static_cast<const T&>(*this), object));
286 }
289 /**
290 * Multiply with object.
291 *
292 * \param first first object
293 * \param second second object
294 * \return result object
295 */
296 friend T& operator*=(T& first, const T& second)
297 {
298 return static_cast<JMath<T>&>(first).mul(second);
299 }
302 /**
303 * Multiply objects.
304 *
305 * \param first first object
306 * \param second second object
307 * \return calculator
308 */
309 friend T operator*(const T& first, const T& second)
310 {
311 return T().mul(first, second);
312 }
315 /**
316 * Interpolation between objects.
317 * The result is equal to <tt>*this = (1 - alpha) * (*this) + (alpha) * (object)</tt>.
318 *
319 * \param object object
320 * \param alpha interpolation factor <tt>[0, 1]</tt>
321 * \return this object
322 */
323 T& interpolate(const T& object, const double alpha)
324 {
325 static_cast<T*>(this)->mul(1.0 - alpha);
326 static_cast<T*>(this)->add(T(object).mul(alpha));
328 return static_cast<T&>(*this);
329 }
330 };
333 /**
334 * Specialisation of JMath for two data types.
335 *
336 * This class provides for the object multiplication operators <tt>*= *</tt>.
337 * The template parameter should then have the member method:
338 * <pre>
339 * JFirst_t& mul(const JFirst_t&, const JSecond_t&);
340 * </pre>
341 * where <tt>JFirst_t</tt> and <tt>JSecond_t</tt> refer to the first and second template parameter, respectively.
342 *
343 * This class uses in-class friend operators (see Barton-Nackman trick).
344 */
345 template<class JFirst_t, class JSecond_t>
346 struct JMath
347 {
348 /**
349 * Multiply with object.
350 *
351 * \param object object
352 * \return result object
353 */
354 JFirst_t& mul(const JSecond_t& object)
355 {
356 return static_cast<JFirst_t&>(*this) = JFirst_t().mul(static_cast<const JFirst_t&>(*this), object);
357 }
360 /**
361 * Multiply with object.
362 *
363 * \param first first object
364 * \param second second object
365 * \return result object
366 */
367 friend JFirst_t& operator*=(JFirst_t& first, const JSecond_t& second)
368 {
369 return first.mul(second);
370 }
373 /**
374 * Multiply objects.
375 *
376 * \param first first object
377 * \param second second object
378 * \return result object
379 */
380 friend JFirst_t operator*(const JFirst_t& first, const JSecond_t& second)
381 {
382 return JFirst_t(first).mul(second);
383 }
384 };
387 /**
388 * Interpolation between objects.
389 * The result is equal to <tt>result = (1 - alpha) * (first) + (alpha) * (second)</tt>.
390 *
391 * \param first first object
392 * \param second second object
393 * \param alpha interpolation factor <tt>[0, 1]</tt>
394 * \return result
395 */
396 template<class T>
397 inline T interpolate(const T& first,
398 const T& second,
399 const double alpha)
400 {
401 return T(first).interpolate(second, alpha);
402 }
405 /**
406 * Auxiliary class to determine average of set of values.
407 */
408 template<class JValue_t>
409 struct JAverage {
410 /**
411 * Default constructor.
412 */
414 value (getZero<JValue_t>()),
415 weight(0.0)
416 {}
419 /**
420 * Constructor.
421 *
422 * \param __begin begin of data
423 * \param __end end of data
424 */
425 template<class T>
426 JAverage(T __begin, T __end) :
427 value (getZero<JValue_t>()),
428 weight(0.0)
429 {
430 for (T i = __begin; i != __end; ++i) {
431 value += (*i);
432 weight += 1.0;
433 }
434 }
437 /**
438 * Reset.
439 */
440 void reset()
441 {
442 this->value = getZero<JValue_t>();
443 this->weight = 0.0;
444 }
447 /**
448 * Type conversion operator.
449 *
450 * \return value
451 */
452 operator JValue_t () const
453 {
454 if (weight != 0.0)
455 return value * (1.0 / weight);
456 else
457 THROW(JDivisionByZero, "Invalid weight.");
458 }
461 /**
462 * Put value.
463 *
464 * \param value value
465 * \param w weight
466 */
467 void put(const JValue_t& value, const double w = 1.0)
468 {
469 this->value += value;
470 this->weight += w;
471 }
473 private:
474 JValue_t value;
475 double weight;
476 };
479 /**
480 * Template definition so that compiler error is generated if implementation is missing (see JEigen3D.hh).
481 */
482 template<>
486 /**
487 * Get average.
488 *
489 * \param __begin begin of data
490 * \param __end end of data
491 * \return average value
492 */
493 template<class T>
494 typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type getAverage(T __begin, T __end)
495 {
496 typedef typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type value_type;
498 return JAverage<value_type>(__begin, __end);
499 }
502 /**
503 * Get average.
504 *
505 * \param array c-array of values
506 * \return average value
507 */
508 template<class JValue_t, size_t N>
509 inline JValue_t getAverage(const JValue_t (&array)[N])
510 {
511 typedef JValue_t value_type;
513 return JAverage<value_type>((const value_type*) array, (const value_type*) array + N);
514 }
517 /**
518 * Get average.
519 *
520 * \param buffer input data
521 * \return average value
522 */
523 template<class JElement_t, class JAllocator_t>
525 {
526 return JAverage<JElement_t>(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
527 }
530 /**
531 * Get average.
532 *
533 * \param __begin begin of data
534 * \param __end end of data
535 * \param value default value
536 * \return average value
537 */
538 template<class T>
539 typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type getAverage(T __begin, T __end, typename std::iterator_traits<T>::value_type value)
540 {
541 try {
542 return getAverage(__begin, __end);
543 }
544 catch(const std::exception&) {
545 return value;
546 }
547 }
550 /**
551 * Get average.
552 *
553 * \param array c-array of values
554 * \param value default value
555 * \return average value
556 */
557 template<class JValue_t, size_t N>
558 inline JValue_t getAverage(const JValue_t (&array)[N], typename JLANG::JClass<JValue_t>::argument_type value)
559 {
560 try {
561 return getAverage(array);
562 }
563 catch(const std::exception&) {
564 return value;
565 }
566 }
569 /**
570 * Get average.
571 *
572 * \param buffer input data
573 * \param value default value
574 * \return average value
575 */
576 template<class JElement_t, class JAllocator_t>
578 {
579 try {
580 return getAverage(buffer);
581 }
582 catch(const std::exception&) {
583 return value;
584 }
585 }
#define THROW(JException_t, A)
Marco for throwing exception with std::ostream compatible message.
Auxiliary methods to convert data members or return values of member methods of a set of objects to a...
Definition of zero value for any class.
Data structure for unit quaternion in three dimensions.
Exception for division by zero.
Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations.
Definition JAngle3D.hh:19
Auxiliary classes and methods for mathematical operations.
Definition JEigen3D.hh:88
T getZero()
Get zero value for a given data type.
Definition JZero.hh:26
T interpolate(const T &first, const T &second, const double alpha)
Interpolation between objects.
Definition JMath.hh:397
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
Definition JMath.hh:97
std::iterator_traits< T >::value_type getAverage(T __begin, T __end)
Get average.
Definition JMath.hh:494
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary template class for type bool.
Definition JBool.hh:21
Template for generic class types.
Definition JClass.hh:80
JArgument< T >::argument_type argument_type
Definition JClass.hh:82
Auxiliary class for no type definition.
Definition JNullType.hh:19
Auxiliary data structure for return type of make methods.
Definition JVectorize.hh:28
Auxiliary class to determine average of set of values.
Definition JMath.hh:409
JValue_t value
Definition JMath.hh:474
void put(const JValue_t &value, const double w=1.0)
Put value.
Definition JMath.hh:467
JAverage(T __begin, T __end)
Definition JMath.hh:426
double weight
Definition JMath.hh:475
Default constructor.
Definition JMath.hh:413
void reset()
Definition JMath.hh:440
friend T & operator/=(T &object, const double factor)
Scale object.
Definition JMath.hh:206
friend T operator+(const T &first, const T &second)
Add objects.
Definition JMath.hh:219
friend T & operator+=(T &object, const T &value)
Add object.
Definition JMath.hh:167
friend T operator/(const T &object, const double factor)
Scale object.
Definition JMath.hh:271
friend T operator*(const double factor, const T &object)
Scale object.
Definition JMath.hh:258
friend T & operator*=(T &object, const double factor)
Scale object.
Definition JMath.hh:193
friend T operator*(const T &first, const T &second)
Multiply objects.
Definition JMath.hh:309
friend T & operator-=(T &object, const T &value)
Subtract object.
Definition JMath.hh:180
friend T operator*(const T &object, const double factor)
Scale object.
Definition JMath.hh:245
friend T & operator*=(T &first, const T &second)
Multiply with object.
Definition JMath.hh:296
T & interpolate(const T &object, const double alpha)
Interpolation between objects.
Definition JMath.hh:323
friend T operator-(const T &first, const T &second)
Subtract objects.
Definition JMath.hh:232
T & mul(const T &object)
Multiply with object.
Definition JMath.hh:283
friend T operator+(const T &object)
Affirm operator.
Definition JMath.hh:142
friend T operator-(const T &object)
Negate operator.
Definition JMath.hh:154
Auxiliary class to hide data type specific methods.
Definition JMath.hh:47
static T pow(const T &x, const double y, const JLANG::JBool< true > option)
Power .
Definition JMath.hh:65
static T pow(const T &x, const double y, const JLANG::JBool< false > option)
Power .
Definition JMath.hh:82
friend T JMATH::pow(const T &, const double y)
Friend declaration of global method.
Auxiliary base class for aritmetic operations of derived class types.
Definition JMath.hh:347
friend JFirst_t & operator*=(JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
Multiply with object.
Definition JMath.hh:367
friend JFirst_t operator*(const JFirst_t &first, const JSecond_t &second)
Multiply objects.
Definition JMath.hh:380
JFirst_t & mul(const JSecond_t &object)
Multiply with object.
Definition JMath.hh:354