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namespace | JPHYSICS |
| Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water.
namespace | JPP |
| This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
double | JPHYSICS::getThetaMCS (const double E, const double x, const double X0, const double M, const double Q) |
| Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle.
double | JPHYSICS::getThetaMCS (const double E, const double x) |
| Get multiple Coulomb scattering angle for muon.
double | JPHYSICS::henyey_greenstein (const double g, const double x) |
| Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Henyey-Greenstein).
double | JPHYSICS::henyey_greenstein (const double x) |
| Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Heneyey-Greenstein).
double | JPHYSICS::rayleigh (const double a, const double x) |
| Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh).
double | JPHYSICS::rayleigh (const double x) |
| Auxiliary method to describe light scattering in water (Rayleigh).
double | JPHYSICS::f4 (const double x) |
| Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (f4).
double | JPHYSICS::p00075 (const double x) |
| Model specific function to describe light scattering in water (p00075).