36int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
54 JParser<> zap(
"Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a muon using tabulated CDF.");
58 zap[
'E'] =
"muon energy [GeV]") = 1.0;
59 zap[
'R'] =
"distance of approach [m]");
60 zap[
'D'] =
"(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]");
67 catch(
const exception& error) {
68 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
80 const int N = inputFile.size();
87 for (
int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
"loading input from file " << inputFile[i] <<
"... " << flush);
91 type[i] = getPDFType(inputFile[i]);
93 cdf [i].load(inputFile[i].c_str());
99 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
109 cout <<
"> " << flush;
114 for (
int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
121 if (is_bremsstrahlung(type[i])) {
123 }
else if (is_deltarays(type[i])) {
124 npe *= getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E);
127 cout <<
' ' <<
FIXED(6,2) << t <<
' ' <<
FIXED(5,2) << npe;
129 catch(
const exception& error) {
130 ERROR(error.what() << endl);
143 if (inputFile.size() == 1 && getPDFType(inputFile[0]) == DIRECT_LIGHT_FROM_MUON) {
151 const double t0 = 0.0;
160 for ( ; x < -10.0; x += 5.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
161 for ( ; x < +20.0; x += 1.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
162 for ( ; x < +50.0; x += 2.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
165 for ( ; x < +100.0; x += 5.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
166 for ( ; x < +250.0; x += 10.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
167 for ( ; x < +500.0; x += 25.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
168 for ( ; x < +900.0; x += 50.0) { X.push_back(t0 + x); }
171 h0 =
new TH1D(
"h0", NULL, X.size() - 1, X.data());
180 JManager<int, TH1D> H1(
new TH1D(
"h1[%]", NULL, 100000, 0.0, +1.0));
182 for (
int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
184 for (
int j = 1; j <= H1->GetNbinsX(); ++j) {
188 const double x = H1->GetBinCenter(j);
189 const double t = cdf[i].getTime(R, dir.
getTheta(), dir.
getPhi(), x);
191 H1[i]->SetBinContent(j, t);
193 catch(
const exception& error) {
194 ERROR(error.what() << endl);
199 if (numberOfEvents > 0) {
205 for (
int counter = 0; counter != numberOfEvents; ++counter) {
207 if (counter%1000== 0) {
213 for (
int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
219 if (is_bremsstrahlung(type[i])) {
221 }
else if (is_deltarays(type[i])) {
222 npe *= getDeltaRaysFromMuon(E);
225 for (
int j = gRandom->Poisson(npe); j != 0; --j) {
227 const double x = gRandom->Rndm();
228 const double t = cdf[i].getTime(R, dir.
getTheta(), dir.
getPhi(), x);
233 catch(
const exception& error) {
234 NOTICE(error.what() << endl);
242 const double W = 1.0 / (double) numberOfEvents;
245 timer.
print(cout, W);
248 convertToPDF(*h0,
"WE", W);