Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- _ -
- __a : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D
- __address : JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, true >::JAddress
- __alpha : JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerAngle3D
- __azimuth : JASTRONOMY::JNeutrinoDirection
- __b : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D
- __begin : JDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset< JComparator_t >::range_type, JLANG::JSTDObjectIterator< T >, JTRIGGER::JClone< JContainer_t >
- __beta : JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerAngle3D
- __By : JFIT::JShower3EZ, JFIT::JShowerEH
- __c : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D
- __custom : JPARSER::JProxy< T, false >, JPARSER::JProxy< T, true >
- __d : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D
- __data : JIO::JByteArrayReader, JNET::JSocketBuffer< JElement_t >
- __declination : JASTRONOMY::JSourceLocation
- __dx : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY2D::JVersor2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3Z
- __dy : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY2D::JVersor2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3Z
- __dz : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3D
- __E : JFIT::JFit, JFIT::JPoint4E, JFIT::JShower3EZ, JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3E, JSIRENE::JPoint
- __Eem : JFIT::JShowerEH
- __Eh : JFIT::JShowerEH
- __element : JPARSER::JCSV< JType_t >
- __end : JDETECTOR::JDetectorSubset< JComparator_t >::range_type, JLANG::JSTDObjectIterator< T >, JTRIGGER::JClone< JContainer_t >
- __Es : JSIRENE::JPoint
- __f : JTOOLS::JExternalFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >
- __from : JLANG::JStreamState
- __gal_latitude : JASTRONOMY::JGalacticCoordinates
- __gal_longitude : JASTRONOMY::JGalacticCoordinates
- __gamma : JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerAngle3D
- __help : JPARSER::JParserElementInterface
- __i : JLANG::JSTDObjectIterator< T >, JTOOLS::JRebin< JElement_t >, JTRIGGER::JClone< JContainer_t >
- __ID : JLANG::JLabel_t
- __id : JLANG::JObjectID
- __in : JLANG::JStreamObjectIterator< T >
- __is_valid : JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, true >::JAddress
- __latitude : JASTRONOMY::JGeographicalLocation
- __longitude : JASTRONOMY::JGeographicalLocation
- __m : JMATH::JMatrixND_t
- __n : JFIT::JK40Hit, JFIT::JNPEHit, JFIT::JPMTW0, JFIT::JShowerNPEHit, JMATH::JMatrixND_t, JTOOLS::JRebin< JElement_t >, JTRIGGER::JHitR1
- __name : JLANG::JLabel_t, JPARSER::JParserElementInterface
- __NDF : JFIT::JFit
- __object : JLANG::JReference< JClass_t >, JLANG::JReference< const JClass_t >
- __option : JPARSER::JProxy< T, false >, JPARSER::JProxy< T, true >
- __out : JLANG::JPrinter, JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< T >, JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< T >, JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< T >
- __p : JLANG::JPointer< JClass_t >, JMATH::JMatrixND_t, JROOT::JRootFileReader< T, false >
- __phi : JGEOMETRY2D::JAngle2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JAngle3D
- __pointer : JLANG::JReference< JClass_t *const >
- __pos : JIO::JByteArrayReader, JIO::JByteArrayWriter
- __Q : JFIT::JFit
- __r : JGEOMETRY2D::JCircle2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JSphere3D
- __Rdom : DomCrossing
- __right_ascension : JASTRONOMY::JSourceLocation
- __sep : JLANG::JStreamObjectOutput< T >, JROOT::JRootStreamObjectOutput< T >, JROOT::JSonObjectOutput< T >
- __size : JIO::JByteArrayReader, JNET::JSocketBuffer< JElement_t >
- __status : JFIT::JFit
- __str__ : JLANG::JPrintHelper::JMemberMethod< T, is_primitive >, JLANG::JPrintHelper::JMemberMethod< T, true >
- __supervisor : JTOOLS::JFunction< JArgument_t, JResult_t >
- __t : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY3D::JTime
- __t0 : time_converter
- __t1 : time_converter
- __theta : JGEOMETRY3D::JAngle3D
- __to : JLANG::JStreamState
- __u : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion2D, JTOOLS::JSplineElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __v : JTOOLS::JPolintElement2S< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JSplineElement2S< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __value : JLANG::JParameter< T >, JPARSER::JProxy< T, true >
- __version : JLANG::JLabel_t
- __w : JTRIGGER::JHitR1
- __w2 : JTOOLS::JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __X : JFIT::JEnergy
- __x : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY2D::JVector2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JElement3D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __Y : JGEOMETRY3D::JTrack3EY
- __y : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY2D::JVector2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D, JTOOLS::JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JContent< JElement_t >, JTOOLS::JElement2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JElement3D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __z : JFIT::JFit, JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D, JTOOLS::JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JElement3D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >
- __zenith : JASTRONOMY::JNeutrinoDirection
- _npe : JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JLine3Z, JGandalf >, JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JShower3EZ, JAbstractMinimiser >, JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JShower3EZ, JGandalf >, JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JShower3EZ, JSimplex >
- _pdf : JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JLine3Z, JGandalf >, JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JPoint4E, JGandalf >
- _Y1 : JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JEnergy >
- _YA : JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JEnergy >
- _YB : JFIT::JRegressorStorage< JEnergy >