struct | data_type |
| Template definition of data structure for set of data points. More...
struct | data_type< m_1d< T > > |
| Template specialisation of data structure for set of 1D data points. More...
struct | data_type< m_2d< T > > |
| Template specialisation of data structure for set of 2D data points. More...
struct | data_type< m_3d< T > > |
| Template specialisation of data structure for set of 3D data points. More...
struct | index_list |
| Auxiliary data structure for list of fixed parameters. More...
class | JAbstractComparator |
| Interface for comparison of a template class. More...
class | JAbstractStreamer |
| Forward declaration of writer object. More...
struct | JAbstractTreeReader |
| Interface for TTree reading. More...
class | JAbstractType |
| Interface for handling of a template class. More...
class | JAbstractTypewriter |
| Interface for printing of a template class. More...
class | JActionAtFileOpen |
| Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at opening of a ROOT file. More...
class | JActionAtFileRead |
| Auxiliary class to handle version management of given class at reading from a ROOT file. More...
struct | JASCIIFileReader |
| Auxiliary class to read objects with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file. More...
struct | JASCIIFileWriter |
| Auxiliary class to write object with ROOT dictionary from ASCII formatted file. More...
struct | JBranchClass |
| ROOT readable class for TBranch . More...
class | JCanvas |
| Data structure for size of TCanvas. More...
class | JChainReader |
| Auxiliary class for template TChain reading. More...
class | JClassDef |
| Test ROOT ClassDef. More...
struct | JClassStreamer |
| Auxiliary class to add the I/O capabilities of the given template class to the general JRootDictionary class. More...
class | JDataFrame |
| Auxiliary class for parsing data from ROOT data frame. More...
struct | JF1 |
| Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 1D function. More...
struct | JF2 |
| Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 2D function. More...
struct | JF3 |
| Wrapper data structure to build ROOT 3D function. More...
struct | JFitParameter_t |
| Auxiliary data structure for a parameter index and its value. More...
struct | JGraph |
| Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph. More...
struct | JGraph2D |
| Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2D. More...
struct | JGraph2D_t |
| Data structure for graph data. More...
struct | JGraph2DErrors |
| Auxiliary data structure to build TGraph2DErrors. More...
struct | JGraph2DErrors_t |
| Data structure for graph data. More...
struct | JGraph_t |
| Data structure for graph data. More...
struct | JGraphErrors |
| Auxiliary data structure to build TGraphErrors. More...
struct | JGraphErrors_t |
| Data structure for graph data. More...
class | JLineAttributes |
| Auxiliary class to set line attributes. More...
class | JManager |
| Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys. More...
class | JMarkerAttributes |
| Auxiliary class to set marker attributes. More...
class | JObjectComparator |
| Implementation for comparison of a template class. More...
class | JObjectStreamer |
| JObjectStreamer class. More...
class | JObjectType |
| Implementation for handling of a template class. More...
class | JObjectTypewriter |
| Implementation for printing of a template class. More...
struct | JRandom |
| Auxiliary data structure to configure random number generator. More...
struct | JRoot |
struct | JRootAddress |
| Auxiliary classd for address handling within TTree or TChain. More...
struct | JRootAddressableClass |
| Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class objects. More...
struct | JRootClass |
| Auxiliary class to manage access to base classes and data members of ROOT class. More...
struct | JROOTClassSelection |
| Auxiliary class for ROOT class selection. More...
struct | JROOTClassSelector |
| Auxiliary class to select ROOT class based on class name. More...
class | JRootComparator |
| ROOT comparator. More...
class | JRootCreateFlatTree |
class | JRootCreateFlatTree< JACOUSTICS::JToA > |
class | JRootDictionary |
| Default implementation of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O. More...
struct | JRootDictionary_t |
| Type definition of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O. More...
class | JRootFile |
| ROOT file. More...
class | JRootFileObjectOutput |
| Implementation of object output to ROOT file for single data type. More...
class | JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JRootObjectOutput class. More...
class | JRootFileObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object output to ROOT file for multiple data types. More...
class | JRootFileReader |
| ROOT file reader. More...
class | JRootFileReader< T, false > |
| Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree incompatible iteration. More...
class | JRootFileReader< T, true > |
| Tempate specialisation of JRootFileReader for TTree compatible iteration. More...
class | JRootFileWriter |
| ROOT file object output. More...
class | JRootfit |
| ROOT Fit. More...
class | JRootfit_t |
| Base class for result of ROOT Fit. More...
class | JRootInputFile |
| ROOT input file. More...
struct | JRootLabel |
| Replica of structure JLANG::JLabel for data types with ROOT I/O. More...
class | JRootObjectOutput |
| Template definition of ROOT object output. More...
class | JRootObjectOutput< T, false > |
| Implementation of object output using TDirectory::WriteTObject method. More...
class | JRootObjectOutput< T, true > |
| Implementation of object output using TTree. More...
class | JRootOutputFile |
| ROOT output file. More...
struct | JRootPrimitiveTypes |
struct | JRootPrinter |
| Auxiliary class for printing objects in ASCII format using JRootWriter. More...
struct | JRootReadableClass |
| ROOT class for reading into object. More...
class | JRootReader |
| Implementation for ASCII input of objects with ROOT dictionary. More...
struct | JRootStreamer |
| Auxiliary template class to define default implementation of the ROOT streamer. More...
class | JRootStreamObjectOutput |
| Template implementation of stream output for single data type based on ROOT dictionary. More...
class | JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JRootStreamObjectOutput class. More...
class | JRootStreamObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types. More...
class | JRootTypesHandler |
| Auxiliary class for handling ROOT types. More...
class | JRootTypewriter |
| ROOT type writer. More...
struct | JRootWritableClass |
| ROOT class for writing from object. More...
class | JRootWriter |
| Implementation for ASCII output of objects with ROOT dictionary. More...
class | JSonObjectOutput |
| Template implementation of stream output for single data type. More...
class | JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JSonObjectOutput class. More...
class | JSonObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Template specialisationimplementation of stream object output for multiple data types. More...
class | JStyle |
| Wrapper class around ROOT TStyle. More...
class | JTreeBranchAddresses |
| Class responsible to setup TTree branch addresses for reading objects of type T. More...
class | JTreeCopyWriter |
| Implementation for template TTree writing and copying. More...
struct | JTreeCopyWriterInterface |
| Interface for template TTree writing and copying. More...
class | JTreeParameters |
| Data structure for TTree parameters. More...
class | JTreeParametersAvailable |
| Test availability of TTree parameters for given class. More...
class | JTreeReader |
| Auxiliary class for template TTree reading. More...
class | JTreeReaderAccessibleObjectIterator |
| JTemplateTreeReader object iterator. More...
class | JTreeReaderObjectIterator |
| JTreeReader object iterator. More...
class | JTreeWriter |
| Auxiliary class for default template TTree writing. More...
class | JTreeWriter< T, true > |
| Template specialisation for flat template TTree writing. More...
class | JTreeWriterObjectOutput |
| JTreeWriter object output. More...
class | JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JTreeWriterObjectOutput class. More...
class | JTreeWriterObjectOutput< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of JTreeWriterObjectOutput for multiple data types. More...
struct | m_1d |
| 1D data point. More...
struct | m_2d |
| 2D data point. More...
struct | m_3d |
| 3D data point. More...
struct | m_count |
| Data point for counting measurement. More...
struct | m_value |
| Data point for value with error. More...
counter_type | advance (counter_type &counter, const counter_type value, const counter_type limit=std::numeric_limits< counter_type >::max()) |
| Advance counter.
TLegend * | getLegend (const Int_t width, const Int_t height, const std::string option, const Double_t factor=1.0) |
| Get legend.
template<class JKey_t , class JValue_t > |
void | resetObject (JManager< JKey_t, JValue_t > *object, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset JManager object.
const TDataMember * | getDataMember (const JRootClass &parent, const JRootClass &member) |
| Get ROOT data member for given parent and member class.
template<class JType_t , class JClass_t > |
const TDataMember * | getDataMember (JType_t JClass_t::*pd) |
| Get ROOT data member for given C++ data member.
template<class T > |
std::vector< TDataMember * > | getListOfDataMembers () |
| Get list of ROOT data members for given class.
template<class T > |
std::set< JROOTClassSelector > | getROOTClassSelection (const bool option=false) |
| Get ROOT class selection.
template<class T > |
void | getObject (TFile *file, const TString &key, T *&ps) |
| Read object from ROOT file.
bool | putObject (TDirectory &dir, const TObject &object) |
| Write object to ROOT directory.
template<class T > |
JAssert<!JConversion< T, TObject >::is_derived, bool >::type | putObject (TDirectory &dir, const T &object) |
| Write object to ROOT directory.
bool | putObject (TDirectory *dir, const TObject &object) |
| Write object to ROOT directory.
template<class T > |
JAssert<!JConversion< T, TObject >::is_derived, bool >::type | putObject (TDirectory *dir, const T &object) |
| Write object to ROOT directory.
range_type | getRange (TAxis *pAxis) |
| Get range of given axis.
template<class T , class JF1_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF1_t > | Fit (const TH1 &h1, const JF1_t &f1, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T , class JF1_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF1_t > | Fit (TH1 *h1, const JF1_t &f1, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T , class JF2_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF2_t > | Fit (const TH2 &h2, const JF2_t &f2, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type(), const range_type &Y=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T , class JF2_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF2_t > | Fit (TH2 *h2, const JF2_t &f2, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type(), const range_type &Y=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T , class JF3_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF3_t > | Fit (const TH3 &h3, const JF3_t &f3, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type(), const range_type &Y=range_type(), const range_type &Z=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T , class JF3_t > |
JRootfit_t< JF3_t > | Fit (TH3 *h3, const JF3_t &f3, const index_list &ls=index_list(), const range_type &X=range_type(), const range_type &Y=range_type(), const range_type &Z=range_type()) |
| Global fit fuction.
template<class T > |
Double_t | getResult (const TString &text, const T &object, const JRootDictionary_t &dictionary=JRootDictionary::getInstance()) |
| Get result of given textual formula.
template<class T > |
void | actionAtFileOpen (TFile *file) |
| General action method at file open.
template<class T > |
void | actionAtFileRead (T *object) |
| General action method at file read.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH1 *h1, const T &f1) |
| Fill 1D histogram according Poisson statistics with expectation values from given 1D function.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH2 *h2, const T &f2) |
| Fill 2D histogram according Poisson statistics with expectation values from given 2D function.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH3 *h3, const T &f3) |
| Fill 3D histogram according Poisson statistics with expectation values from given 3D function.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH1 *h1, const T &f1, const size_t ns) |
| Fill 1D histogram according PDF as given 1D function.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH2 *h2, const T &f2, const size_t ns) |
| Fill 2D histogram according PDF as given 2D function.
template<class T > |
void | FillRandom (TH3 *h3, const T &f3, const size_t ns) |
| Fill 3D histogram according PDF as given 3D function.
template<class T > |
const char * | getName () |
| Get ROOT name of given data type.
template<class T > |
const char * | getName (const JType< T > &type) |
| Get ROOT name of given data type.
void | resetObject (TH3 *h3, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TH3 object.
void | resetObject (TH2 *h2, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TH2 object.
void | resetObject (TH1 *h1, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TH1 object.
void | resetObject (TGraph *g1, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TGraph object.
void | resetObject (TGraphErrors *g1, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TGraphErrors object.
void | resetObject (TGraphAsymmErrors *g1, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TGraphAsymmErrors object.
void | resetObject (TGraph2D *g2, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TGraph2D object.
void | resetObject (TGraph2DErrors *g2, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TGraph2DErrors object.
void | resetObject (TMultiGraph *gs, const bool reset=false) |
| Reset TMultiGraph object.
void | AddPoint (TGraph *g1, const Double_t x, const Double_t y) |
| Add point to TGraph.
void | AddPoint (TGraphErrors *g1, const Double_t x, const Double_t y, const Double_t ex, const Double_t ey) |
| Add point to TGraphErrors.
void | AddPoint (TGraphAsymmErrors *g1, const Double_t x, const Double_t y, const Double_t exl, const Double_t exh, const Double_t eyl, const Double_t eyh) |
| Add point to TGraphAsymmErrors.
void | AddPoint (TGraph2D *g1, const Double_t x, const Double_t y, const Double_t z) |
| Add point to TGraph2D.
void | AddPoint (TGraph2DErrors *g1, const Double_t x, const Double_t y, const Double_t z, const Double_t ex, const Double_t ey, const Double_t ez) |
| Add point to TGraph2DErrors.
TFile & | operator<< (TFile &file, const TObject &object) |
| Write object to ROOT file.
const TStreamerInfo * | getStreamerInfo (TFile *file, const char *const name) |
| Get ROOT streamer information of class with given name.
const TStreamerInfo * | getStreamerInfo (const char *const file_name, const char *const name) |
| Get ROOT streamer information of class with given name.
int | getStreamerVersion (TFile *file, const char *const name) |
| Get ROOT streamer version of class with given name.
int | getStreamerVersion (const char *const file_name, const char *const name) |
| Get ROOT streamer version of class with given name.
TString | parse (const TPRegexp ®exp, const TString &string, const int index=1) |
| Match a regular expression with given string and return the specified matched parts.
bool | setParameter (TF1 &f1, const JFitParameter_t ¶meter) |
| Set fit parameter.
bool | fixParameter (TF1 &f1, const JFitParameter_t ¶meter) |
| Fix fit parameter.
bool | releaseParameter (TF1 &f1, const Int_t index) |
| Release fit parameter.
bool | setParLimits (TF1 &f1, const Int_t index, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) |
| Set fit parameter limits.
bool | isParameterFixed (const TF1 &f1, const Int_t index) |
| Check if fit parameter is fixed.
TGraph * | histogramToGraph (const TH1 &h1) |
| Helper method to convert a 1D histogram to a graph.
TH1 * | projectHistogram (const TH2 &h2, const Double_t xmin, const Double_t xmax, const char projection) |
| Helper method for ROOT histogram projections.
template<class JType_t > |
void | handler (JType_t &object) |
| Apply ROOT types handler to given object.
std::vector< std::string > | to_vector (TCollection *col) |
template<class T > |
JTreeParameters & | getTreeParameters () |
| Template definition for method returning TTree parameters.
template<class T > |
JNullType | getTreeParameters (const JType< T > &type) |
| Method with argument definition for obtaining TTree parameters.
template<class T > |
JTreeCopyWriter< T > & | getTreeCopyWriter () |
| Get the TTree writer and copy for this type of object.
Auxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O.
- Author
- mdejong
mdejong, mlincett