Jpp test-rotations-old
the software that should make you happy
No Matches
JDetectorToolkit.hh File Reference
#include <limits>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "JDetector/JDetector.hh"
#include "JDetector/JMonteCarloDetector.hh"
#include "JDetector/JTimeRange.hh"
#include "JDetector/JLocation.hh"
#include "JDetector/JStringCounter.hh"
#include "JDetector/JPMTIdentifier.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JVector3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JVersor3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JCylinder3D.hh"
#include "JGeometry3D/JRotation3D.hh"
#include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh"
#include "JMath/JConstants.hh"
#include "JMath/JMathToolkit.hh"
#include "JTools/JRange.hh"
#include "JIO/JFileStreamIO.hh"
#include "Jeep/JeepToolkit.hh"
#include "JLang/JException.hh"
#include "JLang/gzstream.h"
#include "JLang/JManip.hh"
#include "JLang/Jpp.hh"

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struct  JDETECTOR::JRotation
 Auxiliary class to get rotation matrix between two optical modules. More...


namespace  JDETECTOR
 file Auxiliary data structures and methods for detector calibration.
namespace  JPP
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


typedef JTOOLS::JRange< int > JDETECTOR::floor_range
 Type definition for range of floors.


double JDETECTOR::getMaximalDistance (const JDetector &detector, const bool option=false)
 Get maximal distance between modules in detector.
double JDETECTOR::getMaximalTime (const JDetector &detector)
 Get maximal time between optical modules in detector following causality.
double JDETECTOR::getMaximalTime (const JDetector &detector, const double roadWidth_m)
 Get maximal time between optical modules in detector following causality.
JTimeRange JDETECTOR::getTimeRange (const JTimeRange &timeRange, const JModule &module)
 Get de-calibrated time range.
int JDETECTOR::getNumberOfPMTs (const JModule &module)
 Get number of PMTs.
int JDETECTOR::getNumberOfPMTs (const JDetector &detector)
 Get number of PMTs.
std::set< int > JDETECTOR::getStringIDs (const JDetector &detector)
 Get list of strings identifiers.
std::set< int > JDETECTOR::getModuleIDs (const JDetector &detector, const bool option=false)
 Get list of modules identifiers.
int JDETECTOR::getNumberOfFloors (const JDetector &detector)
 Get number of floors.
floor_range JDETECTOR::getRangeOfFloors (const JDetector &detector)
 Get range of floors.
int JDETECTOR::getNumberOfModules (const JDetector &detector, const bool option=false)
 Get number of modules.
double JDETECTOR::GetXrotationG4 (const JVersor3D &dir)
 Get rotation over X axis in Geant4 coordinate system.
double JDETECTOR::GetYrotationG4 (const JVersor3D &dir)
 Get rotation over Y axis in Geant4 coordinate system.
void JDETECTOR::read_gdml (std::istream &, JDetector &)
void JDETECTOR::write_gdml (std::ostream &out, const JDetector &detector)
 Writes KM3Sim GDML input file from detector.
void JDETECTOR::load (const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
 Load detector from input file.
void JDETECTOR::store (const std::string &file_name, const JDetector &detector)
 Store detector to output file.
JPosition3D JDETECTOR::getPosition (const JModule &first, const JModule &second)
 Get position to go from first to second module.
JCalibration JDETECTOR::getCalibration (const JCalibration &first, const JCalibration &second)
 Get calibration to go from first to second calibration.


static const char *const JDETECTOR::GENDET_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = "det"
 File name extensions.
static const char *const JDETECTOR::BINARY_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT [] = { "dat", "datx" }
 JIO binary file format.
static const char *const JDETECTOR::KM3NET_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = "detx"
 KM3NeT standard ASCII format
static const char *const JDETECTOR::ZIPPED_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = "gz"
 zipped KM3NeT standard ASCII format
static const char *const JDETECTOR::GDML_DETECTOR_FILE_FORMAT = "gdml"
 KM3Sim input format.
static const char *const JDETECTOR::GDML_SCHEMA = getenv("GDML_SCHEMA_DIR")
 directory necessary for correct GDML header output
static const char *const JDETECTOR::CAN_MARGIN_M = getenv("CAN_MARGIN_M")
 extension of the detector size to comply with the can definition
static const char *const JDETECTOR::G4GDML_DEFAULT_SCHEMALOCATION = ""
static JRotation JDETECTOR::getRotation
 Function object to get rotation matrix to go from first to second module.