1#ifndef __JFIT__JSHOWERNPE__
2#define __JFIT__JSHOWERNPE__
18namespace JPP {
using namespace JFIT; }
67 inline double getH1(
const double E_GeV)
69 return E_GeV * this->
80 double getP(
const double E_GeV,
const bool hit)
93 double getChi2(
const double E_GeV,
const bool hit)
Auxiliary classes and methods for linear and iterative data regression.
double getChi2(const double P)
Get chi2 corresponding to given probability.
double getP(const double expval, bool hit)
Get Poisson probability to observe a hit or not for given expectation value for the number of hits.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary class for handling light yields due to K40 decays.
double getH0() const
Expected number of photo-electrons for random background hypothesis.
double y0
light yield due to random background [npe]
Auxiliary class for handling EM shower light yield.
double getY1() const
Get light yield due to shower.
JShowerNPE(const double y0, const double y1)
double getP(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get probability for observing a hit or not as a function of shower energy.
Default constructor.
double y1
light yield due to shower [npe/GeV]
double getChi2(const double E_GeV, const bool hit) const
Get chi2 for observing a hit or not as a function of shower energy.
double getH1(const double E_GeV) const
Expected number of photo-electrons for shower hypothesis as a function of shower energy.