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JSupernova.hh File Reference

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class  JSUPERNOVA::JCoincidenceSN
 Auxiliary class to store reduced information of a coincidence on an optical module This class allows storing the observables associated with searches for low-energy neutrinos from Core-Collapse supernovae: More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JVeto
 Auxiliary class to define a veto time window on a set of optical modules. More...
 Auxiliary class to build the supernova trigger dataset. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JMatchVeto
 Auxiliary class-operator to match a JVeto with a JCoincidenceSN object Provides an operator to test if a coincidence is vetoed. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JVetoSet
 Auxiliary class to manage a set of vetoes. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JClusterSN
 Auxiliary class to manage a cluster of coincidences. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JSNFilter
 Interface for SN filter operator. More...
 SN filter based on multiplicity selection optional suppression of multi-module coincidences WARNING: no minimum threshold for the veto. More...
 SN filter based on veto window. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JTriggerSN
 Auxiliary class to apply the supernova trigger to SN data. More...
class  JSUPERNOVA::JTriggerSNStats
 SN trigger statistics, the information is stored in the form of a count as a function of the trigger level. More...


namespace  JSUPERNOVA


typedef vector< double > JSUPERNOVA::multiplicities_t
typedef set< int > JSUPERNOVA::JModuleSet