51 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
54 using namespace KM3NETDAQ;
61 JMultipleFileScanner<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t> inputFile;
66 JRange<double> rateVeto_Hz;
67 JRange<double> totVeto_ns;
68 JROOTClassSelector selector;
73 bool monitorOccupancy;
78 JParser<> zap(
"Auxiliary program to estimate PMT and hit multiplicities.");
83 zap[
'n'] =
make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max();
85 zap[
'V'] =
make_field(rateVeto_Hz) = JRange<double>(0, 1e5);
86 zap[
't'] =
make_field(totVeto_ns) = JRange<double>(0, 1e4);
87 zap[
'C'] =
make_field(selector) = getROOTClassSelection<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t>();
90 zap[
'F'] =
"0 = raw data; 1 = filtered data; 2+ = only clean frames") = 1;
91 zap[
'D'] =
"2D mode for background subtraction");
92 zap[
'O'] =
"produces 2D PMT vs multiplicity plots");
93 zap[
'j'] =
"do not join consecutive hits on same PMT (diagnostic purpose)");
97 catch(
const exception &error) {
98 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
108 bool hasTriggerParameters =
"Get trigger parameters from input." << endl);
114 catch(
const JException& error) {
115 ERROR(
"No trigger parameters from input." << endl);
116 hasTriggerParameters =
123 if (hasTriggerParameters) {
127 if (parameters.writeL1.prescale > 0 && (selector ==
"JDAQTimeslice" || selector ==
"JDAQTimesliceL1") &&
128 parameters.TMaxLocal_ns < TMax_ns) {
129 FATAL(
"TMax_ns (-T) " << TMax_ns <<
" ns is larger than in the trigger " << parameters.TMaxLocal_ns <<
" ns." << endl);
132 if (selector ==
"JDAQTimeslice") {
134 prescale = (parameters.writeL1.prescale != 0) ? parameters.writeL1.prescale : parameters.writeL0.prescale;
137 if (selector ==
"JDAQTimesliceL0") {
138 prescale = parameters.writeL0.prescale;
141 if (selector ==
"JDAQTimesliceL1") {
142 prescale = parameters.writeL1.prescale;
145 if (selector ==
"JDAQTimesliceSN") {
146 prescale = parameters.writeSN.prescale;
152 FATAL(
"[R] According to trigger parameters, the " << selector <<
" stream should be empty.");
"[R] Prescale factor is " << prescale << endl);
157 if (!totVeto_ns.is_valid()) {
158 FATAL(
"Invalid time over threshold " << totVeto_ns << endl);
168 load(detectorFile, detector);
170 catch(
const JException& error) {
174 if (detector.empty())
175 FATAL(
"Empty detector." << endl);
177 const JModuleRouter router(detector);
178 JSummaryRouter summaryRouter;
182 int detID = detector.getID();
"[R] Tmax [ns] " << TMax_ns << endl);
"[R] Rate range [Hz] " << rateVeto_Hz << endl);
"[R] ToT range [ns] " << totVeto_ns << endl);
"[R] Timeslice stream " << selector << endl);
"[R] Detector file has " << detSize <<
" DOMs." << endl);
203 TH1D* h_livetime =
new TH1D(
"Livetime", 1 + detSize, 0.0, 1.0 + detSize);
206 h_livetime->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(ibin++,
207 for (JDetector::iterator module = detector.begin(); module != detector.end(); ++module) {
208 h_livetime->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(ibin++, TString(
211 h_livetime->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Livetime (s)");
216 const double xmin = -0.5;
217 const double xmax = nx - 0.5;
221 JManager_t
new TH1D(
"%_H", NULL, nx, xmin, xmax)); H->Sumw2();
222 JManager_t P(
new TH1D(
"%_P", NULL, nx, xmin, xmax)); P->Sumw2();
224 JManager2D_t HT(
new TH2D(
"%_HT", NULL, nx, xmin, xmax, 100, -TMax_ns, +TMax_ns));
228 if (monitorOccupancy) {
229 JModuleAddressMap memo = getDetectorAddressMap<JKM3NeT_t>().getDefaultModuleAddressMap();
233 JManager2D_t CO(CO_proto);
236 const int sn_mul_min = 6;
237 TH1D* time_distr =
new TH1D(
"Coincidence (M > 6) distribution in timeslice", 100, 0, 1e8);
252 int treeMismatchCount = 0;
258 JTreeScanner<JDAQSummaryslice, JDAQEvaluator> summaryFile(inputFile);
260 JObjectMultiplexer<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t, JDAQTimeslice> in(inputFile, selector);
266 const JMatch_t match(TMax_ns);
271 bool hasMCHeader = true ;
272 bool isMupage =
273 double liveTimeMC = 0 ;
274 double liveTimeMCErr = 0 ;
"[R] File source is " << (hasMCHeader ?
"MC" :
"DAQ") <<
"." << endl);
287 liveTimeMC = mc_header.livetime.numberOfSeconds;
288 liveTimeMCErr = mc_header.livetime.errorOfSeconds;
289 if (liveTimeMC > 0) {
"[R] mupage live time is (" << liveTimeMC <<
" +/- " << liveTimeMCErr <<
") s." << endl);
"[R] aanet header found but mupage live time is zero. Likely not a mupage file.");
301 if (summaryFile.hasNext()) {
302 runNumber = summaryFile.getEntry(0)->getRunNumber();
"[R] Processing run #" << runNumber << endl);
304 summaryFile.rewind();
311 for ( ; in.hasNext() && counter != inputFile.getLimit(); ++counter) {
"Entry: " << setw(10) << counter <<
316 const Long64_t index = summaryFile.find(*timeslice);
317 JDAQSummaryslice* summary = (index != -1 ? summaryFile.getEntry(index) : NULL);
319 summaryRouter.update(summary);
322 if (summary != NULL) {
325 ERROR(
"[R>T] Frame indices do not match [counter=" << counter <<
", timeslice=" << timeslice->
getFrameIndex() <<
", summaryslice=" << summary->
getFrameIndex() <<
"]" << endl);
326 if (treeMismatchCount > 1) {
327 FATAL(
"ROOT TTrees not aligned. Run #" << runNumber << endl);
336 for (JDAQTimeslice::const_iterator super_frame = timeslice->begin(); super_frame != timeslice->end(); ++super_frame) {
342 int moduleID = super_frame->getModuleID();
344 if (!router.hasModule(moduleID)) {
349 JModuleAddressMap moduleAddressMap = detectorAddressMap.get(moduleID);
358 if (summary == NULL) {
"[R>T>F] Missing summary for timeslice." << endl);
374 if (!summaryRouter.hasSummaryFrame(super_frame->getModuleIdentifier())) {
375 summaryRouter.print(cout);
376 FATAL(
"[R>D>F] Summary frame not found, module = " << super_frame->getModuleID() << endl);
378 summary_frame = summaryRouter.getSummaryFrame(super_frame->getModuleID());
383 rate_Hz[i] = summary_frame.
"[R>D>F] DAQ status not okay in timeslice #" << timeslice->
getFrameIndex() <<
", DOM=" << super_frame->getModuleID() << endl);
402 bool moduleLiveTime = 0;
413 int frame_URV_count = 0;
416 if (veto[i] = (veto[i] || !rateVeto_Hz(rate_Hz[i]))) {
421 count_HRV += frame_HRV_count;
422 count_FAF += frame_FAF_count;
423 count_URV += frame_URV_count;
425 int frame_VETO_count = frame_HRV_count + frame_FAF_count + frame_URV_count;
428 if (filterLevel >= 2 && frame_VETO_count > 0) {
430 fill(veto.begin(), veto.end(),
431 }
else if (filterLevel >= 1 && frame_HRV_count + frame_FAF_count > 0) {
439 if (muteChannel != -1) {
442 int mute_VETO_count =
445 !rateVeto_Hz(rate_Hz[muteChannel] );
447 if (mute_VETO_count == frame_VETO_count) {
449 fill(veto.begin(), veto.end(),
452 veto[muteChannel] =
457 const JModuleAddress& address = router.getAddress(super_frame->getModuleID());
458 const JModule& module = detector.getModule(address);
462 if (moduleLiveTime) {
463 h_livetime->Fill(moduleLabel,
getFrameTime() * 1e-9 * moduleLiveTime);
470 JSuperFrame2D_t& buffer = JSuperFrame2D_t::demultiplex(*super_frame, router.getModule(super_frame->getModuleID()));
482 filteredData.clear();
486 const int pmt = h->getPMT();
490 rateVeto_Hz(rate_Hz[pmt]) &&
491 totVeto_ns(h->getToT()) ) {
492 filteredData.push_back(*h);
498 if (filteredData.size() > 1) {
500 TH1D* h_hit = H[moduleLabel];
501 TH1D* h_pmt = P[moduleLabel];
503 TH2D* h2_hit = HT[moduleLabel];
504 TH2D* h2_co = CO[moduleLabel];
506 sort(filteredData.begin(), filteredData.end());
516 while (++q != filteredData.end() && q->getT() - p->getT() <= TMax_ns ) {}
519 int hit_multiplicity = distance(p,q);
522 int pmt_multiplicity = pmthit.size() ;
525 h_pmt->Fill(pmt_multiplicity);
526 h_hit->Fill(hit_multiplicity);
528 if (twoDim && hit_multiplicity > 1) {
529 const double W =
factorial(hit_multiplicity, 2);
532 double dt = JCombinatorics::getSign(__p->getPMT(), __q->getPMT()) * (__q->getT() - __p->getT());
533 h2_hit->Fill(hit_multiplicity, dt, 1.0/W);
538 if (monitorOccupancy) {
540 JPMTPhysicalAddress pmtAddress = moduleAddressMap.getAddressTranslator(*r);
541 TString pmtLabel(pmtAddress.toString());
542 h2_co->Fill(pmt_multiplicity, pmtLabel, 1.0/pmt_multiplicity);
547 if (hit_multiplicity >= sn_mul_min) {
548 time_distr->Fill(p->getT());
"[R] " << counter <<
" timeslices processed." << endl);
564 h_livetime->Scale(liveTimeMC / (
getFrameTime() * 1e-9 * counter * prescale));
568 double nominalLiveTime = (isMupage ? liveTimeMC : counter *
getFrameTime() * 1e-9) / prescale;
569 h_livetime->Fill(
"Nominal", nominalLiveTime);
573 int nLiveDOMs = H.size();
586 if (monitorOccupancy) {
592 double rate_HRV = count_HRV / (1.0 * counter);
593 double rate_FAF = count_FAF / (1.0 * counter);
594 double rate_URV = count_URV / (1.0 * counter);
595 double biolumIndex = (rate_HRV + rate_FAF) / (nLiveDOMs *
"[R] Average HRV count per timeslice: " << rate_HRV << endl);
"[R] Average FIFO-almost-full count per timeslice: " << rate_FAF << endl);
"[R] Average user rate veto count per timeslice: " << rate_URV << endl);
"[R] " << H.size() <<
" DOMs were active in the run." << endl);
"[R] Bioluminescence proxy index: " << biolumIndex << endl);
608 return (counter ? 0 : 1);
Utility class to parse command line options.
Data structure for all trigger parameters.
double getRate(const int tdc, const double factor=1.0) const
Get count rate.
int countFIFOStatus() const
Count FIFO status.
Basic data structure for L0 hit.
Auxiliary class to manage set of histograms.
Long64_t counter_type
Type definition for counter.
JSuperFrame2D< hit_type > JSuperFrame2D_t
Dynamic ROOT object management.
Data structure for detector geometry and calibration.
long long int factorial(const long long int n)
Determine factorial.
int getFrameIndex() const
Get frame index.
Head getHeader(const JMultipleFileScanner_t &file_list)
Get Monte Carlo header.
JLimit JLimit_t
Type definition of limit.
Basic data structure for time and time over threshold information of hit.
Exception for null pointer operation.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
double getFrameTime()
Get frame time duration.
Data storage class for rate measurements of all PMTs in one module.
void setAxisLabels(TAxis *axis, const JModuleAddressMap &memo)
initialize axis with PMT address labels
void load(const JString &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
JDetectorAddressMap & getDetectorAddressMap()
Get detector address map.
General purpose messaging.
Scanning of objects from multiple files according a format that follows from the extension of each fi...
Direct access to module in detector data structure.
bool testHighRateVeto() const
Test high-rate veto status.
std::string getModuleLabel(const JModuleLocation &location)
Get module label (DU-floor) for JMonitor applications.
Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
int countHighRateVeto() const
Count high-rate veto status.
Utility class to parse command line options.
std::vector< frame_type >::iterator iterator
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module.
const JLimit & getLimit() const
Get limit.
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
bool testDAQStatus() const
Test DAQ status of packets.
const JDAQFrameStatus & getDAQFrameStatus() const
Get DAQ frame status.
int getNumberOfModules(const JDetector &detector)
Get number of modules.
JTriggerParameters getTriggerParameters(const JMultipleFileScanner_t &file_list)
Get trigger parameters.
JSuperFrame1D< hit_type > JSuperFrame1D_t
bool testFIFOStatus() const
Test FIFO status.
bool putObject(TDirectory *dir, const T &object)
Write object to ROOT directory.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])