This is the complete list of members for JTOOLS::JQuantile, including all inherited members.
buffer | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
getCount() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getDeviation(const bool relative=true) const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getMean() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getQuantile(const double Q, const bool reverse=false) const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getQuantile(T __begin, T __end, const double W) | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inlineprotectedstatic |
getRMS() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getSTDev() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getSum() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
getTitle() const | JLANG::JTitle | inline |
getTotal() const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
hasAccuracy(const double precision) const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
JQuantile(const JTitle &title="", const int option=0) | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
JTitle() | JLANG::JTitle | inline |
JTitle(const char *title) | JLANG::JTitle | inline |
JTitle(const std::string &title) | JLANG::JTitle | inline |
max | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
min | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
num | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
operator<<(std::ostream &out, const JQuantile &quantile) | JTOOLS::JQuantile | friend |
print(std::ostream &out, bool lpr=true) const | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
put(const double x, const double w=1.0) | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
quantiles | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
reset() | JTOOLS::JQuantile | inline |
rms | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
setTitle(const std::string &title) | JLANG::JTitle | inline |
sum | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |
title | JLANG::JTitle | protected |
tot | JTOOLS::JQuantile | protected |