Go back to top of page.
Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to preprocess aanet files. usage: JAAnetPreprocessor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <filterEmptyMCH> = 0 "Filter events without hits." -T <timeOffset_ms> = 0 "Add time offset [ms] to events." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <input file> <output file> [PDF file descriptor]Go back to top of page.
Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of shower light usage: JAddHDE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of muon light usage: JAddHDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to add multi-dimensional histograms of shower light usage: JAddHDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon. usage: JAddPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to add PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from an EM-shower. usage: JAddPDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ASCII format. usage: JAsciiDB -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -@ <selection> = -C <cookie> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -q <query> = "detectors" [detectors, runs, datalognumbers, vendorhv, ahrs, allparams, pmt_hv_settings, pmt_hv_run_settings, pmt_best_hv_settings, integration, clbmap, persons, toashort, runsummarynumbers, runsetupparams] -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to apply the transition time spread (TTS) of the PMTs to interpolation tables of PDFs. usage: JBlurPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <TTS> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to determine PMT parameters from K40 data. usage: JCalibrateK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <Tail_ns> = 15 20 "time window used for background estimation." -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice "timeslice selector, e.g. JDAQTimesliceL1." [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -D <deadTime_us> = 0 "L1 dead time (us)" -M <multiplicity> = 2 31 "multiplicity range of hits on DOM." -O <option> = none "hit pre-processing option." [none, join, filter] -T <TMax_ns> = 20 "time window [ns]." -V <rateRange_Hz> = 0 20000 "PMT rate range [Hz]." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -b <background> = "rates" "background estimation method." [rates, counts, tails, randoms] -d <debug> = 1 "debug flag." -f <inputFile> "input file." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "calibrate_k40.root" "output file." -t <totRange_ns> = 0 255 "PMT time-over-threshold range [ns]." See also: back to top of page.
Monitoring of PMT time-over-threshold distributions. usage: JCalibrateToT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice "timeslice selector, e.g. JDAQTimesliceL1." [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -D <deadTime_us> = 10 "L0 dead time (us)" -M <multiplicity> = 1 2 "multiplicity range of hits on DOM." -O <option> = none "hit pre-processing option." [none, join, filter] -T <T_ns> = 10 25 "time window [ns]." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -c <ctMax> = 0 "maximal cosine space angle between PMT axes." -d <debug> = 1 "debug flag." -f <inputFile> "input file." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "calibrate_tot.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to check trigger parameters in a given ROOT files against the values from the database. usage: JCheckTriggerParameters -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram timeslice data. usage: JChecksum -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -N <N> = 10 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to find differences between two detector files. usage: JCompareDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile_a> -b <detectorFile_b> -d <debug> = 3 -o <outputFile> = "" -p <precision> = 0.001 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert data formats. usage: JConvert -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selection> = Evt Head JDAQEvent JDAQSummaryslice JDAQTimeslice JDAQTimesliceL0 JDAQTimesliceL1 JDAQTimesliceL2 JDAQTimesliceSN JMeta JTriggerParameters "Precede name of data structure by a '+' or '-' to add or remove data types in the output, respectively. ROOT wildcards are accepted." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -m <merge> = 0 "Allow merging of files w/o headers" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page. (input file)+ <output file>Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert data from data base into ROOT format. usage: JConvertDB -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -@ <selection> = -C <cookie> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> -q <query> = "detectors" [detectors, runs, datalognumbers, vendorhv, ahrs, allparams, pmt_hv_settings, pmt_hv_run_settings, pmt_best_hv_settings, integration, clbmap, persons, toashort, runsummarynumbers, runsetupparams] -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert format of detector files. usage: JConvertDetectorFormat -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -V <variant> = "" [, V3, V2, V1] -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert fit results to AAnet format. The option -L corresponds to the names of a shared library and function so to rearrange the order of fit results. usage: JConvertEvt -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <qualitySorter> = -N <numberOfFits> = 0 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = aanet.root See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert 1D histograms to PDFs. usage: JConvertToPDF1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "pdf.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert 2D histograms to PDFs. usage: JConvertToPDF2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "pdf.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" See also: back to top of page.
JCookie.shGo back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to start (remote) run control client. usage: JDAQClientStarter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> -d <debug> = 3 -m <message> -t <timeout_s> = 10 See also: back to top of page.
Application for writing real-time data to disk. usage: JDAQDemoClient -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -P <port> = -1 -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -f <file_name> = "" -u <client_name> = "%" See also: back to top of page.
JDAQDemoClient.shGo back to top of page.
Run control driver program. usage: JDAQDriver -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <file_name> -t <timeout_s> = 10 See also: back to top of page.
JDAQDriver.shGo back to top of page.
Program for real-time simulation of optical modules. usage: JDOMSimulator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -u <client_name> = "JDOMSimulator" See also: back to top of page.
Application for real-time filtering of data. usage: JDataFilter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <hostname> = "" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -P <port> -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -p <path> = "/tmp/" -q <backlog> = 1024 -s <buffer_size> = 33554432 -u <client_name> = "JDataFilter" See also: back to top of page.
JDataFilter.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to plot quality data from data base. usage: JDataMonitor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -R <runs> = 1 2147483647 -S <source> -T <Tmin_s> = 60 -U <UTC> = 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000Z 2038-01-18 19:14:07.000000000Z -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "monitor.root" -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector identifier> <start date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"> <final date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to plot quality data from data base. usage: JDataQuality -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> = "" -Q <selection> "User defined selections" -R <runs> = 1 2147483647 "Run range" -S <source> "GIT versions" -V <veto> = "User defined vetos." -d <debug> = 1 "Debug level" -f <inputFile> = "" "Optional input file instead of database." -o <outputFile> = "quality.root" "Output file containing histograms and n-tuple." -r <regexp> = "TRegexp for selection of run setup names." -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector identifier> <first run> <last run> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Application for writing real-time data to disk. usage: JDataWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <hostname> = "localhost" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -p <path> = "" -u <client_name> = "%" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [logger file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Demonstration program to plot RMS of arrival time of first hit as a function of the minimal distance of approach of a muon to the PMT. usage: JDemoPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E_GeV> "muon energy [GeV]" -R <R_Hz> "background rate [Hz]" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "demo.root" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to find depth dependence of multiplicity rates usage: JDepthDependence -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <minMultiplicity> = 8 "Minimum multiplicity" -T <minLiveTime_s> = 3600 "Minimum DOM livetime [s] to be eligible for plotting" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "JMM input file" -l <line> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "depthdependence.root" "output file" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to generate detector files. usage: JDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <helper> = detectorType=1 floorDistance_m=36 lineDistance_m=90 numberOfFloors=18 numberOfLines=115 -D <detectorID> -O <option> = "ARCA" [ARCA, ORCA, Antares] -V <variant> = "V3" [V3, V2, V1] -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" -o <outputFile> -z <Zmin_m> = 100 See also: back to top of page. [detector file [variant [identifier]]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print detector from database. usage: JDetectorDB -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <id> -d <debug> = 1 -p <pcalset> = "" -q <rcalset> = "" -r <run> -t <tcalset> = "" -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon. usage: JDiffPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <inputFileA> -b <inputFileB> -d <debug> = 0 -p <precision> = 0.0001 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to compare PDF tables of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower. usage: JDiffPDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <inputFileA> -b <inputFileB> -d <debug> = 0 -p <precision> = 0.0001 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to verify Monte Carlo data. usage: JDomino -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <hit_types> = -a <detectorFile> = "" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "domino.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [(input file)+ [output file]]] Note that if more than one input file is specified, all other arguments must be provided.Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw the footprint of detector(s). usage: JDrawDetector2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <legend> = 0 -S <markerSize> = 0.5 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw the detector in 3D. usage: JDrawDetector3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw K40 fit function. usage: JDrawK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <properties> = Rate_Hz=16.304 p1=2.85261 p2=-0.949097 p3=0.182419 p4=1.23075 -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -o <outputFile> "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw a given module in 3D. usage: JDrawModule3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <moduleID> = -1 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower including shower profile. usage: JDrawPDE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <absorptionLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> "shower energy [GeV]" -F <function> "PDF type" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -R <D> "distance [m]" -S <scatteringLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -c <cd> "cosine emission angle" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 "precision for integration" -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> = "pde.root" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from muon. usage: JDrawPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <properties> = MODULE_RADIUS_M=0.25 -A <absorptionLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "muon energy [GeV]" -F <function> "PDF type" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -R <R> "distance of approach [m]" -S <scatteringLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 "precision for integration" -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower. usage: JDrawPDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <absorptionLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "shower energy [GeV]" -F <function> "PDF type" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -R <D> "distance [m]" -S <scatteringLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -c <cd> "cosine emission angle" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 "precision for integration" -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to modify detector. usage: JEditDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <hdr> = -M <mod> = -P <pmt> = -S <str> = -a <inputFile> -d <debug> = 2 -k <keep> = -o <outputFile> -r <rm> = See also: back to top of page.
Example program to edit energy correction. usage: JEditEnergyCorrection -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -E <fcn> = -d <debug> = 2 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to edit PMT parameters map. usage: JEditPMTParametersMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <modifier> = "PMT parameter modifier." -D <detectorID> = 0 "detector identifier (in absence of detector file)." -P <parameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 "PMT simulation data (or corresponding file name)" -T <T_ns> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "time-over-threshold range." -a <detectorFile> = "" "detector file." -d <debug> = 3 -o <outputFile> = "pmt.txt" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform fit of muon energy to data. usage: JEnergy -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> = 5000 500 50 5 -E <correct> = -M <mestimator> = 0 [0, 1, 2, 3] -N <numberOfPrefits> = 0 -P <pdfFile> -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -T <T_ns> = -50 450 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = energy.root -r <reprocess> = 0 -s <start> = 0 0 -x <X> = 1 8 See also: back to top of page.
Program for real-time simulation of data. usage: JEventGenerator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <server> = "localhost" -M <logger> = "localhost" -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -u <client_name> = "%" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [output file [trigger file [PMT parameters file]]]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert multiple Monte Carlo events to time slices. usage: JEventTimesliceWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> = 0 -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -R <run> = 1 -S <seed> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = timeslice.root -r <eventRate_Hz> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to write ROOT function. usage: JF1 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <formula> "function, e.g: "[0]+[1]*x"" -T <name> = "user" "name of ROOT function" -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "f1.root" "ROOT file with formula" -x <x> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "abscissa range" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to write test criteria to file. usage: JFileTuna -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <y_margin> = "Margin range of values" -N <numberOfEntries> "Minimal number of entries" -O <numberOfOutliers> "Maximal number of outliers" -P <outputFile> "ASCII formatted output file with test criteria" -Y <y_expand> = "Expand range of values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" See also: back to top of page.
General purpose fit program using ROOT. usage: JFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -= <fixedValues> = "fixed values, e.g: "p0 = GetMaximum;"" -@ <startValues> "start values, e.g: "p0 = GetMaximum;"" -F <formula> "fit formula, e.g: "[0]+[1]*x"" -O <option> = "" "Fit option" -P <project> = "projection" [ , x, X, y, Y] -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "fit.root" "ROOT file with fit results" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "abscissa range" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ordinate range" See also: back to top of page.
General purpose fit program using ROOT. usage: JFit2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -= <fixedValues> = "fixed values, e.g: "p0 = GetMaximum;"" -@ <startValues> "start values, e.g: "p0 = GetMaximum;"" -F <formula> "fit formula, e.g: "[0]+[1]*x"" -O <option> = "" "Fit option" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "fit.root" "ROOT file with fit results" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to fit PMT parameters from JMergeCalibrateK40 output. usage: JFitK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <TDC> = "Fix time offset(s) of PMT(s) of certain module(s), e.g. -! "808969848 0 808982077 23" will fix offset of PMT 0 of module 808969848 and of PMT 23 of module 808982077. Same PMT offset can be fixed for all optical modules, e.g. -! "-1 0 -1 23" will fix offsets of PMTs 0 and 23 for all optical modules." -@ <properties> = MINIMAL_RATE_HZ=0.01 QE_MAX_ERROR=0.5 QE_MIN_VALUE=0.01 Rate_Hz=16.304 STDEV=2 p1=2.85261 p2=-0.949097 p3=0.182419 p4=1.23075 -A <overwriteDetector> = 0 "overwrite detector file provided through '-a' with correct time offsets." -D <fitAngDist> = 0 "fit angular distribution; fix normalisation." -E <mu> = 0 "expectation value for npe given two-fold coincidence" -M <fitModel> = 0 "fit angular distribution; fix PMT QEs = 1.0." -O <option> = "" "ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit." -P <pmtFile> = "" "specify PMT file name that can be given to JTriggerEfficiency." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JMergeCalibrateK40)." -o <outputFile> = "fit.root" "output file." -r <reverse> = 0 "reverse TDC constraints due to option -! <TDC>." -w <writeFits> = 0 "write fit results." -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ROOT fit range (PMT pairs)." -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ROOT fit range (time residual)." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to fit multiplicity rates from JMonitorMultiplicity output. usage: JFitMultiplicity -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <fitBackground> = 0 "get signal by fit and subtraction from background from the integral" -O <option> = "Q" "fitting option" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "input file" -o <outputFile> = "fitmultiplicity.root" "output file" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to fit singles rate distributions. usage: JFitSinglesRates -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <setDefaultLimits> = 0 -O <option> = "R W M" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "fit.root" -p <peakFraction> = 0.1 -w <writeFits> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to fit time-over-threshold distributions. usage: JFitToT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> = "" "ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit." -P <pmtFile> = "" "specify PMT file name that can be given to JTriggerEfficiency." -R <regexp> = "%.2SToT" "regular expression for histogram name." -W <WMin> = 1000 "minimal histogram contents." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JCalibrateToT)." -o <outputFile> = "fit.root" "output file." -w <writeFits> = 0 "write fit results." -x <X> = 10 35 "ROOT fit range (time-over-threshold)." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert data formats. usage: JFixedCan -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> -x <xshift> = 0 -y <yshift> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Program to fit time-slewing histogram in output of in calibration mode. usage: JFrodo -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <function> = "Gauss" "fit function" [Gauss, EMG] -O <option> = "" "ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit." -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -T <T_ns> = -7.5 7.5 "ROOT fit range around maximum [ns]." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "input files (output from JGandalf -c)." -o <outputFile> = "frodo.root" "output file." -w <writeFits> = 0 "write fit results." -x <X> = 0 256 "ROOT fit range for time-over threshold" See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform PDF fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JGandalf -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <R_Hz> = 6000 "Default background rate if no summary data are available." -C <T_compress> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 -E <E_GeV> = 1000 "Default energy if no energy estimate is available." -N <numberOfPrefits> = 0 -P <pdfFile> -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -T <TTS_ns> "Time smearing of PDF." -a <detectorFile> -c <calibrate> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "Histogram for time calibration per optical module." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = gandalf.root -r <reprocess> = 0 -z <z> = 0 0 "Extension of longitudinal range of muon track." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to receive messages from ControlHost server. usage: JGetData -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -R <rate_Hz> -T <TagList> = -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 2147483647 -t <tagList> = See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to receive messages from ControlHost server. usage: JGetMessage -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <date> = 0 -H <hostname> = "localhost" -T <TagList> = -d <debug> = 3 -t <tagList> = See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to create TGraph from input file with ASCII data. usage: JGraph -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <header> = 0 -M <multicolumn> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to create TGraph2D from input file with ASCII data. usage: JGraph2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
usage: JHVTuning -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <mycookies> = "" -P <slopeMax> = 1 -T <testType> = "HV-TUNING-V2" -a <detectorFile> -c <redChi2Max> = 10 -d <debug> = 1 -f <vInputFiles> -o <outXMLFile> -t <tot> = 26.4 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Program to histogram event-by-event data of shower light for making PDFs. usage: JHistHDE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -b <fix_bug> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> -p <particles> See also: back to top of page.
Program to histogram event-by-event data of muon light for making PDFs. usage: JHistHDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to histogram event-by-event data of shower light for making PDFs. usage: JHistHDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hadronicMode> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to fit time-residuals histogram in output of in calibration mode. usage: JHobbit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <overwriteDetector> = 0 "overwrite detector file provided through '-a' with correct time offsets." -E <E_ns> = 0 0.3 "validity range of t0 uncertainty [ns]." -F <function> = "Gauss" "fit function" [Gauss, Landau, EMG, BreitWigner] -O <option> = "" "ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit." -T <T_ns> = -7.5 5 "ROOT fit range around maximum [ns]." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "input files (output from JGandalf -c)." -o <outputFile> = "hobbit.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Example program test supernova triggers. usage: JKexing -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -M <M> = 6 10 -T <TMax_ns> = 10 -V <TVeto_ns> = 1000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "jsn.root" -t <preTriggerThreshold> = 4 See also: back to top of page.
ControlHost server. usage: JLigier -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <JDispatch::MEMORY_LIMIT> = 33604087808 -P <port> = 5553 -Q <JClient::QUEUE_LIMIT> = 100 -T <timeout_us> = 1 -d <debug> = 0 -q <backlog> = 1024 -s <buffer_size> = 1073741824 See also: back to top of page.
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Auxiliary program to save logger messages from ControlHost server. usage: JLogger -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <path> = "/tmp/" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -T <taglist> = MSG -W <happy_hour> = -d <debug> = 1 -t <timeout> = 1 0 See also: back to top of page. [host [local file]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to store Monte Carlo true muon in format for subsequent fits. usage: JMCEvt -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = mcevt.root See also: back to top of page.
Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from muon. usage: JMakeCDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Main program to create table of CDFs from table of PDFs for Cherenkov light from EM-shower. usage: JMakeCDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs. usage: JMakeHDE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of muon light to multi-dimensional PDFs. usage: JMakeHDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <fileDescriptor> = "J%p.dat" See also: back to top of page.
Program to convert multi-dimensional histograms of shower light to multi-dimensional PDFs. usage: JMakeHDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <fileDescriptor> = "J%p.dat" See also: back to top of page.
Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a muon. usage: JMakePDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <absorptionLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -F <function> = 1 "PDF type" [1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6] -R <R> = "distance of approach [m]" -S <scatteringLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 "precision for integration" -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
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Program to create interpolation tables of the PDF of the arrival time of the Cherenkov light from a shower. usage: JMakePDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <absorptionLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -D <D> = "distance [m]" -F <function> = 12 "PDF type" [12, 13, 14] -S <scatteringLengthFactor> = 1 "scaling factor" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 "precision for integration" -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to merge K40 data. usage: JMergeCalibrateK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JCalibrateK40)." -o <outputFile> = "mergek40.root" "output file (input to JFitK40)." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to merge time-over-threshold data. usage: JMergeCalibrateToT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JCalibrateToT)." -o <outputFile> = "merge-tot.root" "output file (input to JFitToT)." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to merge detector files. usage: JMergeDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <firstStringNr> = -1 -V <variant> = "" [, V3, V2, V1] -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to merge different files with JFIT::JEvt data. usage: JMergeFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "list of JEvt compatible files" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> "single file with merged JEvt data" See also: back to top of page.
Program to merge interpolation tables of muon light for PDFs. usage: JMergePDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to merge interpolation tables of shower light for PDFs. usage: JMergePDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to add noise to Monte Carlo event. usage: JModK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> = 0 -S <seed> = 0 -T <period> = 1.79769e+308 -1.79769e+308 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> = -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = modk40.root See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to monitor optical module response. usage: JMonitorDOM -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <pmtFile> = "" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -s <factor> = 0.05 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to estimate PMT and hit multiplicities. usage: JMonitorMultiplicity -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -D <twoDim> = 0 "2D mode for background subtraction" -F <filterLevel> = 1 "0 = raw data; 1 = filtered data; 2+ = only clean frames" -M <muteChannel> = -1 -O <monitorOccupancy> = 0 "produces 2D PMT vs multiplicity plots" -T <TMax_ns> = 10 -V <rateVeto_Hz> = 0 100000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -j <notJoin> = 0 "do not join consecutive hits on same PMT (diagnostic purpose)" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "monitormultiplicity.root" -t <totVeto_ns> = 0 10000 See also: back to top of page.
Monitoring of PMT time over threshold distributions. usage: JMonitorSinglesRates -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "monitor.root" See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform PDF fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JMuonGandalf -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <muonParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 5 prefit.gridAngle_deg= 1 prefit.useL0= 0 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 3 prefit.Tmax_ns= 18 prefit.ctMin= 0 prefit.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.sigma_ns= 3 simplex.useL0= 1 simplex.Tmax_ns= 15 simplex.ctMin= 0 simplex.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.reprocess= 0 gandalf.roadWidth_m= 999 gandalf.R_Hz= 6000 gandalf.TTS_ns= 2 gandalf.E_GeV= 1000 gandalf.reprocess= 0 -P <pdfFile> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = gandalf.root See also: back to top of page.
Example program to histogram fit results. usage: JMuonPostfit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <application> = 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1003] -E <Emin_GeV> = 0 -L <quality_sorter> = -M <NPE> = 0 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -O <option> = "E" [E, N, LINE, LOGE] -a <atmosphere> = 90 90 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "postfit.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [working directory]]Go back to top of page.
Program to perform pre-fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JMuonPrefit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <muonParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 5 prefit.gridAngle_deg= 1 prefit.useL0= 0 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 3 prefit.Tmax_ns= 18 prefit.ctMin= 0 prefit.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.sigma_ns= 3 simplex.useL0= 1 simplex.Tmax_ns= 15 simplex.ctMin= 0 simplex.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.reprocess= 0 gandalf.roadWidth_m= 999 gandalf.R_Hz= 6000 gandalf.TTS_ns= 2 gandalf.E_GeV= 1000 gandalf.reprocess= 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = prefit.root See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform intermediate fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JMuonSimplex -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <muonParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 5 prefit.gridAngle_deg= 1 prefit.useL0= 0 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 3 prefit.Tmax_ns= 18 prefit.ctMin= 0 prefit.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.sigma_ns= 3 simplex.useL0= 1 simplex.Tmax_ns= 15 simplex.ctMin= 0 simplex.roadWidth_m= 200 simplex.reprocess= 0 gandalf.roadWidth_m= 999 gandalf.R_Hz= 6000 gandalf.TTS_ns= 2 gandalf.E_GeV= 1000 gandalf.reprocess= 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = simplex.root See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <input file> <output file> [PDF file descriptor]Go back to top of page.
usage: JORCAShowerFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <showerParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 3 prefit.useL0= 1 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 4 prefit.Tmax_ns= 20 prefit.ctMin= -0.7 prefit.Dmax_m= 50 prefit.pos_step= 20 prefit.time_step= 25 positionfit.numberOfPrefits= 1 positionfit.Tmax_ns= 20 positionfit.ctMin= -0.7 positionfit.Dmax_m= 80 positionfit.pos_step= 6 positionfit.time_step= 15 showerfit.Tmax_ns= 20 showerfit.Dmax_m= 80 showerfit.R_Hz= 10000 -F <pdfFile> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = JORCAShowerFit_Output.root See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [pdf file [output file]]]]Go back to top of page.
usage: JORCAShowerPositionFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <showerParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 3 prefit.useL0= 1 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 4 prefit.Tmax_ns= 20 prefit.ctMin= -0.7 prefit.Dmax_m= 50 prefit.pos_step= 20 prefit.time_step= 25 positionfit.numberOfPrefits= 1 positionfit.Tmax_ns= 20 positionfit.ctMin= -0.7 positionfit.Dmax_m= 80 positionfit.pos_step= 6 positionfit.time_step= 15 showerfit.Tmax_ns= 20 showerfit.Dmax_m= 80 showerfit.R_Hz= 10000 -F <pdfFile> = "PDF_ShowerPositionFit.root" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = PositionFit.root See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [pdf file [output file]]]]Go back to top of page.
Program to perform position pre-fit of shower to data. usage: JORCAShowerPrefit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <showerParams> = prefit.sigma_ns= 3 prefit.useL0= 1 prefit.numberOfOutliers= 4 prefit.Tmax_ns= 20 prefit.ctMin= -0.7 prefit.Dmax_m= 50 prefit.pos_step= 20 prefit.time_step= 25 positionfit.numberOfPrefits= 1 positionfit.Tmax_ns= 20 positionfit.ctMin= -0.7 positionfit.Dmax_m= 80 positionfit.pos_step= 6 positionfit.time_step= 15 showerfit.Tmax_ns= 20 showerfit.Dmax_m= 80 showerfit.R_Hz= 10000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = ShowerPrefit.root See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program for histogram operations. usage: JOpera1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <name> = "%" "histogram name; "%" -> same as operation; or "=" -> same as input; else as specified" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "opera.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -u <opera> = "Add" [Add, add, Subtract, subtract, Multiply, multiply, Divide, divide, efficiency, stdev, sqrt] See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program for histogram operations. usage: JOpera2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <name> = "%" "histogram name; "%" -> same as operation; or "=" -> same as input; else as specified" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "opera.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -u <opera> = "Add" [Add, add, Subtract, subtract, Multiply, multiply, Divide, divide, efficiency, stdev] See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform fit of muon path to data. usage: JPath -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <R_Hz> = 6000 -E <E_GeV> = 1000 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -P <pdfFile> -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -T <TTS_ns> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = path.root See also: back to top of page.
Example program to verify generator data. usage: JPizza -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -R <range> = -0.01 0.01 "fractional energy conservation" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "pizza.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. (input file)+ <output file> Note that if more than one input file is specified, all other arguments must be provided.Go back to top of page.
General purpose plot program for 1D ROOT objects. usage: JPlot1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -> <xLabel> = "" "x-axis label" -B <batch> = 0 "batch processing" -C <drawLine> = 0 -F <fillArea> = 0 -G <grid> = "grid lines [X][Y]" -L <legend> = "" "position legend e.g. TR" -N <Ndivisions> = 0 "axis divisioning (e.g. "X 505")" -O <option> = "" "plotting option" -P <project> = "projection" [ , x, X, y, Y] -S <markerSize> = 1 "marker size" -T <title> = "KM3NeT preliminary" "title" -X <logx> = 0 "logarithmic x-axis (-XX log10 axis)" -Y <logy> = 0 "logarithmic y-axis" -Z <logz> = 0 "logarithmic y-axis; after projection" -^ <yLabel> = "" "y-axis label" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -g <group> = 1 "group colour codes of objects" -l <lineWidth> = 2 "line width" -o <outputFile> = "" "graphics output" -s <stats> = -1 -t <xTimeFormat> = "" "set time format for x-axis, e.g. %d\/%m\/\%y%F1970-01-01 00:00:00" -w <canvas> = 500x500 "size of canvas <nx>x<ny> [pixels]" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "abscissa range" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ordinate range" -z <Z> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ordinate range of projection)" See also: back to top of page.
General purpose plot program for 2D ROOT objects. usage: JPlot2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -< <yLabel> = "" "y-axis label" -> <xLabel> = "" "x-axis label" -B <batch> = 0 "batch processing" -N <Ndivisions> = 0 "axis divisioning (e.g. "X 505")" -O <option> = "" "plotting option" -T <title> = "KM3NeT preliminary" "title" -X <logx> = 0 "logarithmic x-axis (-XX log10 axis)" -Y <logy> = 0 "logarithmic y-axis (-YY log10 axis)" -Z <logz> = 0 "logarithmic z-axis" -^ <zLabel> = "" "z-axis label" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -l <lineWidth> = 2 "line width" -o <outputFile> = "" "graphics output" -p <palette> = 53 "palette" -s <stats> = -1 -w <canvas> = 500x500 "size of canvas <nx>x<ny> [pixels]" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "x-abscissa range" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "y-abscissa range" -z <Z> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "ordinate range" See also: back to top of page.
Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a muon using tabulated CDF. usage: JPlotCDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "muon energy [GeV]" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -N <numberOfEvents> = 0 -R <R> "distance of approach [m]" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Program to verify generation of arrival times of Cherenkov photons from a shower using tabulated CDF. usage: JPlotCDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "muon energy [GeV]" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -N <numberOfEvents> = 0 -R <D> "distance [m]" -c <cd> "cosine emission angle" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables. usage: JPlotNPE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 0 "Energy [GeV]" -N <numberOfPoints> = 10 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" -x <x> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram x-binning" -y <y> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram y-binning" See also: back to top of page.
Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from muon using interpolation tables. usage: JPlotPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "muon energy [GeV]" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -R <R> "distance of approach [m]" -T <TTS_ns> = 0 "PMT time smearing [ns]" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables. usage: JPlotPDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "shower energy [GeV]" -H <histogram> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram binning" -R <D> "distance [m]" -T <TTS_ns> = 0 "PMT time smearing [ns]" -c <cd> "cosine emission angle" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
usage: JPlotPMTSystematics -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "PMTsystematics.root" -p <parameters> See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform pre-fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JPrefit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ctMin> = 0 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 18446744073709551615 -O <numberOfOutliers> = 0 -R <roadWidth_m> = 150 -S <sigma_ns> -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -U <useL0> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -g <gridAngle_deg> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = prefit.root See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print 'any' data. usage: JPrint -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selection> = Evt ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice Head JDAQEvent JDAQSummaryslice JDAQTimeslice JDAQTimesliceL0 JDAQTimesliceL1 JDAQTimesliceL2 JDAQTimesliceSN JTriggerParameters PhysicsEvent SPE_TimeSlice "Precede name of data structure by a '+' or '-' to add or remove data types in the output, respectively. ROOT wildcards are accepted." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print ROOT TChain information. usage: JPrintChain -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page. (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print DAQ header data. usage: JPrintDAQHeader -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 "debug flag." -f <inputFile> "input file." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print data from data base. usage: JPrintDB -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -@ <selection> = -C <cookie> = "" -W <width> = 16 -d <debug> = 1 -q <query> = "" -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print detector file in human friendly format. usage: JPrintDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> = "default" [default, header, pmts, modules, version, identifier, can, center, summary, VERSION, IDENTIFIER, CAN, CENTER, SUMMARY] -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print JDomino statistics. usage: JPrintDomino -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -c <combine> = 0 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print fit results. usage: JPrintFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <quality_sorter> = -N <numberOfFits> = 1 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print sum of Monte Carlo run headers. usage: JPrintHeader -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <print_only_mapped> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -k <key> = "" See also: back to top of page. (input file)+Go back to top of page. <input file>Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print Jpp meta data. usage: JPrintMeta -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <application> = "" -O <option> = "plain" [plain, JSON] -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print particle codes and masses. usage: JPrintPDB -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -k <key> = "name" [name, geant, pdg, mass] See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print ROOT TRandom seed. usage: JPrintRandom -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print the ranges of x and y values of 1D ROOT objects. usage: JPrintRange1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -x <x> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "x range" -y <y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "y range" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print the ranges of x, y and z values of 2D ROOT objects. usage: JPrintRange2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -x <x> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "x range" -y <y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "y range" -z <z> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "z range" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print result from ROOT histograms. Note that the formula may contain method names of the specified object. usage: JPrintResult -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <formula> = "ROOT TFormula (may contain method names of object)" -O <option> = "format, e.g. "%s %d", where '%s' will be replaced by name and '%d' by value" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print 'any' data. usage: JPrintRootClass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <printer> = Evt ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice Head JDAQEvent JDAQSummaryslice JDAQTimeslice JDAQTimesliceL0 JDAQTimesliceL1 JDAQTimesliceL2 JDAQTimesliceSN JHead JTriggerParameters PhysicsEvent SPE_TimeSlice "Precede name of data structure by a '+' or '-' to add or remove data types in the output, respectively. ROOT wildcards are accepted." -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print ROOT class version information. usage: JPrintRootVersion -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -c <class_name> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -f <input_file> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print JSirene job statistics. usage: JPrintSirene -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print result from ROOT histograms. Note that the formula may contain method names of the specified object. usage: JPrintTitle -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print ROOT TTree information. usage: JPrintTree -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page. (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print trigger parameters. usage: JPrintTriggerParameters -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -k <key> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print slow control parameters. usage: JPrintTuna -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <id> = -1 "string identifier (-1 => all)" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> "ROOT input file (output file of JTuna)." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to monitor memory and CPU usage of process. usage: JProfiler -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <process> "name of process" -T <T_us> = 100000 "interval time [us]" -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "profile.root" "ROOT output file" -u <interactive> = 0 "run in interactive mode" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to project 2D histograms. usage: JProject2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <format> = "" "format, e.g. "%s %i" or "%s %f %f"" -O <overflow> = 0 -P <project> = "projection" [ , x, X, y, Y] -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "project.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -x <X> = "x-abscissa ranges" -y <Y> = "y-abscissa ranges" See also: back to top of page.
Application for dark room time calibration. usage: JPulsar -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <TDC> "Set reference PMTs, e.g. -! "808969848 0 808982077 23" sets PMT 0 of module 808969848 and PMT 23 of module 808982077 as references." -A <overwriteDetector> = 0 "overwrite detector file provided through '-a' with correct time offsets." -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice "timeslice selector, e.g. JDAQTimesliceL1." [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -O <option> = "L" "ROOT fit option, see TH1::Fit." -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 1 "debug." -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JCalibrateK40)." -l <laserFrequency_Hz> = 10000 "laser frequency [Hz]" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "pulsar.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to send messages to ControlHost server. usage: JPutData -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -R <rate_Hz> -T <Tag> = -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 2147483647 -s <size> = 1024 -t <tag> = See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to send message to ControlHost server. usage: JPutMessage -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -c <use_cin> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -m <message> = "" -t <tag> See also: back to top of page. <detector file> (input file)+ GIT detector run livetime_s UTCMin_s UTCMax_s trigger3DMuon.enabled trigger3DShower.enabled triggerMXShower.enabled writeL0.prescale writeL1.prescale writeL2.prescale writeSN.prescale JDAQSummaryslice JDAQEvent JTrigger3DShower JTriggerMXShower JTrigger3DMuon JTriggerNB in-sync out-sync DAQ WR HRV FIFO PMTs MEAN_Rate_Hz RMS_Rate_HzGo back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to sum fit quality. usage: JQuality -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print quantiles from 1D histogram. usage: JQuantiles1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -Q <Q> -R <reverse> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to extract quantiles from 2D histogram. usage: JQuantiles2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -Q <Q> -R <reverse> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "quantiles.root" See also: back to top of page. [jra file string floor out dir]Go back to top of page. <daq_file> <detector_file> <jra_file> <output_file(.pdf)>Go back to top of page. <daq_file> <detector_file> <jra_file> <output_file(.pdf)> <module_id> <integration_site> [min_rate [max_rate [min_tot [max_tot]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [pipe [output file [trigger file [PMT parameters file]]]]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to write time slices with random data. usage: JRandomTimesliceWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> = 0 "background rates [Hz]" -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 "PMT simulation data (or corresponding file name)" -R <run> = -1 "run number" -S <seed> = 0 "seed" -T <TCLB_ns> = 256 -a <detectorFile> "detecto." -d <debug> = 0 "debug" -n <numberOfEvents> = 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = timeslice.root "output file" -r <runbyrun> = file= range_Hz=-1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 sampler=1 0 "option for run-by-run mode" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [output file [PMT parameters file [number of events]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <output file> <DAQ file> [PMT parameters file [number of events]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to rebin ROOT histograms. usage: JRebin1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "rebin.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -x <X> "abscissa values" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to send objects to JLigier server. usage: JRegurgitate -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQEvent [JDAQEvent, JDAQSummaryslice, JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -H <hostname> = "localhost" -R <rate_Hz> -T <time_s> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert binary data to ROOT formatted data. usage: JRoot -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
usage: JRunAnalyzer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <options.detector_file> -f <options.ifname> -o <options.ofname> = "out.root" See also: back to top of page. <input_file> <detector_file> <output_file(.root)>Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to scale ROOT histograms. Note that the formula may contain method names of the specified object. usage: JScale1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <formula> "ROOT TFormula (may contain method names of object)" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "scale.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "abscissa range (only for Integral)" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "abscissa range (only for Integral)" See also: back to top of page.
usage: JShellParser -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -b <boolean> = -o <regular> = See also: back to top of page.
usage: JShowerPositionFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ctMin> = -0.7 -D <Dmax_m> = 80 -F <pdfFile> = "PDF_ShowerPositionFit.root" -N <Tmax_ns> = 20 -P <pos_grid> = -28 28 -R <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -T <time_grid> = -60 60 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = PositionFit.root -p <pos_step> = 6 -t <time_step> = 15 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [pdf file [output file]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [working directory [muons]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram fit results. usage: JShowerPostfit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <application> = 101 [101, 102, 103] -E <Emin_GeV> = 0 -I <isMuon> = 0 -L <quality_sorter> = -M <NPE> = 0 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -O <option> = "E" [E, N, LINE, LOGE] -a <atmosphere> = 90 90 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "postfit.root" See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform intermediate fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JSimplex -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ctMin> = 0 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 0 -R <roadWidth_m> = 200 -S <sigma_ns> -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -U <useL0> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = simplex.root -r <reprocess> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Main program to simulate detector response to muons and showers. usage: JSirene -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <properties> = Dmin_m=0.1 Ecut_GeV=0.1 Emin_GeV=1 Nmax_npe=2147483647 Tmax_ns=0.1 -F <fileDescriptor> "file name descriptor for CDF tables" -N <numberOfHits> = 1 "minimum number of hits to output event" -S <seed> = 0 -U <factor> = 1 "scaling factor applied to light yields" -a <detectorFile> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> = -k <keep> = 0 "keep position of tracks" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = sirene.root -s <writeEMShowers> = 0 "store generated EM showers in event" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [CDF file descriptor]]]] Note that if more than one input file is specified, all other arguments must be provided.Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to determine time slewing from K40 data. usage: JSlewingK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ct> = 0 1 -M <multiplicity> = 2 2 -S <slewing> = 0 -T <TMax_ns> = 20.5 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "monitor.root" -t <totVeto_ns> = 0 10000 See also: back to top of page.
Program to perform PDF fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JStart -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> = 5000 500 50 5 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 0 -P <pdfFile> -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -T <T_ns> = -25 50 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = start.root -r <reprocess> = 0 -s <start> = 0.001 0.01 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to determine standard deviation of a set of 1D histograms. usage: JStdev1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "stdev.root" "ROOT file with histogram" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to manipulate MUPAGE data. usage: JStingray -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -E <E> = 1 "Energy scaling factor" -P <P> = 1 "Keep muons in event with given probability (<= 1, 1 == all)" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = mupage.root -u <u> = 0 "Reject events as a function of multiplicity (>= 0, 0 == none)" See also: back to top of page. [host [local file]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to make cumulative ROOT histogram. usage: JSum1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <normalise> = 0 "normalise histogram contents" -R <reverse> = 0 "sum right to left instead of left to right" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "sum.root" "ROOT file with histogram(s)" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted x-range values" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to blend and write summary data. usage: JSummary -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -R <run_number> = 1 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to monitor summary data. usage: JSummaryMonitor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -Q <qaqc> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to create summary data. usage: JSummaryWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -B <rates_Hz> = 0 -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -R <run_number> = 1 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test receiving of objects from ControlHost server. usage: JSupernovaMonitor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -H <controlhost> = "localhost" "CH server (input)" -L <ligier> = "" "Ligier server (output)" -M <M> = 6 10 "multiplicity range for SN coincidences" -P <statPrintInterval_s> = 30 "statistics & file print interval [s]" -Q <queueLength> = 100 "number of timeslices of trigger queue" -S <preTriggerThreshold> = 4 "muon veto multiplicity threshold" -T <TMax_ns> = 10 "coincidence time window [ns]" -V <TVeto_ns> = 1000 "muon veto time interval" -W <windowLength> = 5 "number of timeslices of trigger sliding window" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfTimeouts> = 100 -s <summaryFile> "summary output file" -t <timeout_us> = 0 100000 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program for chi2 test of 1D histograms. usage: JTestChi2 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> = "UU" [UU, UW, WW, UUUF, UWUF, WWUF, UUOF, UWOF, WWOF, UUUFOF, UWUFOF, WWUFOF] -P <P> = 0 "minimal p-value" -a <inputFileA> "measurement histogram, e.g: <file name>:<object name>" -b <inputFileA> "reference histogram, e.g: <file name>:<object name>" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test fit results. usage: JTestFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <test> "<parameter> <min> <max>" -F <fcn> = "user" "function name" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "histogram, e.g: <file name>:<object name>" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test contents of 1D histograms. usage: JTestRange1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <zmap> = "global tests" -N <numberOfOutliers> = 0 -X <invertX> = 0 -Y <invertY> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "measurement histogram, e.g: <file name>:<object name>" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted x-range values" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted y-range values" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test contents of 2D histograms. usage: JTestRange2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <zmap> = "global tests" -N <numberOfOutliers> = 0 -X <invertX> = 0 -Y <invertY> = 0 -Z <invertZ> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "measurement histogram, e.g: <file name>:<object name>" -x <X> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted x-range values" -y <Y> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted y-range values" -z <Z> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "accepted z-range values" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to apply test criteria to file. usage: JTestTuna -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <facet> = "ASCII" "Color facet" [ASCII, ELcode] -P <parametersFile> "ASCII formatted input file with test criteria" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "" "Optional output file with copy of failing input" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to trigger Monte Carlo events. usage: JTriggerEfficiency -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 "Trigger parameters (or corresponding file name)" -B <rates_Hz> = 0 "background rates [Hz]" -O <triggeredEventsOnly> = 0 "optionally write only triggered events." -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 "PMT simulation data (or corresponding file name)" -R <run> = -1 "run number" -S <seed> = 0 "seed" -a <detectorFileA> "detector used for conversion from Monte Carlo truth to raw data." -b <detectorFileB> = "" "detector used for conversion of raw data to calibrated data." -d <debug> = 0 "debug" -f <inputFile> "input file (output of detector simulation)" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = trigger_efficieny.root "output file" -r <runbyrun> = file= range_Hz=-1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 sampler=1 0 "option for run-by-run mode" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [detector file [(input file)+ [output file [trigger file [PMT parameters file]]]]]] Note that if more than one input file is specified, all other arguments must be provided.Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <detector file> (input file)+ <output file> <DAQ file> [PMT parameters file] Note that if more than one input file is specified, all other arguments must be provided.Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to histogram and print trigger statistics. usage: JTriggerMonitor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -Q <qaqc> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to trigger time slice data. usage: JTriggerProcessor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 "trigger parameters" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice "timeslice selector, e.g. JDAQTimesliceL1." [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -c <clock> = 1 "DAQ clock" [1, 3, 101] -d <debug> = 1 "debug flag." -f <inputFile> "input file." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = trigger_processor.dat "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to re-trigger event data. usage: JTriggerReprocessor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -U <reuse_parameters> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = trigger_reprocessor.root See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to verify processing of Monte Carlo events. usage: JTriggerTester -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 "Trigger parameters (or corresponding file name)" -B <rates_Hz> = 0 "background rates [Hz]" -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 "PMT simulation data (or corresponding file name)" -a <detectorFileA> "detector used for converion from Monte Carlo truth to raw data." -b <detectorFileB> = "" "detector used for conversion of raw data to calibrated data." -d <debug> = 2 "debug" -f <inputFile> "input file (output of detector simulation)" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert slow control data from the database to ROOT TTree. usage: JTuna -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -@ <selection> = "Possible selections: DETID RUN UNIXTIME SOURCE_NAME PARAMETER_NAME DATA_VALUE" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> "Detector identifier" -F <filter> = "Filter parameter" -G <graph> = 0 "Write TGraph instead of TTree" -L <locate> = pmt_highvolt pmt_highvolt@ pmt_id pmt_threshold pmt_threshold@ "Locate parameter" -P <prescale> = 1 "Prescale sampling of data" -R <runs> "Run range" -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfRows> = 9223372036854775807 "Maximal number of rows" -o <outputFile> -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector> <run> <output file> [option]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert ROOT TTree with slow control data to ROOT TGraph's. usage: JTuna2Graph -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <filter> = "filter" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> "ROOT input file (output file of JTuna)." -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> "ROOT output file" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to search for correlations between triggered events and timeslice data. usage: JTurbot -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = [, JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -N <numberOfTimeslices> = 100 -P <pmtFile> = "" -Q <qaqc> = 0 -T <TMaxLocal_ns> = 20 -W <binWidth_ns> = 10000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "" -p <Pmin> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to histogram bin-by-bin deviations of a set of 1D histograms. usage: JVariance1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <formula> = 0 "ROOT TFormula (may contain method names of object)" -R <reverse> = 0 "reverse sign" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "variance.root" "ROOT file with histogram (possibly I/O, option -r)" -r <reuse> = 0 "reuse histogram from existing output file" -x <X> "histogram binning" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to histogram bin-by-bin deviations of a set of 2D histograms. usage: JVariance2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <formula> = 0 "ROOT TFormula (may contain method names of object)" -R <reverse> = 0 "reverse sign" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "<input file>:<object name>" -o <outputFile> = "variance.root" "ROOT file with histogram (possibly I/O, option -r)" -r <reuse> = 0 "reuse histogram from existing output file" -x <X> "histogram binning" See also: back to top of page.
Program to determine veto of muon trajectory. usage: JVeto -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <R_Hz> = 6000 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -V <veto> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = veto.root -r <reprocess> = 0 See also: back to top of page. <detector> <source run> <target run> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
doxygen.shGo back to top of page.
elogd 3.1.4 built Dec 1 2019, 15:59:00 revision 966e3dd usage: elog elog -h <hostname> [-p port] [-d subdir] Location where elogd is running -l logbook/experiment Name of logbook or experiment -s Use SSL for communication [-v] For verbose output [-u username password] Wser name and password [-f <attachment>] (up to 50 attachments) -a <attribute>=<value> (up to 50 attributes) [-r <id>] Reply to existing message [-q] Quote original text on reply [-e <id>] Edit existing message [-w <id>|last] Download existing message (last message) [-x] Suppress email notification [-n 0|1|2] Encoding: 0:ELcode,1:plain,2:HTML -m <textfile>] | <text> Arguments with blanks must be enclosed in quotes The elog message can either be submitted on the command line, piped in like "cat text | elog -h ... -l ... -a ..." or in a file with the -m flag. Multiple attributes and attachments can be suppliedGo back to top of page. <input file> <parameters file> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to select Monte Carlo files according generator. usage: getAAnetFiles -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <header> = "CORSIKA_0" [CORSIKA_0, CORSIKA_C, CORSIKA_FE, CORSIKA_HE, CORSIKA_P, DAQ, GENHEN, GENIE, KM3, KM3SIM, MUPAGE, SIRENE] -O <option> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print cookie file name. usage: getCookie -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to get serial number or object identifier of detector from database. usage: getDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -d <debug> = 1 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print live time of data taking. usage: getLivetime -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page. (input file)Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print module location for a given module iddentifier. Interactive mode in absence of option -M <module>. usage: getLocation -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <id> = -1 "Module identifier" -a <detectorFile> "Detector file" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print module identifier for a given module location. Interactive mode in absence of option -L <location>. usage: getModule -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <location> = -1 -1 "Module location" -a <detectorFile> "Detector file" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print module identifier for a given PMT identifier. usage: getPMT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <PMT> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print UNIX time in human readable format usage: getTimestamp -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <t_ms> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print UTC start and stop time of data taking run. usage: getUTC -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to recursively check for include file in Jpp framework. usage: include -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <source> "name of source file to be inspected" -i <target> "name of include file to be searched" See also: back to top of page.
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Setting environment variables for Jpp software. (input file)+Go back to top of page. <input file> <parameters file> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
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Go back to top of page. <input file> <parameters file> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
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Example program to analyse track fit results from AAnet formatted data. usage: JAAnet -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -E <E> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 -a <detectorFile> = "" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to read Monte Carlo events. usage: JABCnet -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 "debug level" -f <inputFile> "list of files" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 "number of events to read from file(s)" See also: back to top of page.
usage: JWeightFileScanner -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to plot event rates using JASTRONOMY::JStarTrek. usage: JRate -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -J <join> = 0 -N <numberOfBlocks> = 1 -Z <ct> = -0.25 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "volume.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page. <detector file> (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page. <detector file> <string identifier> (input file)+Go back to top of page. <detector file> <string identifier> (input file)+Go back to top of page. <detector file> <string identifier> (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page. (input file)+Go back to top of page. <input file> [working directory]Go back to top of page. <detector file> (input file)+Go back to top of page. <detector file> <string identifier> <trigger parameters> <daq type> (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <input file> <output file>Go back to top of page.
Example program to remove PMT(s) from data (and set corresponding rate to 0). usage: JRemovePMT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <PMT> = -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = abc.root See also: back to top of page. <detector file> <input file>Go back to top of page. [working directory]Go back to top of page. (input file)+Go back to top of page. <string identifier> [working directory]Go back to top of page. [working directory]Go back to top of page. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. (input file)+Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram event data. usage: JDAQEvent -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <trigger_mask> = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "event.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <input file> [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram string and floor hits. usage: JDAQHitRouter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "router.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram string and floor rates. usage: JDAQModuleRouter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "router.root" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to histogram various data profiles. usage: JDAQProfile -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <prescale> = 1 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "profile.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <input file> [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram summary data. usage: JDAQSummaryslice -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "summaryslice.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <input file> [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram timeslice data. usage: JDAQTimeslice -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <PMT> = -1 -1 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "timeslice.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram timeslice data. usage: JDAQTimesliceSelector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -P <PMT> = -1 -1 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "timeslice.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <input file> [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram UTC profiles. usage: JUTCProfile -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "profile.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <input file> [output file]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to check HV. usage: JCheckHV -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> "Detector identifier" -R <run> "Run" -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfRows> = 9223372036854775807 "Maximal number of rows" -o <outputFile> = "hv.root" -p <precision> = 0.5 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector identifier> <first run> <last run> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to build detector from database. usage: JDetectorIntegration -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -P <pbs> = -U <upi> = / -d <debug> = 1 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print run setup data. usage: JPrintRunsetup -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -R <rs_oid> -d <debug> = 1 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector identifier>Go back to top of page.
Example program to print data from data base. usage: JRuns -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -S <setup> = "" -d <debug> = 1 -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page. <detector identifier>Go back to top of page. <detector identifier>Go back to top of page.
<input file>Go back to top of page.
<input file>Go back to top of page. <detector> <run> <parameters file>Go back to top of page.
Example program to analyse acoustic data from data base. usage: toa -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <pwd> = "" -C <cookie> = "" -D <detid> -Q <Q> = 0 -R <runs> -T <TMax_s> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "toa.root" -u <usr> = "" See also: back to top of page.
toa.shGo back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [logger file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file] [logger file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
usage: JCompass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <compass> = 0 0 0 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to compose detector from separate calibrations. usage: JConstructDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> "detector file (module identifiers, module locations and PMT identifiers are used)" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "detector calibrations file (json format)" -o <outputFile> = "" "detector file" See also: back to top of page. [detector file]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to decompose detector to separate calibrations. usage: JDestructDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> "detector file" -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "" "detector calibrations file (json format)" -p <precision> = 0.001 See also: back to top of page.
Program to convert detector to ntuples. usage: JDetectorToNTuple -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to check background calculation. usage: JK40Rates -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rates_Hz> -Q <QE> = 1 -S <seed> = 0 -T <livetime_s> = 100000 -d <debug> = 1 -e <precision> = 0.02 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print PMT logical addressing. usage: JModuleAddressMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <detectorID> -M <moduleID> = -1 -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test module mapping. usage: JModuleMapper -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "mapper.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file]Go back to top of page.
Program to convert ntuples to detector. usage: JNTupleToDetector -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <ntupleFile> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to convert PMT QE(angle) data. usage: JPMTAngularAcceptance -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page. <input file>Go back to top of page.
Example program to create PMT parameters map. usage: JPMTParametersMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <parameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -a <detectorFile> = "" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to determine speed of PMT router. usage: JPMTRouter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "router.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test PMT signal processor probability. usage: JPMTSignalProcessor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <NPE> = 1 -P <parameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.02 -n <numberOfHits> = 10000 -p <pmt> = -1 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to histogram PMT simulator features. usage: JPMTSimulator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfHits> = 100 -o <outputFile> = "pmt.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test PMT status bits. usage: JPMTStatusBits -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary application to plot PMT parameters. usage: JPlotPMTParameters -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <parameters> "PMT calibration data (or corresponding file name)" -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 0 "debug" -o <outputFile> = "pmt_parameters.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary application to plot PMT parameters. usage: JPlotPMTParameters2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <inputFile> "PMT calibration data file" -a <detectorFile> "detector file." -d <debug> = 0 "debug" -o <outputFile> = "pmt_parameters.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page. [detector file]Go back to top of page. <detector file> [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram time over threshold as a function of number of photo-electrons. usage: JSlewing -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [output file]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to model transition time distribution generator from data. usage: JTTS -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <bass> = 0 -C <cdf> = "" -P <pdf> = "" -S <span> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfBins> = 1000 -o <outputFile> = "" -x <xbin> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram time over threshold distributions. usage: JToT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <NPE> = 1 -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -d <debug> = 0 -e <precision> = 0.005 -n <numberOfHits> = 1000000 -o <outputFile> = "tot.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram PMT transit time distribution. usage: JTransitTime -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <NPE> = 1 -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -T <TTS_ns> = 2 -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test generation of transit times using PMT simulator. usage: JTransitTimeGenerator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfHits> = 10000 -o <outputFile> = "pmt.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to determine PMT transit time probability. usage: JTransitTimeProbablity -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <T_ns> -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page. <detector file>Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <PMT parameters file>Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> (PMT parameters file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> (PMT parameters file)+Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <detector file> <PMT parameters file>Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [file pattern]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram energy corrections. usage: JEnergyCorrection -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -E <energy_correction> -d <debug> = 2 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JEnergyCorrection.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to histogram fit results. usage: JFitEfficiency -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <containment> = 0 -E <E_GeV> = 1 -1 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -Q <quality> = 2.22507e-308 -X <logx> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "fitefficiency.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [trigger file [input file]]]Go back to top of page.
Program to test JGandalf algorithm. usage: JGandalfFitToGauss -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <gauss> = 0.000 1.000 1000.000 100.000 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.050 0.050 25.000 25.000 -n <numberOfEvents> = 100 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to perform PDF fit of muon trajectory to data. usage: JGandalfx -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <R_Hz> = 6000 -E <E_GeV> = 1000 -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -P <pdfFile> -R <roadWidth_m> = 1.79769e+308 -T <TTS_ns> -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = gandalf.root See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test application history. usage: JHistory -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to plot various M-Estimators. usage: JMEstimator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <mestimator> = "normal" [normal, lorentzian, tukey, linear] -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "mestimator.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JMEstimator.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to test chi2 calculations of co-variance matrix including direction uncertainty. usage: JMatrixNZ -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <alpha_deg> -C <ctMin> = 0 -O <numberOfOutliers> -R <roadWidth_m> = 150 -S <sigma_ns> -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -U <useTrue> = 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "matrixnz.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
usage: JORCAShowerPositionPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <cosT> = -1 1 -D <D_m> = 0 100 -P <PMTweight> = 0 -T <t_res_ns> = -100 100 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "JORCAShowerPositionFit_PDF.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file [PDF file descriptor]]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram fit results. usage: JPlotData -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <application> = 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1003] -L <quality_sorter> = -N <numberOfPrefits> = 1 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "postfit.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Test program for position fit. usage: JPoint3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfAxes> = 3 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.001 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 -o <outputFile> = "" -s <sigma> = 0.0001 See also: back to top of page.
Test program for vertex fit. usage: JPoint4D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-05 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to compare fit results from two files. usage: JPostfit2F -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <angle_Deg> = 1 -a <inputFileA> -b <inputFileB> -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "postfit2f.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file]Go back to top of page.
Program to test ROOT fit. usage: JRootFitToGauss -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <gauss> = 0.000 1.000 1000.000 100.000 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.050 0.050 25.000 25.000 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to test JSimplex algorithm. usage: JSimplexFitToGauss -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <gauss> = 0.000 1.000 1000.000 100.000 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.050 0.050 25.000 25.000 -n <numberOfEvents> = 100 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test convex hull and enclosing circle. usage: JConvexHull2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfPoints> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print eigen values in 2D. usage: JEigenValues2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to find smallest distance between two points. usage: JGetSmallestDistance2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfPoints> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test JOmega2D class. usage: JOmega2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -G <range_Deg> = 0.5 10.5 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test intersection of straight line with cylinder. usage: JCylinder3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-12 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print eigen values in 3D. usage: JEigenValues3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test rotations in 3D. usage: JGeometry3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -e <precision> = 1e-12 -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to find smallest distance between two points. usage: JGetSmallestDistance3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfPoints> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test JOmega3D class. usage: JOmega3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -G <range_Deg> = 0.5 10.5 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 100 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Initial polyline: (1 0 0)-(0 1 0)-(0 0 1) After a 90 degree rotation around the z-axis: (6.12323e-17 1 0)-(-1 6.12323e-17 0)-(0 0 1) After rotating back: (1 0 0)-(0 1 0)-(0 0 1) Done!Go back to top of page.
Example program to test angle of incidence of a photon from a muon on a PMT. usage: JTrack3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <pmt> = 0 0 1 0 0 1 -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <working directory>Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to create TH1D and fill according given formula. usage: JHistogram1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -= <parameterValues> = -F <formula> -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 -o <outputFile> -x <X> = 100 -1 1 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to create TH1D and fill according given formula. usage: JHistogram2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -= <parameterValues> = -F <formula> -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 -o <outputFile> -x <X> = 100 -1 1 -y <Y> = 100 -1 1 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test histogram manager. usage: JManager -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -o <outputFile> = "manager.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [output file [trigger file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test byte array I/O. usage: JByteArrayIO -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class inspection. usage: JAbstractClass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test speed of memory allocation. usage: JAllocator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfEvents> = 1000 -R <reverse> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfAllocs> = 1000 -r <random> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test selection of base class. usage: JBaseClass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test boolean algebra at compile time. usage: JBool -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test assignment of comma separated values. usage: JCSV -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class inspection. usage: JClass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object cloning. usage: JClonable -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test color printing. usage: JColor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <facet> = "ASCII" [ASCII, ELcode] -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test comparisons of objects. usage: JComparable -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test object comparison methods. usage: JComparator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test availability of object comparisons. usage: JComparisonAvailable -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class inspection. usage: JConversion -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
usage: JCppFacet -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -t <buffer> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class enumeration. usage: JEnumeration -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object comparisons. usage: JEquals -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test equation parsing usage: JEquation -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test file streaming. usage: JFileStream -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -f <file_name> = "test_file.txt" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test object selection methods. usage: JFind_if -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hierarchical comparisons of objects. usage: JMultiComparable -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -i <buffer> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object comparisons. usage: JMultiEquals -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi pointer. usage: JMultiPointer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test mutex messaging. usage: JMutex -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test file streaming. usage: JNullStream -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <use_cout> = 0 -c <use_cin> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object. usage: JObject -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object multiplexing and demultiplexing. usage: JObjectDemultiplexer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object iteration. usage: JObjectIterator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object output. usage: JObjectOutput -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object reading. usage: JObjectReader -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test object writing class. usage: JObjectWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object iteration using pipe. usage: JPipe -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <mod> = 2 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test object selection methods. usage: JPredicate -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test print helper. usage: JPrintHelper -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test redirection of I/O streams. usage: JRedirectStream -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test redirection of I/O streams. usage: JRedirectString -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -m <message> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test referencing of objects. usage: JReference -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test whetger a class exists. usage: JResolve -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object iteration using STD containers. usage: JSTDObjectReader -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object output using STD containers. usage: JSTDObjectWriter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test selection of ordered data. usage: JSetize -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test shared pointer. usage: JSharedPointer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -n <N> = 4 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test single pointer. usage: JSinglePointer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test singleton. usage: JSingleton -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test getSize. usage: JSize -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test creation and deletion of objects. usage: JStorage -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test availability of I/O stream redirection. usage: JStreamAvailable -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test string operations. usage: JString -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test object referencing. usage: JTemplate -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test template I/O. usage: JTemplateIO -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test token parsing. usage: JToken -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -b <buffer> = -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JToken.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to test type lists. usage: JTypeList -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test type defs. usage: JTypedef -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test converions of array of objects to array of data members. usage: JVectorize -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test white spaces handling using facet. usage: JWhiteSpacesFacet -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -c <ws> = " =." -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JWhiteSpacesFacet.shGo back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test message logging. usage: JMessageLogger -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <use_cin> = 0 -M <message_logger> = "localhost" -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -x <off> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test message scheduling. usage: JMessageScheduler -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <message_logger> = "localhost" -T <log_s> -c <use_cout> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfMessages> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test zero values of non-primitive data types. usage: JLimits -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test user class with arithmetic capabilities. usage: JMath -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <alpha> -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrix1S -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrix2S -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrix3S -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrix4S -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrix5S -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test matrix operations. usage: JMatrixND -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <N> -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test inversion of symmetric matrix. usage: JMatrixNS -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <N> -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test polynome. usage: JPolynome -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <f1> -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 2.22507e-308 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test zero values of non-primitive data types. usage: JZero -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
usage: JClusterBuilder -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -f <input> -m <maxnslices> = 100 -o <ofname> = "out.root" -v <verbose> = 0 -w <window> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to determine N-fold coincidence rates. usage: JHalibut -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -M <M> = 2 31 -O <option> = "" -T <TMax_ns> = 20 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "halibut.root" -s <summaryFile> = "halibut.txt" See also: back to top of page. <input_file> <detector_file> [output_path [selection]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Monitoring of PMT time over threshold distributions. usage: JSupernovaL0 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <nLines> = 2 -o <outputFile> = "summaryrates.root" See also: back to top of page. [edit the different options within]Go back to top of page. [edit the different options within]Go back to top of page.
[1mRooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby[0m Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read usage: JInterDomCal -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <options.detector_file> -c <options.ofname_checks> = "" -d <options.down_pmts> = 4 -f <options.ifname> -l <options.analysis_level> = 0 -n <options.number_neighbors> = 2 -rpm <options.ref_pmt> = 0 -s <options.string_number> -t <options.ofname_txt> = "" -tpm <options.tgt_pmt> = 22 -u <options.up_pmts> = 1 -x <options.ofname_detx> = "out.detx" See also: back to top of page.
[1mRooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby[0m Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read usage: JPulseFinder -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <options.stagger_16ns> = 0 -V <options.voltage> = 0 -a <options.detector_file> -b <options.down_pmts> = 4 -d <options.overall_delay_16ns> = 0 -f <options.ifnames> -n <options.number_neighbors> = 2 -o <options.ofname> = "out.root" -p <options.pulse_period_16ns> -s <options.string_number> -t <options.up_pmts> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
[1mRooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby[0m Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read usage: JVoltageOptimizer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <options.saturation_tot> = 26.4 -a <options.detector_file> -c <options.ofname_cal> = "out_cal.root" -d <options.down_pmts> = 4 -f <options.ifnames> -n <options.max_neighbors> = 2 -o <options.ofname_opt> = "out_opt.root" -s <options.string_number> -t <options.ofname_txt> = "out.txt" -u <options.up_pmts> = 1 See also: back to top of page. [edit the different options within]Go back to top of page. [edit the different options within]Go back to top of page.
[1mRooFit v3.60 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby[0m Copyright (C) 2000-2013 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read usage: pulse_classification -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <options.detector_file> -d <options.down_pmts> = 4 -f <options.ifname> -l <options.analysis_level> = 0 -n <options.number_neighbors> = 2 -o <options.ofname> = "out.root" -s <options.string_number> -u <options.up_pmts> = 1 See also: back to top of page. [edit the different options within]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test communication with JControlHost server. usage: JControlHost -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -T <tag> = ME -Y <any> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -m <message> = "hello world" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test receiving of objects from ControlHost server. usage: JControlHostObjectIterator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -T <timeout_us> = 0 100000 -Y <any> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfTimeouts> = 100 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. <host name>Go back to top of page.
Example program to distribute data through control host. usage: JDistributer -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <destinations> -H <hostname> = "localhost" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test receiving of objects as Ligier server. usage: JLigierObjectIterator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <port> -d <debug> = 1 -q <backlog> = 1024 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test JNET::JSubscription. usage: JSubscription -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test where is functionality of ControlHost server. usage: JWhereIs -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <hostname> = "localhost" -M <nickname> -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [PDF]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [PDF]Go back to top of page.
Program to determine the energy loss due to visible delta-rays. usage: JDeltaRays -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -L <lepton> = "muon" [muon, tau, positron, electron] -O <option> = "" -T <T_GeV> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "kinetic energy range of electron [GeV]" -d <debug> = 1 -e <precision> = 1e-06 -n <numberOfPoints> = 1000000 "points for integration" -o <outputFile> = "delta-rays.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to draw PDF from LED beacon. usage: JDrawLED -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <absorptionLength> = 50 -D <dir> -N <number_of_points> = 25 -R <D> -S <scatteringLength> = 50 -c <ct> -d <debug> = 2 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 -o <outputFile> = "led.root" -w <wavelength> = 470 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [distance]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to draw npe as a function of EM-energy. usage: JEMShower -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -e <epsilon> = 1e-10 -n <numberOfPoints> = 25 -o <outputFile> = "geanc.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram muon energy loss. usage: JGeane -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "geane.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram photon emission profile from showers. usage: JGeanx -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "geanx.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram longitudinal shower profile. usage: JGeanz -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -E <E_GeV> -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "geanz.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Go back to top of page.
Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. examples/JPhysics/ no matches found: /builds/common/jpp/data//sirene*.rootGo back to top of page.
usage: JMultiPMT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> -E <E_GeV> -O <option> = "KM3NeT" [KM3NeT, Antares] -T <TMax_ns> = 20 -d <debug> = 0 -f <fileDescriptor> -o <outputFile> = "multipmt.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JMultiPMT.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to calculate multiples rate. usage: JMultiplicityK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -A <Aefftype> = 1 [1, 2, 3] -D <D_m> = 0.216 10 -F <focus> = 1 -G <generator> = 0 [0, 2, -2] -Q <QE> = 1 -S <seed> = 0 -U <exclusive> = 0 -a <a> = 0 -b <bequerel> = 13750 -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfEvents> = 10000000 -o <outputFile> = "k40.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram neutrino interaction cross sections. usage: JNeutrino -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "neutrino.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables. usage: JPlotNPE-PDG -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <cdfFile> -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 1 "Energy [GeV]" -N <numberOfPoints> = 10 -P <pdfFile> -d <debug> = 0 -o <outputFile> -x <x> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram x-binning" -y <y> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram y-binning" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy]Go back to top of page.
Program to plot PDF of Cherenkov light from EM-shower using interpolation tables. usage: JPlotNPE1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <dir> "(theta, phi) of PMT [rad]" -E <E> = 0 "Energy [GeV]" -N <numberOfPoints> = 10 -R <D> "distance from vertex to PMT [m]" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "" -x <x> = 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 "histogram x-binning" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
JPrintPDF.shGo back to top of page.
JPrintPDG.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to histogram radiation cross sections, shower energy, range and b(E). usage: JRadiation -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> = "length" [length, energy, range, eloss] -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfPoints> = 0 -o <outputFile> = "radiation.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JRadiation.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to calculate singles rate. usage: JRateK40 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <properties> = QE=1,TTS_ns=-1,gain=0.9,gainSpread=0.3,riseTime_ns=8.5,saturation=210,slewing=1,slope=7,threshold=0.33, -b <bequerel> = 13750 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [energy [distance]]Go back to top of page.
Program to print ROOT dictionary. usage: JPrintRootDictionary -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Program to test JRootClass. usage: JRootClass -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Program to test ROOT fit. usage: JRootFit -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 2.22507e-308 See also: back to top of page.
JADF.shGo back to top of page.
Auxiliary program histogram plot absorption and scattering lengths as well as dispersion. usage: JLight -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -o <outputFile> = "light.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to print number of photo-electrons. usage: JNPE -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <npe> -d <debug> = 2 See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to plot QE and angular acceptance of PMT. usage: JPMT -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <pdf> = 0 -d <debug> = 2 -o <outputFile> = "pmt.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Auxiliary program histogram plot EM-equivalent energy for hadrons. Note that the results have a small offset to effectively be visualised. usage: JPythia -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -e <epsilon> = 0.004 -o <outputFile> = "pythia.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to resize coordinate system of Monte Carlo events. usage: JSwordfish -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <scale> = 1 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to test generation of L0 background. usage: JGlow -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <outNumberOfLines> = 115 "number of lines of the simulated (output) detector" -T <duration_ms> = 500 "duration in ms of the background sample." -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> "input file (output from JRipple)." -o <outputFile> = "glow.root" "output file." See also: back to top of page.
Example program to examine rates as a function of time on ms-level timescales. usage: JRipple -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <binWidth_ms> = 1 "Bin width (experimental)" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -D <mode2D> = 0 "L1 mode: create 2D histogram with time differences of coincidences (heavy memory usage, ignored if TMax_ns = 0)" -M <multiplicityRange> = 2 31 "L1 mode: multiplicity range (ignored if TMax_ns = 0)" -O <globalOutputOnly> = 0 "Write only aggregate histograms" -S <TMaxSelf_ns> = 10 "Time window for merge of double pulses" -T <TMax_ns> = 0 "Time window for local coincidences (if 0 run in L0 mode)" -V <backVeto> = 0 "Apply retroactive veto." -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "ripple.root" -t <totRange_ns> = 0 255 "ToT acceptance range" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test meta. usage: JMeta -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -o <outputFile> = "meta.root" -x <buffer> See also: back to top of page.
Program to test ordered reading from a ROOT TTree. usage: JPrintTreeScanner -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = JDAQTimeslice [JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to test sampling of summary data. usage: JSampler -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -R <sampler> = 1 0 -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Program to test iteration from a ROOT TTree. usage: JTreeIterator -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file]Go back to top of page.
Program to test TTree recording with circular buffer. usage: JTreeRecorder -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -c <size> = 0 "circular buffer size" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Program to test ordered reading from a ROOT TTree. usage: JTreeScanner -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output_file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to show system time. usage: JDate -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" See also: back to top of page.
Auxiliary program to echo (reverted) string. usage: JEcho -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -r <revert> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test key board pressings. usage: JKeypress -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -c <echo> = 0 -t <timeout_us> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class inspection. usage: JLs -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to show memory usage. usage: JMemoryUsage -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -M <size_B> = 33554432 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print IP address. usage: JNetwork -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -H <host_name> = "localhost" See also: back to top of page.
Example for testing inter-process communication. usage: JProcess -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <use_cin> = 0 -c <command> -r <revert> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JProcess.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to test shell I/O. usage: JShell -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print status of file. usage: JStat -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -f <file_name> = "examples/JSystem/JStat" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print system information. usage: JSysinfo -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test class inspection. usage: JTime -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to print shell. usage: getShell -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test fixed length array class. usage: JArray -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test automatic generation of map based on data types. usage: JAutoMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test collection class. usage: JCollection -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test combinatorics of pairs of indices. usage: JCombinatorics -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfElements> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hash collection. usage: JHashCollection -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -e <precision> = 0.001 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hash map. usage: JHashMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hash set. usage: JHashSet -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> = "" -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test 1D histogram. usage: JHistogram1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <subtract> = 0 -N <numberOfBins> -Q <quadrature> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test 2D histogram. usage: JHistogram2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -D <subtract> = 0 -N <numberOfBins> -Q <quadrature> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> = "histogram.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test 3D histogram. usage: JHistogram3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input/output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test performance of merge sort. usage: JMergeSort -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <rate_Hz> -D <do_test> = 0 -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to create 1D function interpolator from multi-dimensional interpolator. usage: JMultiFunction1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-14 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to create 2D function interpolator from multi-dimensional interpolator. usage: JMultiFunction2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-14 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional key. usage: JMultiKey -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional map. usage: JMultiMap -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test conditional probability density function. usage: JMultiPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 15 -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> = "" -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input/output file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test permutations. usage: JPermutation -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <N> -d <debug> = 1 -i <buffer> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JPermutation.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to test 1D interpolation of a polynome. usage: JPolynome1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 21 -P <f1> -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = grid 0.001 0.1 0.0001 hermite 0.001 0.1 0.0001 polint 1e-14 1e-12 1e-14 spline 0.001 0.1 0.0001 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. JPolynome1D.shGo back to top of page.
Example program to test 1D interpolation of a polynome. usage: JPolynome1P -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 21 -P <f1> -d <debug> = 1 -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 -x <x0> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation. usage: JPolynome3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-14 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation with multi-dimensional function objects. usage: JPolynome3D+2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional integration. usage: JPolynome3G -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -P <f1> = 1 1 1 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = polint 1e-10 spline 0.001 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation with derivatives. usage: JPolynome3H -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -P <f1> = 1 1 1 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation. usage: JPolynome5D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-14 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test quantile calculation. usage: JQuantile -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -S <seed> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> -s <sigma> = 1 -x <x> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test quantiles calculation of a function. usage: JQuantiles -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 13 -Q <Q> = 0.5 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 0.001 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test range operations. usage: JRange -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test multi-dimensional interpolation. usage: JResultHesse3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -X <fx> = 1 1 1 -Y <fy> = 1 1 1 -Z <fz> = 1 1 1 -d <debug> = 3 -e <precision> = 1e-13 -n <numberOfEvents> = 1000 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test interpolations for PDF. usage: JResultPDF -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfPoints> = 15 -Q <quadrature> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -o <outputFile> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [working directory]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test 3D integration of sphere. usage: JSphere3D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 101 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test integration of sphere in any number of dimensions. usage: JSphereND -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 11 -d <debug> = 2 -e <precision> = 0.01 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test interpolation between 2D tables. usage: JTable2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 2 -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test transformable function. usage: JTransformableFunction -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 35 -U <transform> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test 1D interpolation of a polynome. usage: JTrigonometric1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 21 -d <debug> = 3 -n <numberOfEvents> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test tuple class. usage: JTuple -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hit building with DAQ events. usage: JBuild -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "build.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test performance of various hit filters. usage: JFilter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ctMin> = 0 -H <histogram> = 1 [1, 2] -Q <thetaRad> = 0.2 -R <roadWidth_m> = 150 -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -a <detectorFile> -c <cluster> = A [A, B, C, D, E, F] -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "filter.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to determine time slewing of L1 hits. usage: JHitL1 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <ctMin> = 0 -T <Tmax_ns> = 15 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "hitL1.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test hit pre-processing with user data. format: -u "(<PMT> <time> <time-over-threshold>)+" usage: JPreprocessor -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -O <option> = none [none, join, filter] -T <Tmax_ns> -d <debug> = 0 -u <data> See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [OPTION]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test hit coincidence building with random data. usage: JRandomL1 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -B <k40Simulator> = -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -S <seed> = 0 -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -d <debug> = 0 -n <numberOfEvents> -o <outputFile> = "randomL2.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test hit coincidence building with Monte Carlo events. usage: JSignalL1 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "buildL2.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to simulate summary data. usage: JSimbad -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -P <pmtParameters> = QE=1 mu=0 %.QE=1 %.TTS_ns=-1 %.gain=0.9 %.gainSpread=0.3 %.riseTime_ns=8.5 %.saturation=210 %.slewing=1 %.slope=7 %.threshold=0.33 "PMT simulation data (or corresponding file name)" -R <R_Hz> = -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 -a <detectorFile> "detector file" -d <debug> = 0 "debug" -f <inputFile> "input DAQ file" -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = simbad.root "output file" See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test hit coincidence building with user data. format: -u "(<PMT> <time> <time-over-threshold>)+" usage: JTestL1 -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -d <debug> = 0 -u <data> See also: back to top of page.
usage: JTestNBTrigger -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <detectorFile> -f <in> See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test conversion between Monte Carlo and DAQ times. usage: JTimeConverter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <Tmax_ns> = 20 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 3 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram trigger efficiency. usage: JTriggerEfficiency1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -X <logx> = 0 -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -o <outputFile> = "efficiency.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [working directory]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test I/O of trigger mask. usage: JTriggerMask -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -T <trigger_mask> -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to read trigger parameters. usage: JTriggerParameters -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -@ <parameters> = trigger3DShower.enabled= 0 trigger3DShower.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DShower.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DShower.DMax_m= 250 trigger3DShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DShower.factoryLimit= 100 triggerMXShower.enabled= 0 triggerMXShower.numberOfHits= 8 triggerMXShower.numberOfModules= 8 triggerMXShower.DMax_m= 43 triggerMXShower.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 triggerMXShower.factoryLimit= 100 trigger3DMuon.enabled= 0 trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits= 5 trigger3DMuon.numberOfModules= 5 trigger3DMuon.DMax_m= 1000 trigger3DMuon.roadWidth_m= 120 trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg= 10 trigger3DMuon.TMaxExtra_ns= 20 trigger3DMuon.factoryLimit= 100 triggerNB.enabled= 0 triggerNB.pmts= -1 0 -1 3 -1 4 triggerNB.DMax_m= 100 highRateVeto_Hz= 1.79769e+308 L2Min= 2 ctMin= -1 TMaxLocal_ns= 10 TMaxEvent_ns= 1000 numberOfBins= 1000 combineL1= 1 L2.numberOfHits= 0 L2.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 L2.ctMin= 1 SN.numberOfHits= 0 SN.TMaxLocal_ns= 0 SN.ctMin= 1 writeTimeslices.prescale= 0 writeTimeslices.counter= 0 writeSummary.prescale= 1 writeSummary.counter= 0 writeL0.prescale= 0 writeL0.counter= 0 writeL1.prescale= 0 writeL1.counter= 0 writeL2.prescale= 0 writeL2.counter= 0 writeSN.prescale= 0 writeSN.counter= 0 -d <debug> = 0 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [trigger file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [trigger file [working directory]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [trigger file [input file [working directory]]]]Go back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to search for out of sync shifts around integral timeslices evolving over time. usage: JTurbot2D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = [, JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -M <binWidth_min_timeEvolution> = 2 -N <numberOfTimeslices> = 40 -T <TMax_ns> = 20 -W <binWidth_ns> = 10000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to search for correlations between triggered events and timeslice data. usage: JTurbotIter -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -C <selector> = [, JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN] -N <numberOfTimeslices> = 100 -O <peaks> = "" -P <pmtFile> = "" -Q <qaqc> = 0 -T <TMaxLocal_ns> = 20 -W <binWidth_ns> = 10000 -a <detectorFile> -d <debug> = 2 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "" -p <Pmin> = 1e-06 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [detector file [input file [output file]]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to histogram neutrino effective volume for triggered events. For genie/gSeaGen events a histogram depicting the fraction of events that triggered the detector inside the instrumented volume is also shown. usage: JVolume1D -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -N <numberOfBins> = 10 "Number of bins in the energy range of the MC simulation" -R <wall> = 0 "Addition margin around the volume in which the considered events must reside" -X <logx> = 0 "Use logarithm of energy" -a <detectorFile> = "" "Detector file: if not provided, trigger fraction is not calculated" -d <debug> = 1 -f <inputFile> -n <numberOfEvents> = 0 9223372036854775807 -o <outputFile> = "volume.root" See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file [output file]]Go back to top of page.
Example program to test comments. usage: JComment -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test command line parser. usage: JParser -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <buffer> = -T <text> "this is some text" -a <a> = 0 -b <b> = 0 -c <c> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 [3, 0, 1, 2] See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test command line parser. usage: JParser-string -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <a> = 0 -b <b> = 0 -c <c> = 0 -debug <debug> = 3 [3, 0, 1, 2] -text <text> See also: back to top of page.
JParser-string.shGo back to top of page.
input file 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 JParser: Example program to test command line parser. usage: JParser -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -! <buffer> = 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 -T <text> = "hello world" -a <a> = 1 -b <b> = 1 -c <c> = 0 -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
JParser.shGo back to top of page.
usage: JPrint -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
usage: JProperties -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 0 -f <inputFile> See also: back to top of page.
usage: JProperties-sed -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -F <format> -d <debug> = 3 -f <buffer> See also: back to top of page.
usage: JProperties-setValue -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 3 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. [input file]Go back to top of page.
usage: JScale -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -U <unit> = -d <debug> = 1 See also: back to top of page.
Setting environment variables for Jpp software. usage: JShellParser -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -a <A> = 1 [1, 2, 3, 4] -b <B> -c <C> = 0 -d <D> = '' See also: back to top of page.
JShellParser.shGo back to top of page.
usage: JTimekeeper -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 -s <totalTime_s> = 2 -t <intervalTime_ms> = 100 See also: back to top of page.
Example program to test file name handling. usage: Jeep -h "help" -h! "help with print of default and possible values" -v "print revision" -- "end of options; remainder will be discarded" --! "end of options with print of actual values" -d <debug> = 1 "debug level" [1, 0, 2, 3] -f <file_name> = "" "input file name" See also: back to top of page. [queue name [queue size]] <option> Possible options: start, stop, continue, restart.Go back to top of page.