Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
JPDFToolkit.hh File Reference
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "JLang/JCC.hh"
#include "JTools/JConstants.hh"
#include "JTools/JFunction1D_t.hh"
#include "JPhysics/JGeane.hh"
#include "JPhysics/JGeanx.hh"
#include "JPhysics/JGeant.hh"
#include "JPhysics/JGeanz.hh"
#include "JIO/JSerialisable.hh"

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class  JPHYSICS::JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater
 Absorption length of pure water. More...


 Auxiliary classes and methods for calculation of PDF and muon energy loss.
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


double JPHYSICS::getMinimalWavelength ()
 Get minimal wavelength for PDF evaluations. More...
double JPHYSICS::getMaximalWavelength ()
 Get maximal wavelength for PDF evaluations. More...
double JPHYSICS::cherenkov (const double lambda, const double n)
 Number of Cherenkov photons per unit track length and per unit wavelength. More...
double JPHYSICS::getDeltaRaysFromMuon (const double E)
 Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit muon track length. More...
double JPHYSICS::getDeltaRaysFromTau (const double E)
 Equivalent EM-shower energy due to delta-rays per unit tau track length. More...
const double JPHYSICS::getRayleighCrossSection (const double n, const double lambda)
 Rayleigh cross section. More...
const double JPHYSICS::getRayleighScatteringLength (const double n, const double lambda)
 Rayleigh scattering length. More...


static const JAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater JPHYSICS::getAbsorptionLengthOfPureWater
 Function object for absorption length of pure water. More...

Detailed Description

Auxiliary methods for PDF calculations.


Definition in file JPDFToolkit.hh.