Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef __JDAQSUMMARYSLICE_IO__
44 in >> static_cast<JDAQPreamble&> (
45 in >> static_cast<JDAQSummarysliceHeader&> (
62 out << static_cast<const JDAQSummarysliceHeader&> (
63 out << static_cast<const std::vector<JDAQSummaryFrame>&>(object);
virtual void clear()
Clear status of reader.
Interface for binary input.
JReader & operator>>(JReader &in, JDAQChronometer &chronometer)
Read DAQ chronometer from input.
size_t getSizeof(const JDAQEvent &object)
Get size of object.
Interface for binary output.
KM3NeT DAQ data structures and auxiliaries.
size_t getSizeof< JDAQSummarysliceHeader >()
Get size of type.
size_t getSizeof< JDAQPreamble >()
Get size of type.
static JDAQPreamble getDAQPreamble(const T &object)
Get DAQ preamble.
JWriter & operator<<(JWriter &out, const JDAQChronometer &chronometer)
Write DAQ chronometer to output.