This is the complete list of members for JTestChi2_Bin, including all inherited members.
chi2Threshold | JTestChi2_Bin | private |
clear() | JTestChi2_Bin | inlinevirtual |
JChi2Test(TH1 *h1, TH1 *h2, double threshold) | JTestChi2_t | inline |
JChi2TestBin_2D(TH2 *h1, TH2 *h2, double outliersThreshold, double chi2Threshold) | JTestChi2_t | inline |
JTestChi2_Bin() | JTestChi2_Bin | inline |
JTestChi2_t() | JTestChi2_t | inline |
outliersThreshold | JTestChi2_Bin | private |
read(std::istream &in) | JTestChi2_Bin | inlinevirtual |
results | JTest_t | |
save(TFile *f, string path) | JTestChi2_Bin | inlinevirtual |
test(TObject *o1, TObject *o2) | JTestChi2_Bin | inlinevirtual |
write(std::ostream &out) | JTestChi2_Bin | inlinevirtual |