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| Auxiliary classes and methods for calculation of PDF and muon energy loss.
| JPP |
| This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
static const JCCnu | JPHYSICS::cc_nu |
| Function object for charged current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More...
static const JNCnu | JPHYSICS::nc_nu |
| Function object for neutral current neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More...
static const JCCnubar | JPHYSICS::cc_nubar |
| Function object for charged current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More...
static const JNCnubar | JPHYSICS::nc_nubar |
| Function object for neutral current anti-neutrino cross section [cm^2] as a function of neutrino energy [GeV]. More...