4 if [ -z $JPP_DIR ];
5 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
9 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/
19 usage "$script <string identifier>"
22 if (( $# != 1 ));
23 fatal
"Wrong number of arguments."
31 if [[ ! -
32 fatal
"No hydrophone data file $HYDROPHONE_TXT."
41 JEllipse -
o /tmp/ellipse.root -p
"0.0 0.0 $((sqrt($X*$X + $Y*$Y)))"
43 echo $X $Y > /tmp/graph.txt
52 -
53 -
f /tmp/ellipse.root:\.\* \
54 -
f /tmp/graph.root:\.\* \
65 rm -
66 rm -
f /tmp/ellipse.root
then usage $script< detector file >< detectorfile > nIf the range of floors is the first detector file is aligned to the second before the comparison fi case set_variable RANGE $argv[3]
std::istream & read(std::istream &in, JTestSummary &summary, const char delimiter= ' ')
Read test summary.
clean eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY set_variable STRING
then usage $script< directory A >< directoryB > nIn each there should be a file detector datx and tripod txt
then usage $script< detector file >< inputfile > nUtility script to create PDF and CDF of transition time distribution fi case set_variable WORKDIR
then JPlot1D f $WORKDIR postfit[prefit\] root
then JShowerPostfit f $INPUT_FILE o $OUTPUT_FILE N
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable STRING $argv[1] set_variable DETECTORXY_TXT $WORKDIR $DETECTORXY_TXT tail read X Y CHI2 RMS printf optimum n $X $Y $CHI2 $RMS awk v Y
then fatal Invalid string $STRING
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
then break fi done getCenter read X Y Z let X
Auxiliary data structure for ellipse.
do set_variable SIGMA_NS set_variable OUTLIERS set_variable OUTPUT_FILE matrix[${ALPHA_DEG}\deg\] root $JPP JMatrixNZ a $DETECTOR f $INPUT_FILE o $OUTPUT_FILE S
then usage $script< input_file >< detector_file > fi set_variable OUTPUT_DIR set_variable SELECTOR JDAQTimesliceL1 set_variable DEBUG case set_variable DEBUG
do set_variable MODULE getModule a $WORKDIR detector_a datx L $STRING JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_a datx JEditDetector a $WORKDIR detector_b datx M $MODULE setz o $WORKDIR detector_b datx done echo Output stored at $WORKDIR detector_a datx and $WORKDIR tripod_a txt JDrawDetector2D a $WORKDIR detector_a datx a $WORKDIR detector_b datx L BL o detector $FORMAT $BATCH JDrawDetector2D T $WORKDIR tripod_a txt T $WORKDIR tripod_b txt L BL o tripod $FORMAT $BATCH JCompareDetector a $WORKDIR detector_a datx b $WORKDIR detector_b datx o $WORKDIR abc root &dev null for KEY in X Y Z
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable STRING $argv[1] set_variable HYDROPHONE_TXT $WORKDIR hydrophonexy_
esac $JPP_BIN JLogger sh $LOGGER until pgrep JGetMessage</dev/null > dev null