the software that should make you happy
This is the complete list of members for JMARKOV::JDirectedSource, including all inherited members.
alpha | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
ctmin | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
cutSurface | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
delta | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
generateDirection() | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inlinevirtual |
getDirection() const | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inline |
getEmissionProbability(JVersor3D dir) | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inlinevirtual |
getOpeningAngle() const | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inline |
getPhiMax(double theta) | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inlineprotected |
getPosition() const | JMARKOV::JSourceModel | inline |
JDirectedSource(JVersor3D _source_dir, double _alpha, bool _cutSurface=false, const JVersor3D _surface_normal=JVersor3D()) | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | inline |
JSourceModel() | JMARKOV::JSourceModel | inline |
omega | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
pos | JMARKOV::JSourceModel | protected |
setPosition(JPosition3D &_pos) | JMARKOV::JSourceModel | inline |
source_dir | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
surface_normal | JMARKOV::JDirectedSource | protected |
~JSourceModel() | JMARKOV::JSourceModel | inlinevirtual |