the software that should make you happy
This is the complete list of members for RecipientsHandler, including all inherited members.
add(const std::string &id) | RecipientsHandler | inline |
container_t typedef | RecipientsHandler | private |
find(const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint &ep) | RecipientsHandler | inlineprivate |
m_circbuff_size | RecipientsHandler | private |
m_recipients | RecipientsHandler | private |
m_service | RecipientsHandler | private |
RecipientsHandler(size_t circbuf_size=10) | RecipientsHandler | inline |
remove(const std::string &id) | RecipientsHandler | inline |
send(const Frame &data) | RecipientsHandler | inline |
wipe() | RecipientsHandler | inline |
~RecipientsHandler() | RecipientsHandler | inline |