the software that should make you happy
This is the complete list of members for JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D, including all inherited members.
getDistance(const JVector3D &point) const | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
getDistanceSquared(const JVector3D &point, const double precision=1.0e-8) const | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
getDot(const JSegment3D &segment) const | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
getLength() const | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
getLengthSquared() const | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
JSegment3D() | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
JSegment3D(const JVector3D &A, const JVector3D &B) | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | inline |
operator<<(JWriter &out, const JSegment3D &segment) | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | friend |
operator>>(JReader &in, JSegment3D &segment) | JGEOMETRY3D::JSegment3D | friend |