11 #include "TParameter.h"
51 using namespace KM3NETDAQ;
52 using namespace JSUPERNOVA;
53 using namespace JROOT;
60 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
67 JLimit_t& numberOfEvents = inputFile.getLimit();
72 JToTRange_t totRange_ns;
77 int preTriggerThreshold;
83 JParser<> zap(
"Example application to study supernova detection background");
86 zap[
'o'] =
make_field(outputFile) =
87 zap[
'n'] =
make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max();
92 zap[
'C'] =
make_field(selector) = getROOTClassSelection<JDAQTimesliceTypes_t>();
94 zap[
'P'] =
make_field(preTriggerThreshold) = 4;
99 catch(
const exception &error) {
100 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
107 load(detectorFile, detector);
125 pts->configure(inputFile);
130 int fEnd = pts->rbegin()->getFrameIndex();
131 int fStart = pts->begin( )->getFrameIndex();
135 if (fEnd > inputFile.getUpperLimit()) {
136 fEnd = fStart + inputFile.getUpperLimit();
139 int fLength = 1 + fEnd - fStart;
"begin | end | length = " << fStart <<
" | " << fEnd <<
" | " << fLength << endl);
145 FATAL(
"FATAL: inconsistent TTree indexing" << endl);
156 const int nx = fLength;
157 const double xmin = fStart;
158 const double xmax = fEnd + 1;
161 const double ymin = -0.5;
162 const double ymax = ymin + ny;
167 JManager2D_t MT(
new TH2D(
mul_p , NULL, nx, xmin, xmax, ny, ymin, ymax));
168 JManager1D_t ST(
new TH1D(
status_p, NULL, nx, xmin, xmax));
176 TH1D* h_vtr =
new TH1D(
"VetoTimeRange", 10000, 0, 10000);
182 for (; evIn.hasNext(); ) {
"event: " << setw(10) << evIn.getCounter() <<
188 if (!runNumber) { runNumber =
event->getRunNumber(); }
190 JVeto vp(*event, hitRouter);
192 triggeredEvents[
198 STATUS(triggeredEvents.size() <<
" JDAQEvents loaded in veto buffer." << endl);
200 TParameter<int> RUNNR(
"RUNNR", runNumber);
209 for ( ; pts->hasNext() && counter != inputFile.getLimit(); ++counter) {
"timeslice: " << setw(10) << counter <<
223 if (triggeredEvents.count(fIndex)) {
224 veto = triggeredEvents.at(fIndex);
237 double fractionActivePMTs = 0;
239 int nDOMs = timeslice->size();
241 for (JDAQTimeslice::const_iterator frame = timeslice->begin(); frame != timeslice->end(); ++frame) {
243 int moduleID = frame->getModuleID();
245 fractionActivePMTs += ((double) frame->countActiveChannels());
247 JSuperFrame2D_t& buffer = JSuperFrame2D_t::demultiplex(*frame,
251 buffer.preprocess(JPreprocessor::join_t, match);
253 JSuperFrame1D_t& data = JSuperFrame1D_t::multiplex(buffer);
259 TH1D* h2dt =
new TH1D(
"H2DT", 100, -TMax_ns, +TMax_ns);
265 while (++q != data.end() && q->getT() - p->getT() <= TMax_ns) {}
271 MT[
"RAW"]->Fill(fIndex, m);
275 if (selector !=
"JDAQTimesliceSN" && timeDifferences && m > 1) {
279 double dt = JCombinatorics::getSign(__p->getPMT(), __q->getPMT()) * (__q->getT() - __p->getT());
280 h2dt->Fill(dt, 1.0/W);
291 if (h2dt->GetEntries() > 0) {
293 TF1
"[0]*exp(-0.5*(x-[1])*(x-[1])/([2]*[2]))/(TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi())*[2]) + [3]");
295 f.SetParameter(0, h2dt->GetMaximum());
296 f.SetParameter(1, h2dt->GetMean());
297 f.SetParameter(2, h2dt->GetRMS() * 0.25);
298 f.SetParameter(3, h2dt->GetMinimum());
300 h2dt->Fit(&f,
302 double nb = h2dt->GetNbinsX();
303 double bg_v = f.GetParameter(3) * nb;
304 double sg = h2dt->GetSumOfWeights() - bg_v;
308 MT[
"FIT"]->Fill(fIndex, 2, sg);
320 ST[
"PMT"]->Fill(fIndex, fractionActivePMTs);
324 JDataSN preTrigger(TMax_ns, preTriggerThreshold);
326 preTrigger(timeslice, moduleRouter, totSelector_ns);
336 JRange_t
A = JRange_t(4,31);
347 MT[
"TA1"]->Fill(fIndex, *p);
353 MT[
"TAV"]->Fill(fIndex, *p);
362 if (outputFile !=
"") {
364 TFile out(outputFile.c_str(),
double getLength()
Get length of veto time range.
Utility class to parse command line options.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
JDAQUTCExtended getTimesliceStart() const
Get start of timeslice.
ROOT TTree parameter settings of various packages.
Basic data structure for L0 hit.
const JModule & getModule(const JObjectID &id) const
Get module parameters.
Auxiliary class to define a veto time window on a set of optical modules.
std::vector< T >::difference_type distance(typename std::vector< T >::const_iterator first, typename PhysicsEvent::const_iterator< T > second)
Specialisation of STL distance.
static const char * mul_p
static const char * status_p
Auxiliary class to select ROOT class based on class name.
SN filter based on veto window.
Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure.
Long64_t counter_type
Type definition for counter.
Dynamic ROOT object management.
Auxiliary class for a type holder.
Basic data structure for time and time over threshold information of hit.
Template definition for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain.
Data structure for detector geometry and calibration.
long long int factorial(const long long int n)
Determine factorial.
Auxiliary interface for direct access of elements in ROOT TChain.
Simple wrapper around JModuleRouter class for direct addressing of PMT data in detector data structur...
int getFrameIndex() const
Get frame index.
1-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module.
Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects.
Type definition of range.
Auxiliary class to manage set of compatible ROOT objects (e.g. histograms) using unique keys...
I/O formatting auxiliaries.
Reduced data structure for L0 hit.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
Auxiliary class to apply the supernova trigger to SN data.
SN filter based on multiplicity selection optional suppression of multi-module coincidences WARNING: ...
bool putObject(TDirectory &dir, const TObject &object)
Write object to ROOT directory.
General purpose messaging.
Auxiliary class to select JTreeScanner based on ROOT class name.
Scanning of objects from multiple files according a format that follows from the extension of each fi...
Auxiliary class to build the supernova trigger dataset.
void load(const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
Utility class to parse command line options.
2-dimensional frame with time calibrated data from one optical module.
Auxiliary class to select DAQ hits based on time-over-treshold value.
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
source $JPP_DIR setenv csh $JPP_DIR &dev null eval JShellParser o a A
vector< double > getMultiplicities(const JSNFilter &F)
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.
Auxiliary class to manage a set of vetoes.