8 #include "TApplication.h"
68 const char WILDCARD =
82 struct JEventSelector :
137 friend std::istream&
in, JEventSelector&
143 if (in >>
object.libso) {
145 if (
object.libso.find(function_adaptor_type::SEPARATOR) == string::npos) {
146 object.libso +=
MAKE_CSTRING(function_adaptor_type::SEPARATOR <<
149 object.load(
172 istream
174 for (
string buffer;
getline(in, buffer); ) {
175 DEBUG(buffer << endl);
188 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
192 using namespace KM3NETDAQ;
195 typedef JParallelFileScanner_t::multi_pointer_type multi_pointer_type;
197 JParallelFileScanner_t inputFile;
204 JEventSelector event_selector;
217 JParser<> zap(
"Program to display hit probabilities.");
219 zap[
'w'] =
"size of canvas <nx>x<ny> [pixels]") =
JCanvas(1200, 600);
220 zap[
'f'] =
"input file (output of JXXXMuonReconstruction.sh)");
222 zap[
'n'] =
make_field(numberOfEvents) = JLimit::max();
231 zap[
'B'] =
"batch processing");
236 catch(
const exception& error) {
237 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
241 FATAL(
"Missing output file name " <<
outputFile <<
" in batch mode." << endl);
248 if (
outputFile.find(WILDCARD) == string::npos) {
249 FATAL(
"Output file name " <<
outputFile <<
" has no wild card '" << WILDCARD <<
"'" << endl);
281 center = get<JPosition3D>(
282 }
const exception& error) {}
287 gROOT->SetBatch(batch);
289 TApplication* tp =
new TApplication(
"user", NULL, NULL);
290 TCanvas* cv =
new TCanvas(
"", canvas.x, canvas.y);
294 gROOT->SetStyle(
297 const size_t NUMBER_OF_PADS = 3;
299 cv->SetFillStyle(4000);
300 cv->SetFillColor(kWhite);
301 cv->Divide(NUMBER_OF_PADS, 1);
304 const double Rmin = 0.0;
305 const double Rmax = min(
parameters.roadWidth_m, 0.4 * Dmax);
306 const double Tmin = min(
parameters.TMin_ns, -10.0);
307 const double Tmax = max(
parameters.TMax_ns, +100.0);
308 const double Amin = 0.002 * (Tmax - Tmin);
309 const double Amax = 0.8 * (Tmax - Tmin);
310 const double ymin = min(-Amax, Tmin - 0.3 * Amax);
311 const double ymax = max(+Amax, Tmax + 0.5 * Amax);
313 const string Xlabel[NUMBER_OF_PADS] = {
"R [m]",
"#phi [rad]",
"z [m]" };
314 const double Xmin [NUMBER_OF_PADS] = { Rmin, -
PI, -0.5 * Dmax };
315 const double Xmax [NUMBER_OF_PADS] = { Rmax, +
PI, +0.5 * Dmax };
317 double Xs[NUMBER_OF_PADS];
319 for (
size_t i = 0;
i) {
324 TGraph G2[NUMBER_OF_PADS];
326 for (
size_t i = 0;
i) {
328 H2[
i] = TH2D(
"h" <<
i), NULL, 100, Xmin[
i] - Xs[
i], Xmax[i] + Xs[i], 100, ymin, ymax);
330 H2[
331 H2[
"#Deltat [ns]");
333 H2[
334 H2[
336 H2[
340 G2[
i].SetPoint(0, H2[i].GetXaxis()->GetXmin(), 0.0);
341 G2[
i].SetPoint(1, H2[i].GetXaxis()->GetXmax(), 0.0);
352 cout <<
"\revent: " << setw(8) << inputFile.getCounter() << flush;
354 multi_pointer_type ps = inputFile.next();
360 if (mc.getEntries() != 0) {
371 if (!event_selector(*in, event)) {
378 buildL0(*tev, router,
true, back_inserter(dataL0));
389 for (
const auto& t1 : event->mc_trks) {
391 if (t1.E > muon.getE()) {
398 muon =
getFit(0, ta, 0.0, 0, t1.E, 1);
407 bool next_event =
408 bool monte_carlo =
411 while (!next_event) {
435 for (JDataL0_t::const_iterator
i = dataL0.begin();
i != dataL0.end(); ++
i) {
448 sort(data.begin(), data.end(), JHitW0::compare);
450 JDataW0_t::iterator __end = unique(data.begin(), data.end(), equal_to<JDAQPMTIdentifier>());
463 const double z0 = tz.getZ();
471 TLatex latex [NUMBER_OF_PADS];
475 for (
int i = 0;
i) {
477 latex[
478 latex[
479 latex[
481 latex[
i].GetXaxis()->GetXmin() + 0.05 * (H2[
i].GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - H2[
482 latex[
i].GetYaxis()->GetXmax() - 0.05 * (H2[
i].GetYaxis()->GetXmax() - H2[
487 marker[2].push_back(TMarker(z0 - tz.getZ(), 0.0, kFullCircle));
488 marker[2].push_back(TMarker(z0 - tz.getZ() + fit.getW(
JSTART_LENGTH_METRES), 0.0, kFullCircle));
490 static_cast<TAttMarker&
>(marker[2][0]) = TAttMarker(kRed, kFullCircle, 0.7);
491 static_cast<TAttMarker&
>(marker[2][1]) = TAttMarker(kRed, kFullCircle, 0.7);
496 for (JDataW0_t::const_iterator hit = data.begin(); hit != __end; ++hit) {
498 const double x = hit->getX() - tz.getX();
499 const double y = hit->getY() - tz.getY();
500 const double z = hit->getZ() - tz.getZ();
501 const double R = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
505 JDirection3D dir(hit->getDX(), hit->getDY(), hit->getDZ());
509 const double theta = dir.
510 const double phi = fabs(dir.getPhi());
513 const double E = E_GeV;
514 const double dt = T_ns.
constrain(hit->getT() - t1);
525 chi2 += H1.getChi2() - H0.getChi2();
527 const double derivative = H1.getDerivativeOfChi2() - H0.getDerivativeOfChi2();
529 double size = derivative * arrowScale;
531 if (fabs(size) < Amin) {
532 size = (size > 0.0 ? +Amin : -Amin);
533 }
else if (fabs(size) > Amax) {
534 size = (size > 0.0 ? +Amax : -Amax);
537 const double X[NUMBER_OF_PADS] = {
R, atan2(y,x), z - R/
getTanThetaC() };
541 for (
size_t i = 0;
i) {
542 arrow[
i] + xs*Xs[
i], dt, X[i] + xs*Xs[i], dt + size, arrowSize, arrowType.c_str()));
551 latex[1].SetTitle(
"[" << index <<
"]" <<
" " <<
553 "E = " <<
SCIENTIFIC(7,1) << fit.getE() <<
" [GeV]"));
557 if (muon.getStatus() >= 0) {
562 latex[2].SetTitle(
"Monte Carlo");
568 for (
int i = 0;
i) {
574 for (
auto& a1 : arrow[
i]) {
578 for (
auto& m1 : marker[i]) {
596 for (
int c = 0;
c == 0; ) {
600 static bool first =
603 cout << endl <<
"Type '?' for possible options." << endl;
609 cout <<
"\n> " << flush;
615 cout <<
"possible options: " << endl;
616 cout <<
'q' <<
" -> " <<
"exit application" << endl;
617 cout <<
'u' <<
" -> " <<
"update canvas" << endl;
618 cout <<
's' <<
" -> " <<
"save graphics to file" << endl;
619 cout <<
'+' <<
" -> " <<
"next fit" << endl;
620 cout <<
'-' <<
" -> " <<
"previous fit" << endl;
621 cout <<
'M' <<
" -> " <<
"Monte Carlo true muon information" << endl;
622 cout <<
'F' <<
" -> " <<
"fit information" << endl;
623 if (event_selector.is_valid()) {
624 cout <<
'L' <<
" -> " <<
"reload event selector" << endl;
626 cout <<
'r' <<
" -> " <<
"rewind input file" << endl;
627 cout <<
'R' <<
" -> " <<
"switch to ROOT mode (quit ROOT to continue)" << endl;
628 cout <<
' ' <<
" -> " <<
"next event (as well as any other key)" << endl;
648 index = (index != in->size() - 1 ? index + 1 : 0);
653 index = (index != 0 ? index - 1 : in->size() - 1);
657 if (muon.getStatus() >= 0)
660 ERROR(endl <<
"No Monte Carlo muon available." << endl);
673 if (event_selector.is_valid()) {
674 execute(
"make -f " <<
getPath(argv[0]) <<
"/JMakeEventSelector libs"), 3);
675 event_selector.reload();
static const int JMUONSTART
Utility class to parse command line options.
double getAngle(const JQuaternion3D &first, const JQuaternion3D &second)
Get space angle between quanternions.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
ROOT TTree parameter settings of various packages.
TString replace(const TString &target, const TRegexp ®exp, const T &replacement)
Replace regular expression in input by given replacement.
Data structure for direction in three dimensions.
then usage $script< input file >[option[primary[working directory]]] nWhere option can be E
double getQuality(const double chi2, const int NDF)
Get quality of fit.
JTrack3E getTrack(const Trk &track)
Get track.
Template specialisation of L0 builder for JHitL0 data type.
bool is_valid(const json &js)
Check validity of JSon data.
std::string getPath(const std::string &file_name)
Get path, i.e. part before last JEEP::PATHNAME_SEPARATOR if any.
void update(const JDAQHeader &header)
Update router.
bool is_muon(const Trk &track)
Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon.
Router for direct addressing of module data in detector data structure.
double getRate() const
Get default rate.
*fatal Wrong number of arguments esac JCookie sh typeset Z DETECTOR typeset Z SOURCE_RUN typeset Z TARGET_RUN set_variable PARAMETERS_FILE $WORKDIR parameters
General purpose class for parallel reading of objects from a single file or multiple files...
Make C-string.
Template specialisation of class JModel to match hit with muon trajectory along z-axis.
Empty structure for specification of parser element that is initialised (i.e. does not require input)...
Auxiliary class to convert DAQ hit time to/from Monte Carlo hit time.
Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification.
int getRunNumber() const
Get run number.
Data structure for detector geometry and calibration.
void load(const std::string &file_name, const std::string &symbol)
Load function from shared library.
bool qualitySorter(const JFit &first, const JFit &second)
Comparison of fit results.
then echo The file $DIR KM3NeT_00000001_00000000 root already please rename or remove it first
#define MAKE_STRING(A)
Make string.
int getFrameIndex() const
Get frame index.
JTime & add(const JTime &value)
Addition operator.
Head getHeader(const JMultipleFileScanner_t &file_list)
Get Monte Carlo header.
Basic data structure for L0 hit.
result_type calculate(const double E, const double R, const double theta, const double phi, const double t1) const
Get PDF.
The template JSinglePointer class can be used to hold a pointer to an object.
Auxiliary class for defining the range of iterations of objects.
I/O formatting auxiliaries.
JAxis3D & rotate(const JRotation3D &R)
Rotate axis.
JDirection3D getDirection(const Vec &dir)
Get direction.
JFunction1D_t::result_type result_type
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
JDirection3D & rotate(const JRotation3D &R)
Keyboard settings for unbuffered input.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
Enable unbuffered terminal input.
const array_type< JValue_t > & make_array(const JValue_t(&array)[N])
Method to create array of values.
Auxiliary class to test history.
static const int JMUONGANDALF
double getTheta() const
Get theta angle.
Parallel scanning of objects from a single file or multiple files according a format that follows fro...
JPosition3D getPosition(const Vec &pos)
Get position.
std::istream & getline(std::istream &in, JString &object)
Read string from input stream until end of line.
double putTime() const
Get Monte Carlo time minus DAQ/trigger time.
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
File router for fast addressing of summary data.
Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF.
Data structure for fit parameters.
General purpose messaging.
Auxiliary data structure for sequence of same character.
Auxiliary include file for time conversion between DAQ/trigger hit and Monte Carlo hit...
Auxiliary data structure for muon PDF.
Direct access to module in detector data structure.
Streaming of input and output from Linux command.
$WORKDIR ev_configure_dqsimulator txt echo process $DQ_SIMULATOR $i $SOURCE_HOST[$index] csh c(setenv ROOTSYS $ROOTSYS &&source $JPP_DIR/setenv.csh $JPP_DIR &&($DQ_SIMULATOR\-u\$NAME\$\-H\$SERVER\$\-M\$LOGGER\$\-d $DEBUG</dev/null > &/dev/null &))'
then JCookie sh JDataQuality D $DETECTOR_ID R
Auxiliary class for a hit with background rate value.
const double getSpeedOfLight()
Get speed of light.
static const int JSTART_LENGTH_METRES
distance between first and last hits in metres from JStart.cc
void load(const std::string &file_name, JDetector &detector)
Load detector from input file.
JFit getFit(const int id, const JMODEL::JString &string)
Get fit parameters of string.
Utility class to parse command line options.
const double getInverseSpeedOfLight()
Get inverse speed of light.
then if[[!-f $DETECTOR]] then JDetector sh $DETECTOR fi cat $WORKDIR trigger_parameters txt<< EOFtrigger3DMuon.enabled=1;trigger3DMuon.numberOfHits=5;trigger3DMuon.gridAngle_deg=1;ctMin=0.0;TMaxLocal_ns=15.0;EOF set_variable TRIGGEREFFICIENCY_TRIGGERED_EVENTS_ONLY INPUT_FILES=() for((i=1;$i<=$NUMBER_OF_RUNS;++i));do JSirene.sh $DETECTOR $JPP_DATA/genhen.km3net_wpd_V2_0.evt.gz $WORKDIR/sirene_ ${i}.root JTriggerEfficiency.sh $DETECTOR $DETECTOR $WORKDIR/sirene_ ${i}.root $WORKDIR/trigger_efficiency_ ${i}.root $WORKDIR/trigger_parameters.txt $JPP_DATA/PMT_parameters.txt INPUT_FILES+=($WORKDIR/trigger_efficiency_ ${i}.root) done for ANGLE_DEG in $ANGLES_DEG[*];do set_variable SIGMA_NS 3.0 set_variable OUTLIERS 3 set_variable OUTPUT_FILE $WORKDIR/matrix\[${ANGLE_DEG}\deg\].root $JPP_DIR/examples/JReconstruction-f"$INPUT_FILES[*]"-o $OUTPUT_FILE-S ${SIGMA_NS}-A ${ANGLE_DEG}-O ${OUTLIERS}-d ${DEBUG}--!fiif[[$OPTION=="plot"]];then if((0));then for H1 in h0 h1;do JPlot1D-f"$WORKDIR/matrix["${^ANGLES_DEG}" deg].root:${H1}"-y"1 2e3"-Y-L TR-T""-\^"number of events [a.u.]"-> o chi2
Data structure for fit of straight line paralel to z-axis.
double getMaximalDistance(const JDetector &detector, const bool option=false)
Get maximal distance between modules in detector.
no fit printf nominal n $STRING awk v X
bool accept(const Trk &trk, const Evt &evt)
Event selection.
double getTanThetaC()
Get average tangent of Cherenkov angle of water corresponding to group velocity.
const JLimit & getLimit() const
Get limit.
void reset()
Reset function adaptor helper.
do set_variable DETECTOR_TXT $WORKDIR detector
KM3NeT DAQ constants, bit handling, etc.
static const int NUMBER_OF_PMTS
Total number of PMTs in module.
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi set_variable DETECTOR $argv[1] set_variable INPUT_FILE $argv[2] eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification.
JTriggerCounter_t getCounter() const
Get trigger counter.
Wrapper class around ROOT TStyle.
static const int JMUONENERGY
bool is_valid() const
Check validity of function.
The Evt class respresent a Monte Carlo (MC) event as well as an offline event.
Data structure for size of TCanvas.
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JFunctionAdaptorHelper &object)
Read function adaptor helper from input stream.
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.