7 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 # Auxiliary script to convert files to DUSJ format.
11 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 if [ -
z $JPP_DIR ];
14 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
18 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/
24 usage "$script <input file> <detector file> <output file> [working directory]"
32 *) fatal
"Wrong number of arguments."
44 /primarylepton:/ { $1="track_in:"; print $0; next }
45 /weights:/ { if (NF > 1) print $0; next }
46 /w2list:/ { if (NF > 1) print $0; next }
47 /w3list:/ { if (NF > 1) print $0; next }
then fatal Wrong number of arguments fi JConvertDetectorFormat a o
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR if do_usage *then usage $script[(input file)+] fi set_variable DEBUG set_variable WORKDIR TMPDIR
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable
do set_variable STRING_TXT awk
then echo Variable JPP_DIR undefined exit fi source $JPP_DIR setenv sh $JPP_DIR &dev null set_variable DEBUG set_variable WORKDIR
then JFileTuna f $INPUT_FILE
&set_variable OUTPUT_FILE
then usage $script[energy[distance[z of PMT]]] fi case set_variable z
then fatal The output file must have the wildcard in the e g root fi eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O IDENTIFIER eval JPrintDetector a $DETECTOR O SUMMARY JAcoustics sh $DETECTOR_ID source JAcousticsToolkit sh CHECK_EXIT_CODE typeset A EMITTERS get_tripods $WORKDIR tripod txt EMITTERS get_transmitters $WORKDIR transmitter txt EMITTERS for EMITTER in
then set_variable MODULE getModule a $DETECTOR L $STRING $FLOOR JEditDetector a $DETECTOR M $MODULE add $X o $DETECTOR else echo No update of detector $DETECTOR
then JHobbit a $DETECTOR f
esac $JPP_BIN JLogger sh $LOGGER until pgrep JGetMessage</dev/null > dev null
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.