4 source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/null
7 set_variable WORKDIR `pwd`
8 set_variable ACOUSTICS_THREADS 10
11 usage "$script [version]"\
12 "\nAuxiliary script to run pre-calibrations of all detectors,"\
13 "\nincluding automatic disabling of 'bad' transmissions (see JAcousticsDisable.sh)."
16 if (( $# == 1 )); then
19 fatal "Wrong number of arguments."
23 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 # Run pre-calibration of given detector with optional inputs.
25 # The last directory corresponds to the current detector and
26 # the preceding directories to the input detectors.
28 # \param 1-N directories
29 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 DETECTORS=($argv[1,-2])
35 DIR=$WORKDIR/${DETECTOR}.${VERSION}.A # without disabled transmissions
40 JMergeDisable -f$WORKDIR/${^DETECTORS}.${VERSION}.B/disable.txt -o disable.log
41 #JMergeDisable -o disable.log
43 # replace disabled transmissions by those of input detectors
45 sed '/cat>disable.txt<<EOF/,/EOF/ccat>disable.txt<<EOF\n# disable transmissions\nEOF' \
46 $JPP_DIR/software/JAcoustics/pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh > pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
47 sed -i '/disable transmissions/r disable.log' pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
49 chmod +x pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
51 ./pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh $WORKDIR/${^DETECTORS}.${VERSION}.B >& pre-calibration.log
54 # disable transmissions
56 eval `JPrintDetector -a detector.datx -O IDENTIFIER`
58 JAcousticsDisable.sh detector.datx KM3NeT_${(l:8::0::0:)DETECTOR_ID}_*_event.root disable.log
63 DIR=$WORKDIR/${DETECTOR}.${VERSION}.B # with disabled transmissions
68 cp $WORKDIR/${DETECTOR}.${VERSION}.A/disable.log .
70 # introduce disabled transmissions
72 sed '/cat>disable.txt<<EOF/,/EOF/ccat>disable.txt<<EOF\n# disable transmissions\nEOF' \
73 $JPP_DIR/software/JAcoustics/pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh > pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
74 sed -i '/disable transmissions/r disable.log' pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
76 chmod +x pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh
78 ./pre-calibration_${DETECTOR}.sh $WORKDIR/${^DETECTORS}.${VERSION}.B >& pre-calibration.log
87 run D_ORCA006 D0ORCA010
88 run D0ORCA010 D1ORCA011
89 run D1ORCA011 D0ORCA015
90 run D0ORCA015 D1ORCA015
91 run D1ORCA015 D0ORCA018
97 run D0ARCA006 D0ARCA009
98 run D0ARCA009 D0ARCA021
99 run D0ARCA021 D0ARCA028