Jpp 19.3.0-rc.1
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JAAnetToolkit.hh File Reference

Definition of hit and track types and auxiliary methods for handling Monte Carlo data. More...

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namespace  JAANET
 Extensions to Evt data format.
namespace  JPP
 This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).


enum  JAANET::JHitType_t {
 Enumeration of hit types based on km3 codes. More...


double JAANET::getTime (const Hit &hit)
 Get true time of hit.
double JAANET::getNPE (const Hit &hit)
 Get true charge of hit.
bool JAANET::is_noise (const Hit &hit)
 Verify hit origin.
JTimeRange JAANET::getTimeRange (const Evt &event)
 Get time range (i.e. time between earliest and latest hit) of Monte Carlo event.
JTimeRange JAANET::getTimeRange (const Evt &event, const JTimeRange &T_ns)
 Get time range (i.e. time between earliest and latest hit) of Monte Carlo event.
JPosition3D JAANET::getPosition (const Vec &pos)
 Get position.
Vec JAANET::getPosition (const JPosition3D &pos)
 Get position.
JPosition3D JAANET::getPosition (const Trk &track)
 Get position.
JDirection3D JAANET::getDirection (const Vec &dir)
 Get direction.
Vec JAANET::getDirection (const JDirection3D &dir)
 Get direction.
JDirection3D JAANET::getDirection (const Trk &track)
 Get direction.
JAxis3D JAANET::getAxis (const Trk &track)
 Get axis.
JTrack3E JAANET::getTrack (const Trk &track)
 Get track.
JTransformation3D JAANET::getTransformation (const Trk &track)
 Get transformation.
double JAANET::getW (const Trk &track, const size_t index, const double value)
 Get track information.
bool JAANET::is_photon (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a photon or neutral pion.
bool JAANET::is_muonbundle (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon.
bool JAANET::is_neutrino (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a neutrino.
bool JAANET::is_electron (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)electron.
bool JAANET::is_muon (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)muon.
bool JAANET::is_tau (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)tau.
bool JAANET::is_pion (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a charged pion.
bool JAANET::is_proton (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)proton.
bool JAANET::is_neutron (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a (anti-)neutron.
bool JAANET::is_lepton (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a lepton.
bool JAANET::is_charged_lepton (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a charged lepton.
bool JAANET::is_hadron (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a hadron.
bool JAANET::is_meson (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a meson (is hadron and third digit of PDG code is zero)
bool JAANET::is_baryon (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a baryon (is hadron and third digit of PDG code is not zero)
bool JAANET::is_nucleus (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track is a nucleus (PDG code corresponds to a baryon or has 10 digits, starting with '10')
bool JAANET::has_particleID (const Trk &track, const int type)
 Test whether given track corresponds to given particle type.
bool JAANET::is_initialstate (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track corresponds to an initial state particle.
bool JAANET::is_finalstate (const Trk &track)
 Test whether given track corresponds to a final state particle.
bool JAANET::has_neutrino (const Evt &evt)
 Test whether given event has an incoming neutrino.
const TrkJAANET::get_neutrino (const Evt &evt)
 Get incoming neutrino.
bool JAANET::has_target_nucleus (const Evt &evt)
 Test whether given event has well-defined target nucleus.
const TrkJAANET::get_target_nucleus (const Evt &evt)
 Get target nucleus.
bool JAANET::has_primary (const Evt &evt)
 Auxiliary function to check if an event contains a primary track.
const TrkJAANET::get_primary (const Evt &evt)
 Auxiliary function to retrieve the primary track of an event.
const TrkJAANET::get_leading_lepton (const Evt &event)
 Auxiliary function to retrieve the leading lepton of a neutrino interaction.
JVertex3D JAANET::getVertex (const Trk &track)
 Get vertex.
JVertex3D JAANET::getVertex (const Evt &event)
 Get event vertex.
int JAANET::count_electrons (const Evt &evt)
 Count the number of electrons in a given event.
bool JAANET::has_electron (const Evt &evt)
 Test whether given event has an electron.
const TrkJAANET::get_electron (const Evt &evt)
 Get first electron from the event tracklist.
bool JAANET::from_electron (const Hit &hit)
 Test whether given hit was produced by an electron.
int JAANET::count_muons (const Evt &evt)
 Count the number of muons in a given event.
bool JAANET::has_muon (const Evt &evt)
 Test whether given event has a muon.
const TrkJAANET::get_muon (const Evt &evt)
 Get first muon from the event tracklist.
bool JAANET::from_muon (const Hit &hit)
 Test whether given hit was produced by a muon.
int JAANET::count_taus (const Evt &evt)
 Count the number of taus in a given event.
bool JAANET::has_tau (const Evt &evt)
 Test whether given event has a tau.
const TrkJAANET::get_tau (const Evt &evt)
 Get first tau from the event tracklist.
bool JAANET::has_muonic_taudecay (const Evt &event)
 Test whether given event contains a tau-lepton decay into a muon.
bool JAANET::has_leptonic_taudecay (const Evt &event)
 Test whether given event contains a leptonic tau-decay.
bool JAANET::has_hadronic_taudecay (const Evt &event)
 Test whether given event contains a hadronic tau-decay.
int JAANET::count_taudecay_prongs (const Evt &event)
 Count the number of tau-lepton decay prongs in a given event.
bool JAANET::from_tau (const Hit &hit)
 Test whether given hit was produced by a tau.
int JAANET::count_hadrons (const Evt &evt)
 Count the number of hadrons in a given event (not including neutral pions)
bool JAANET::from_hadron (const Hit &hit)
 Test whether given hit was produced by a hadronic shower.
void JAANET::add_time_offset (Evt &evt, const double tOff)
 Add time offset to mc event; according to current definition, the absolute time of the event is defined by the track "t" attribute; this could change in the future if the global attribute mc_t is assigned to this purpose.
double JAANET::getKineticEnergy (const Trk &trk)
 Get track kinetic energy.
double JAANET::getE0 (const Evt &evt)
 Get initial state energy of a neutrino interaction.
double JAANET::getE1 (const Evt &evt)
 Get final state energy of a neutrino interaction.
Vec JAANET::getP0 (const Evt &evt)
 Get momentum vector of the initial state of a neutrino interaction.
Vec JAANET::getP1 (const Evt &evt)
 Get momentum vector of the final state of a neutrino interaction.
double JAANET::getInvariantMass (const Evt &event)
 Get final state invariant mass.


 AAnet shower fit reconstruction type.

Detailed Description

Definition of hit and track types and auxiliary methods for handling Monte Carlo data.


Definition in file JAAnetToolkit.hh.