12namespace JPP {
using namespace JLANG; }
54 virtual const pointer_type&
151 virtual void open(
const char* file_name)
Interface for object iteration with named access.
Interface of object iteration for a single data type.
Interface for object iteration with rewinding.
Auxiliary classes and methods for language specific functionality.
unsigned int skip_type
Type definition for number of objects to skip.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Abstract interface for object reading with named access.
virtual void close() override
Close device.
virtual JAccessibleObjectIterator< T > * getHelper() const override=0
Get helper.
virtual bool is_open() const override
Check is device is open.
virtual void open(const char *file_name) override
Open device.
Abstract interface for object reading.
JObjectIterator< T >::pointer_type pointer_type
virtual skip_type skip(const skip_type ns) override
Skip items.
virtual const pointer_type & next() override
Get next element.
virtual bool hasNext() override
Check availability of next element.
virtual JObjectIterator< T > * getHelper() const =0
Get helper.
Abstract interface for object reading with rewinding.
virtual JRewindableObjectIterator< T > * getHelper() const override=0
Get helper.
virtual void rewind() override