10 echo "Unsuccesful compilation"
18# run JBeaconSimulator for PMT${PMT} on the source DOM with a large opening angle
19# we run both tracking and MCMCM
22./JBeaconSimulator -N 10000 -a $ARCA14DET -o out_MCMC.root -s "1 1" -t "1 ${FLOOR} ${PMT}" -opening-angle ${OPENING_ANGLE} -m 3 -write-paths -stepsizes "8 5 4" -target-step-size-deg 1 -tangential-step-size-deg 0.1
23#-stepsizes "0.3 0.5 1 2 3"
26#./JBeaconSimulator -N 50000000 -tracker -a $ARCA14DET -o out_tracker.root -s "1 1" -t "1 ${FLOOR} ${PMT}" -opening-angle ${OPENING_ANGLE} #-write-paths
28./JMarkovPathReader -f out_MCMC_PMT${PMT}.paths
29./JMarkovPathReader -f out_tracker_PMT${PMT}.paths
31# then we open the resulting files to check if they give similar results
32root -l out_tracker_PMT${PMT}.root out_MCMC_PMT${PMT}.root out_tracker_PMT${PMT}.paths.root out_MCMC_PMT${PMT}.paths.root ob.C