29int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
37 int neighbour, setmax;
42 JParser<> zap(
"Program to extract time offsets of DOM-DOM correlations");
44 zap[
'f'] =
"input file") =
46 zap[
'a'] =
"detector file");
47 zap[
'n'] =
"neighbour level") = 5;
48 zap[
'm'] =
"minimal entries") = 5;
51 if (zap.
read(argc, argv) != 0) {
55 catch(
const exception &error) {
56 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
74 for (JDetector::const_iterator module =
detector.begin(); module !=
detector.end(); ++module) {
75 zmap[module->getString()][module->getFloor()] =
86 TF1 f1(
"[0]*exp(-0.5*(x-[1])*(x-[1])/([2]*[2])) + [3]");
88 const int number_of_strings = getNumberOfStrings(
92 double maxarr[number_of_strings][number_of_strings][3];
93 int duarr[number_of_strings];
97 TFile* in = TFile::Open(inputFile.c_str(),
99 if (in == NULL || !in->IsOpen()) {
100 FATAL(
"File: " << inputFile <<
" not opened." << endl);
104 for (
const auto& string_1 : zmap) {
105 duarr[
107 for (
const auto& floor_1 : string_1.second) {
109 const int module_1 = floor_1.second;
111 TH2D* h2 = (TH2D*) in->Get(
MAKE_CSTRING(module_1 <<
117 for (
const auto& string_2 : zmap) {
118 duarr[
120 if (string_1.first != string_2.first) {
122 TH1D* h1 = H1[string_1.first][string_2.first].p;
126 h1 =
new TH1D(
MAKE_CSTRING(string_1.first <<
"_" << string_2.first <<
"_" << neighbour <<
".2T"), NULL,
127 h2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(), h2->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(), h2->GetYaxis()->GetXmax());
129 H1[string_1.first][string_2.first].p = h1;
132 for (
const auto& floor_2 : string_2.second) {
133 if (floor_1.first > floor_2.first && (floor_1.first - floor_2.first) == neighbour) {
135 const int module_2 = floor_2.second;
137 TH1D* py = h2->ProjectionY(
138 h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(TString(Form(
"%i", module_2))),
139 h2->GetXaxis()->FindBin(TString(Form(
"%i", module_2))),
147 if (floor_1.first == 18){
149 double mm=h1->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(h1->GetMaximumBin());
151 f1.SetParameter(0,
152 f1.SetParameter(1,
153 f1.SetParameter(2, 50.);
155 for (Int_t i = 0; i != f1.GetNpar(); ++i) {
156 f1.SetParError(i, 0.0);
161 if (h1->GetMaximum()>0){
163 h1->Fit(&f1,
167 maxarr[
string.getIndex(string_1.first) ][
string.getIndex(string_2.first) ][0] = h1->GetFunction(
168 maxarr[
string.getIndex(string_1.first) ][
string.getIndex(string_2.first) ][1] = h1->GetFunction(
169 maxarr[
string.getIndex(string_1.first) ][
string.getIndex(string_2.first) ][2] = h1->GetFunction(
178 for (
int i=0;i<number_of_strings;i++){
179 for (
int j=i+1;j<number_of_strings;j++){
180 if (maxarr[i][j][1]>setmax && maxarr[j][i][1]>setmax && maxarr[i][j][2]>20. && maxarr[j][i][2]>20.){
181 cout << i <<
" " << j <<
" " << maxarr[i][j][0] <<
" " << maxarr[j][i][0] <<
" " << (maxarr[i][j][0]-maxarr[j][i][0])/2. <<
" " << maxarr[i][j][1] <<
" " << maxarr[j][i][1] <<
" " <<
" " << duarr[i] <<
" " << duarr[j] <<
" " << neighbour << endl;
192 for (
auto& h1 : H1) {
193 for (
auto& h2 : h1.second) {
194 h2.second.p->Write();