Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- d -
- daq_livetime() : Head
- DaqFramePreamble() : DaqFramePreamble
- daqFrameTimeStart_ns() : JACOUSTICS::JToA
- daqFrameTimeStart_s() : JACOUSTICS::JToA
- DAQHeaderPrinter() : DAQHeaderPrinter
- data() : JIO::JByteArrayReader, JMATH::JMatrixND_t, JNET::JDispatch, JTOOLS::JArray< N, T >, JTOOLS::JArray< 1, const T >, JTOOLS::JArray< 1, T >, JTOOLS::JArray< N, const T >, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrame, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameSubset, Packet
- data_handle() : LigierDataHandler< Consumer >, UdpDataHandler< Consumer >
- data_type() : DaqFramePreamble, JROOT::data_type< m_1d< T > >, JROOT::data_type< m_2d< T > >, JROOT::data_type< m_3d< T > >, Summary_Frame
- DataInputInterface() : DataInputInterface
- DataQueue() : KM3NETDAQ::DataQueue
- dataType() : CLBCommonHeader
- debug() : JLOGGER::JMessageLogger
- decompose() : JMATH::JSVD3D
- decomposition() : JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D::decomposition
- decrement() : JLANG::JBidirectionalIterator< T >, JSUPPORT::JTreeScannerInterface< JClass_t, JNullType >::basic_iterator< T >
- decrementRequest() : JNET::JClient
- DEFAULT_RANGE() : JTOOLS::JRange< T, JComparator_t >
- delusr() : AAObject
- demultiplex() : JTRIGGER::JBuild< JHit_t >
- depth() : JAANET::depth
- detach() : JLANG::JSharedCounter, JROOT::JManager< JKey_t, JValue_t >
- detector() : JAANET::detector
- detectorId() : FrameFarm
- DFInterface() : DFInterface
- disable() : JCALIBRATE::JPMTParameters_t, JEEP::JTimer, KM3NETDAQ::JDataFilter::JCircularBuffer_t
- Disconnect() : KM3NeT_Acoustic_Link
- distance() : ulonglong
- div() : JAANET::JVolume, JACOUSTICS::JModel, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JEmission, JACOUSTICS::JMODEL::JString, JCALIBRATE::JParameter_t, JFIT::JEnergy, JFIT::JLine3EZ, JFIT::JLine3Z, JFIT::JShower3EZ, JFIT::JShower3Z, JFIT::JShowerEH, JGEOMETRY2D::JAngle2D, JGEOMETRY2D::JVector2D, JGEOMETRY3D::JAngle3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JEulerAngle3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JQuaternion3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JTime, JGEOMETRY3D::JVector3D, JGEOMETRY3D::JVersor3Z, JGEOMETRY3D::JVertex3D, JMATH::JCalculus< JF1_t >, JMATH::JMatrix1D, JMATH::JMatrix2D, JMATH::JMatrix3D, JMATH::JMatrix4D, JMATH::JMatrix5D, JMATH::JMatrixND, JMATH::JModel_t, JMATH::JNumber< T >, JTOOLS::JArray< N, T >, JTOOLS::JArray< 1, T >, JTOOLS::JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t >, JTOOLS::JCollection< JElement_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JElement_t, JContainer_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JHistogram1D< JBin2D< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JContainer_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JHistogram< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t >, JTOOLS::JHistogramMap< JAbscissa_t, JContents_t, JMap_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JLANG::JNullType >, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JMultiMap< JAbscissa_t, JOrdinate_t, JMapList< JHead_t, JTail_t >, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JRange< T, JComparator_t >, JTOOLS::JResultDerivative< JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JResultHesse< JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JResultPDF< JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JResultPolynome< N, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JTable2D< NX, NY, JData_t >, JTOOLS::JTuple< T >, JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >, JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > >, JUTM::JUTMPosition, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQRate
- Divide() : JGIZMO::JOpera
- divide() : JGIZMO::JOpera
- dNdEdOmega() : JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< Flux_Atmospheric, JDiffuseFlux >, JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JDiffuseFluxFunction_t, JDiffuseFlux >, JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< pDiffuseFlux, JDiffuseFlux >, JAANET::JHondaFluxInterpolator< JConstantFunction1D< double, JArray< 4, double > >, JCoszFunctionalMap_t, JEnergyFunctionalMap_t >
- do_close() : JROOT::JRootInputFile, JROOT::JRootOutputFile
- do_compile() : JCOMPASS::JNOAAFunction1D_t, JPHYSICS::JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >, JPHYSICS::JGeant_t, JTOOLS::JConstantFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JExternalFunction1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JFunctional< JNullType, JNullType >, JTOOLS::JFunctionObject1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JHermiteSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JPolfitFunction< N, M, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 0, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< 1, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JPolintFunction< N, JElement_t, JCollection_t, typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JSplineCollection< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JSplineFunction< JElement_t, JCollection_t, JResultPDF< typename JResultType< typename JElement_t::ordinate_type >::result_type >, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JSplineMap< JKey_t, JValue_t, JMap_t, JResult_t, JDistance_t >
- do_get() : JLANG::JCppFacet, JLANG::JEquationFacet, JLANG::JStringFacet
- do_getline() : JLANG::JEquationFacet, JLANG::JStringFacet
- do_ignore() : JLANG::JCppFacet, JLANG::JStringFacet
- do_ignore_multi_line_comment() : JLANG::JCppFacet
- do_ignore_single_line_comment() : JLANG::JCppFacet
- do_open() : JROOT::JRootInputFile, JROOT::JRootOutputFile
- do_put() : JLANG::JCppFacet, JLANG::JEquationFacet, JLANG::JStringFacet
- dom_type() : JRunAnalyzer::dom_type
- doMarkovStep() : JMARKOV::JMarkovPathGenerator
- DomCrossing() : DomCrossing
- domid_comparator() : gui::domid_comparator
- DOMID_h() : DOMID_h
- domIdentifier() : CLBCommonHeader
- domStatus() : CLBCommonHeader
- dot() : Vec
- Draw() : JGIZMO::JRootObject
- drop() : JNET::JClient, JNET::JClientList
- dummy_integrate() : JMARKOV::JMarkovIntegrator
- DumpFile() : DumpFile
- DWF_Frame() : DWF_Frame
- DWF_Hit() : DWF_Hit
- DWF_Hits() : PhysicsEvent
- DWF_Item() : DWF_Item
- DWF_Sample() : DWF_Sample
- DWF_TimeSlice() : DWF_TimeSlice
- dynamical() : JAANET::calibration