7# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9# Utility script to compare two binary formatted detector files.
11# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13if [ -z $JPP_DIR ]; then
14 echo "Variable JPP_DIR undefined."
18source $JPP_DIR/setenv.sh $JPP_DIR >& /dev/null
20set_variable SKIP 48 # "####" + <length> + <UUID>
23 usage "$script <detector file> <detector file>"\
24 "\nComparison of binary formatted detector files excluding UUID."
28 fatal "Wrong number of arguments."
31JConvertDetectorFormat -a $1 -o ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/d1.datx -q; CHECK_EXIT_CODE
32JConvertDetectorFormat -a $2 -o ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/d2.datx -q; CHECK_EXIT_CODE
34tail -c+$SKIP ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/d1.datx > ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/da.datx
35tail -c+$SKIP ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/d1.datx > ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/db.datx
37diff ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/da.datx ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/db.datx
40 echo "Detectors $1 and $2 are equal."
42 fatal "Detectors $1 and $2 differ."
45rm -f ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/d{1,2,a,b}.datx