8#include "TDictionary.h"
26namespace JPP {
using namespace JROOT; }
68#define VALUE_TYPE(__TYPE__) value_type(#__TYPE__, new JObjectStreamer<__TYPE__>())
124#define gRootDictionary (JROOT::JRootDictionary::getInstance())
Type list of primitive data types.
#define VALUE_TYPE(__TYPE__)
#define gRootDictionary
Global ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O.
void addToRootDictionary()
Add ASCII I/O for (list of) class(es) to dictionary.
ASCII I/O of objects with ROOT dictionary.
Default implementation of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O.
void operator()(const JType< T > &type)
Addition of class.
void add()
Addition of class.
Default constructor.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary classes and methods for ROOT I/O.
Auxiliary class for no type definition.
Removal of data type from type list.
Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation.
Auxiliary class for a type holder.
Type definition of ROOT based dictionary for ASCII I/O.
static const char * getTypename()
Get ROOT typename for given template class.