Jpp 19.3.0-rc.2
the software that should make you happy
This is the complete list of members for JFIT::JGradient, including all inherited members.
debug | JFIT::JGradient | |
epsilon | JFIT::JGradient | |
evaluate(const T &getChi2) | JFIT::JGradient | inlineprivate |
gradient | JFIT::JGradient | private |
JGradient(const size_t Nmax=std::numeric_limits< size_t >::max(), const size_t Nextra=0, const double epsilon=1.0e-4, const int debug=3) | JFIT::JGradient | inline |
move(const double factor) | JFIT::JGradient | inlineprivate |
Nextra | JFIT::JGradient | |
Nmax | JFIT::JGradient | |
numberOfIterations | JFIT::JGradient | |
operator()(const T &getChi2) | JFIT::JGradient | inline |