JPosition3D | JRECONSTRUCTION::getPosition (const JFit &fit) |
| Get position.
JDirection3D | JRECONSTRUCTION::getDirection (const JFit &fit) |
| Get direction.
JAxis3D | JRECONSTRUCTION::getAxis (const JFit &fit) |
| Get axis.
JTrack3E | JRECONSTRUCTION::getTrack (const JFit &fit) |
| Get track.
JFit | JRECONSTRUCTION::getFit (const JHistory &history, const JTrack3D &track, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=SINGLE_STAGE) |
| Get fit.
JFit | JRECONSTRUCTION::getFit (const JHistory &history, const JLine1Z &track, const JAngle3D &angle, const double Q, const int NDF, const double energy=0.0, const int status=SINGLE_STAGE) |
| Get fit.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getDot (const JFit &first, const JFit &second) |
| Get dot product.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getDot (const JFit &fit, const JVersor3D &dir) |
| Get dot product.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getAngle (const JFit &first, const JFit &second) |
| Get space angle.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getAngle (const JFit &fit, const JVersor3D &dir) |
| Get space angle.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getQuality (const double chi2, const int N, const int NDF) |
| Get quality of fit.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getQuality (const double chi2, const int NDF) |
| Get quality of fit.
double | JRECONSTRUCTION::getQuality (const double chi2) |
| Get quality of fit.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::qualitySorter (const JFit &first, const JFit &second) |
| Comparison of fit results.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_history (const JFit &fit, const int type) |
| Test whether given fit has specified history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_history (const JFit &fit, const JRange< int > &range) |
| Test whether given fit has specified history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_prefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon prefit in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_simplex (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon simplex in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_gandalf (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon gandalf in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_energy (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon energy in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_start (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon start in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_muon_fit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has muon fit in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_shower_prefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower prefit in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_shower_positionfit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower position fit in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_shower_completefit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower complete fit in history.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_shower_fit (const JFit &fit) |
| Test whether given fit has shower fit in history.
template<class JTrackSelector_t > |
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_reconstructed_track (const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector) |
| Test whether given event has a track according selection.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_reconstructed_muon (const JEvt &evt) |
| Test whether given event has a track with muon reconstruction.
bool | JRECONSTRUCTION::has_reconstructed_shower (const JEvt &evt) |
| Test whether given event has a track with shower reconstruction.
template<class JTrackSelector_t , class JQualitySorter_t > |
const JFit & | JRECONSTRUCTION::get_best_reconstructed_track (const JEvt &evt, JTrackSelector_t selector, JQualitySorter_t comparator) |
| Get best reconstructed track.
const JFit & | JRECONSTRUCTION::get_best_reconstructed_muon (const JEvt &evt) |
| Get best reconstructed muon.
const JFit & | JRECONSTRUCTION::get_best_reconstructed_shower (const JEvt &evt) |
| Get best reconstructed shower.