45int main(
int argc,
char* argv[]) {
54 string outputFileName;
59 string domDetectorFile;
62 int numberOfTimeouts = 1e3;
63 int queueLength = 100;
67 int preTriggerThreshold = 4;
69 double TVeto_ns = 1000;
73 string summaryFile =
74 int statPrintInterval_s = 30;
79 string properties_description =
84 properties_description.append(
"\ttimeout_us: timeout for input [us]\n");
86 properties_description.append(
"\tnumberOfTimeouts: number of timeouts before stop\n");
88 properties_description.append(
"\tqueueLength: number of timeslices of trigger queue\n");
90 properties_description.append(
"\twindowLength: number of timeslices of trigger sliding window\n");
93 properties_description.append(
"\tTMax_ns: coincidence time window [ns]\n");
95 properties_description.append(
"\tpreTriggerThreshold: muon veto multiplicity threshold\n");
97 properties_description.append(
"\ttotSelector_ns: hit selector\n");
99 properties_description.append(
"\tTVeto_ns: muon veto time interval [ns]\n");
101 properties_description.append(
"\tM: multiplicity range for SN coincidence level\n");
103 properties_description.append(
"\tM_BDT: multiplicity range for SN coincidence level (with BDT)\n");
106 properties_description.append(
"\tsummaryFile: summary output file\n");
108 properties_description.append(
"\tstatPrintInterval_s: statistics & file print interval [s]");
110 JParser<> zap(
"Supernova realtime processor");
112 zap[
'H'] =
"Input Ligier server") =
114 zap[
'L'] =
"Output Ligier server") =
115 zap[
'T'] =
"Output tag for the json messages") =
116 zap[
'o'] =
"Output json file name (no output to Ligier)") =
117 zap[
'n'] =
"Number of entries to write") = -1;
127 catch(
const exception &error) {
128 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
131 if (queueLength <= windowLength) {
132 FATAL(
"Length of the trigger window must be smaller than the queue.");
155 load(domDetectorFile, domDetector);
167 const int detectorSize =
177 typedef priority_queue<trigger_type, vector<trigger_type>, greater<trigger_type> > queue_type;
179 typedef deque<trigger_type> window_type;
188 window_type trgWindow;
195 long int counter_live_ts = 0;
196 long int counter_lost_ts = 0;
202 int nWrittenEntries = 0;
203 if (outputFileName !=
223 if (inputFileName !=
"") {
229 else if (inputLigier !=
"") {
234 const double asyncTimeout_us = 1000.0;
239 else {
"Need either a root file or a ligier as input!" << endl); }
242 if (outputLigier !=
"") {
247 if (outputFileName !=
"") {
254 int timesliceSize = 0;
256 for (
int i = 0; i != numberOfTimeouts; ) {
262 DEBUG(timeslice->getDAQHeader() << endl);
264 timesliceSize = timeslice->size();
270 const int r = timeslice->getRunNumber();
"RUN CHANGE" << endl);
278 while (trgQueue.size() > 0) { trgQueue.pop(); }
306 for (JDAQSummaryslice::const_iterator summary_frame = summary->begin();
307 summary_frame != summary->end();
310 int DOMID = summary_frame->getModuleID();
313 rates[frame_index][DOMID] += summary_frame->getRate(ipmt, 1.0/1000);
316 pmts[frame_index] += summary_frame->countActiveChannels();
325 DEBUG(
"EVT " << event->getDAQHeader() << endl);
327 int frame_index =
329 veto[frame_index].push_back(
JVeto(*event, hitRouter));
337 JDataSN preTrigger(TMax_ns, preTriggerThreshold);
339 preTrigger(timeslice, moduleRouter, totSelector_ns, domDetector);
351 if ( trgQueue.size() >= (
unsigned) queueLength ) {
353 while ( trgWindow.size() <= (
unsigned) windowLength ) {
355 trigger_type pending = trgQueue.top();
357 if ( trgWindow.size() == 0 || pending > trgWindow.back() ) {
359 trgWindow.push_back( pending );
"Filling trigger queue: " << trgQueue.size() <<
"/" << queueLength <<
378 else if ( inputFileName !=
"" ) {
381 if ( trgQueue.size() > 0 ) {
382 while ( trgQueue.size() > 0 ) {
383 trgWindow.push_back(trgQueue.top());
387 else if ( trgWindow.size() < (
unsigned) windowLength ) {
388 i = numberOfTimeouts;
"timeout " << setw(3) << i << endl);
397 if (trgWindow.size() >= (
unsigned) windowLength) {
404 int trg_cc_counts = 0;
405 int trg_cc_modules = 0;
408 int trg_ev_counts = 0;
409 int trg_ev_modules = 0;
413 for (
int its = 0; its < windowLength; its++) {
415 const int frame_index = trgWindow[its].frameIndex;
418 if (veto.count(frame_index)) {
419 vetoSet = veto.at(frame_index);
425 set<int> cc_vec = trgWindow[its].getModules(F_M1);
426 set<int> ev_vec = trgWindow[its].getModules(F_MV);
428 cc_modules.insert(cc_vec.begin(), cc_vec.end());
429 ev_modules.insert(ev_vec.begin(), ev_vec.end());
431 trg_cc_counts += count_if(trgWindow[its].begin(), trgWindow[its].end(), F_M1);
432 trg_ev_counts += count_if(trgWindow[its].begin(), trgWindow[its].end(), F_MV);
435 for (
auto &trg: trgWindow[its]){
436 auto sn_candidate = trg.getPeak();
437 if (F_MV_BDT(sn_candidate)){
438 multiplicities.push_back(sn_candidate.multiplicity);
439 observables.push_back(sn_candidate.total_ToT);
440 observables.push_back(sn_candidate.deltaT);
441 observables.push_back(sn_candidate.mean_dir_norm);
442 observables.push_back(sn_candidate.mean_dir_ctheta);
447 trg_cc_modules = cc_modules.size();
448 trg_ev_modules = ev_modules.size();
452 int currentFrame = trgWindow[0].frameIndex;
455 trgWindow.pop_front();
459 ++stats[trg_cc_counts];
463 int activeModules = -1;
464 double detectorRate = 0.0;
466 if (!rates.empty() &&
467 rates.count(currentFrame)) {
472 p != rates.at(currentFrame).end(); p++ ) {
474 detectorRate += p->second;
476 activeModules += (p->second > 0);
481 activeModules = timesliceSize;
503 string msg = jd.dump();
507 if (outputFileName !=
508 if (nWrittenEntries < nEntries || nEntries == -1) {
529 if ( (counter_live_ts % ((
int)(statPrintInterval_s / frameTime_s)) == 0 ) ) {
531 double livetime = counter_live_ts * frameTime_s;
"=> discarded out-of-order timeslices = " << counter_lost_ts << endl);
539 if (summaryFile !=
"") {
540 ofstream of(summaryFile.c_str());
551 ERROR(error.what() << endl);
554 if (outputFileName !=
"") {
outputFile.close(); }