Default constructor.
bool equals(const JParameters ¶meters) const
void reset()
Reset trigger parameters.
double TMaxExtra_ns
maximal extra time [ns]
double gridAngle_deg
grid angle [deg]
double DMax_m
maximal distance between PMTs [m]
virtual ~JParameters()
Virtual destructor.
double roadWidth_m
maximal road width [m]
int numberOfModules
minimal number of modules to trigger event
JParameters(const bool enabled, const int numberOfHits, const int numberOfModules, const double DMax_m, const double roadWidth_m, const double gridAngle_deg, const double TMaxExtra_ns, const int factoryLimit)
bool enabled
enabled status of trigger
int factoryLimit
maximal number of hits to apply trigger logic (above this limit, always trigger)
int numberOfHits
minimal number of hits to trigger event
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary classes and methods for triggering.