Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- f -
- F : JAANET::JOscFlux, JShowerNPE_t
- f : JTOOLS::JResultDerivative< JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JResultPDF< JResult_t >
- f1 : JMATH::JTrigonometric, LAMBDA
- f_kHz : JACOUSTICS::JWaveform
- factor : JMATH::JPower, JMATH::JTrigonometric
- factor_per_slice : KM3NETDAQ::JDataFilter
- factoryLimit : JRECONSTRUCTION::JMuonPrefitParameters_t, JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerPrefitParameters_t, JTRIGGER::JTrigger3D::JParameters, JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DMuon_t::JParameters, JTRIGGER::JTrigger3DShower_t::JParameters, JTRIGGER::JTrigger3N::JParameters, JTRIGGER::JTriggerMXShower_t::JParameters
- failure_message : run_tests.TestCase
- failure_output : run_tests.TestCase
- failure_type : run_tests.TestCase
- failuresThreshold : JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestChi2_Slice2D, JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestKolmogorov_Slice2D, JCOMPAREHISTOGRAMS::JTestRuns_Slice2D
- fastmap : regex_t
- fastmap_accurate : regex_t
- fiducialVolume : JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorMeffRatio
- fifo : KM3NETDAQ::JDAQFrameStatus
- file : gzstreambuf, run_tests.TestCase, run_tests.TestSuite
- file_1 : JAANET::flux
- file_2 : JAANET::flux
- FILE_CLOSED : JLANG::JAbstractFile
- file_name : EL_INDEX, JDB::JLoggerMessage, JGIZMO::JRootObjectID, JSUPPORT::JMultiplexDAQUTCTimeRange< JTypelist_t >, JSUPPORT::JTriggeredFileScanner< JTypelist_t, JFileScanner_t >
- file_time : EL_INDEX
- fileDescriptor : JLANG::JAbstractFile
- fileName : JSUPPORT::JFileRecorder< T >
- filename : JAANET::detector
- filenames : JACOUSTICS::JSydney
- files : Includes
- fill : FILL, JFormat_t
- finder_ : KM3NeT_Audio_Channel
- first : JDETECTOR::JModuleAddress, JPHYSICS::JPDF::JRoot, JTOOLS::JMultiKey< 1, JKey_t >, JTOOLS::JMultiPair< N, JKey_t, JValue_t >, JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 1, JKey_t, JValue_t >, JTOOLS::JMultiPair< 2, JKey_t, JValue_t >, JTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t, JValue_t >, JTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, const JValue_t & >, JTOOLS::JPair< const JKey_t &, JValue_t & >, JTOOLS::JPair< JKey_t &, JValue_t & >, JTOOLS::JRouter< JAddress_t, false >, JTOOLS::JTuple< T >, JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > >, JTOOLS::JTuple< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTypeList< JTail_t, JNullType > > >
- firstAvailableBlock : JLANG::JAllocatorBuffer
- Fit : JROOT::JRootfit< JFs_t >
- fit : JRECONSTRUCTION::JORCAShowerReconstruction, JRECONSTRUCTION::JORCAShowerReconstruction::input_type, JRECONSTRUCTION::JORCAShowerReconstruction::JParameters_t, JRECONSTRUCTION::JORCAShowerReconstruction::JStorage_t, JROOT::JRootfit< JFs_t >
- fit_step : JRECONSTRUCTION::JShowerBjorkenYParameters_t
- fitinf : Trk
- fits : JACOUSTICS::JSydney
- Fixed : Audio_Word_Info, Info_Word::Info_Word_Bitfield
- fixedcan : JAANET::JHead
- flags : Evt, JFormat_t
- floor : JACOUSTICS::JSuperEvt::rx_t, JDATABASE::JDatalog, JDATABASE::JLocation_t, JDETECTOR::JLocation
- floorDistance_m : JDETECTOR::JDetectorParameters
- flux : JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< Flux_Atmospheric, JDiffuseFlux >, JAANET::JHead
- fmt : JROOT::JManager< JKey_t, JValue_t >
- fontSize : JROOT::JStyle::JParameters
- format : JFormat
- FORMULA_DELIMITER : JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorTFormula::JEvtWeightFactorTFormulaExpression
- fp : JTOOLS::JResultDerivative< JResult_t >, JTOOLS::JResultPDF< JResult_t >
- fp_at_xmax : JTOOLS::JSplineBounds< JOrdinate_t >
- fp_at_xmin : JTOOLS::JSplineBounds< JOrdinate_t >
- fpp : JTOOLS::JResultHesse< JResult_t >
- frame : JRECONSTRUCTION::JModuleL0, JSUPPORT::JSummaryRouter
- frame_index : Evt, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQChronometer
- Frame_Length : DAQ_Common_Header
- frameIndex : DaqFramePreamble, EventPreamble, JSUPERNOVA::JDataSN, JSUPERNOVA::JTriggerSN
- FrameLength : DAQCommonHeader
- frames_per_slice : KM3NETDAQ::JDataFilter
- frameSize : DaqFramePreamble
- frameTarget : DaqFramePreamble, EventPreamble
- frameTime1 : DaqFramePreamble, EventPreamble
- frameTime2 : DaqFramePreamble, EventPreamble
- fs : JSYSTEM::JDateAndTime
- full_name : JSON::JCalibrationType, KM3NETDAQ::JClient
- fullname : JDB::JLoggerMessage, KM3NETDAQ::JDAQClient_t
- function : JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JFunction_t, JEvtWeightFactor_t >, JAANET::JEvtWeightFactorFunction< JDiffuseFluxFunction_t, JDiffuseFlux >, JEEP::JFunctionAdaptorHelper< __pF__ >, JLANG::JComparator< const T &(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >, JLANG::JComparator< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >, JLANG::JFind_if< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JPredicate_t >, JLANG::JPredicate< JResult_t(T::*)() const, JComparator_t >, JPHYSICS::JCDFTable< JFunction1D_t, JMaplist_t, JDistance_t >, JTOOLS::JFunctionObject1D< JArgument_t, JResult_t >
- fwhm : JTOOLS::JQuantiles