struct | JAHRS |
struct | JAHRSCalibration |
struct | JAHRSCalibration_t |
| Auxiliary class to map module identifier to AHRS calibration. More...
struct | JAHRSCalibrationValidity |
| Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS calibration data. More...
struct | JAHRSCalibrationComparator |
| Auxiliary data structure for sorting of AHRS calibrations. More...
struct | JAHRSDetectorCalibration |
struct | JAHRSValidity |
| Auxiliary data structure to check validity of AHRS data. More...
struct | JAllParams |
struct | JCLBID |
struct | JCLBMap |
struct | JNullResultSet |
| Auxiliary class for invalid result set. More...
class | JDatabaseObjectIterator |
| Object iteration from database. More...
struct | JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JTail_t > > |
| Implementation of object iterator for multiple data types. More...
struct | JDatabaseObjectIterator< JTypeList< JHead_t, JNullType > > |
| Terminator class of recursive JDatabaseObjectIterator class. More...
struct | JDatalog |
struct | JDatalogNumbers |
struct | JDatim_t |
| Auxiliairy data structure for date and time. More...
struct | JServer |
| Wrapper class for server name. More...
class | JDB |
| Auxiliary class for connection to data base. More...
struct | JDBReader |
| Auxiliary class to read object with ROOT dictionary from database. More...
struct | JDBString |
| Wrapper class to read string until end-of-line. More...
struct | JRun_t |
| Auxiliary class for detector/run comparisons. More...
struct | JDBAPIVersion |
| Auxiliary data structure for I/O of database API versions. More...
struct | JDBTestTypesTuneHV |
| Table listing HV-tuning database test types. More...
struct | JDetectorsHelper |
| Auxiliary class for mapping serial number and object identifier of detectors. More...
struct | JCLBIDHelper |
| Auxiliary class for mapping UPI of central-logic board to module identifier. More...
struct | JUPIHelper |
| Auxiliary class for mapping UPI of product to serial number. More...
struct | JDBToolkit |
| Wrapper data structure for initialisation of fuction objects. More...
struct | JDetectorIntegration |
struct | JProductIntegration_t |
| Auxiliary class for product integration data. More...
struct | JDetectorIntegration_t |
| Detector integration. More...
struct | JDetectors |
struct | JLocation_t |
| Auxiliary data structure for location of product in detector. More...
struct | JMACAddress |
| MAC address. More...
struct | JPBS_t |
| Product breakdown structure (PBS). More...
struct | JPBSSequence |
| Auxiliary data structure for a sequence of PBS values. More...
struct | JPBSSequences |
| Auxiliary data structure for set of PBS sequences. More...
struct | JGetPBSSequences |
| Auxiliary class to get PBS sequences as a function of PBS. More...
struct | JPersons |
struct | JPMTBestHVSettings |
class | JPMTHV |
| Auxiliary class for PMT HVs. More...
struct | JPMTHVRunSettings |
struct | JPMTHVSettings |
class | JPMTRunsetupParams |
| Auxiliary class for PMT run setup parameters. More...
class | JPMTThreshold |
| Auxiliary class for PMT thresholds. More...
struct | JProductIntegration |
struct | JProductRouter |
| Auxiliary class to map UPI to location in detector. More...
struct | JRunQuality |
| Auxiliary data structure for data quality. More...
struct | JRuns |
struct | JRunsetupParams |
struct | JRunsetups |
| Auxiliary class for run setup evaluation. More...
struct | JRunSummaryNumbers |
class | JSelector |
| Auxiliary class for specifying selection of database data. More...
struct | getSelector |
| Template definition for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JPersons, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JDetectors, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JRuns, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JDatalogNumbers, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JAllParams, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JToAshort, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JCLBMap, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JDetectorIntegration, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JRunSummaryNumbers, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JRunQuality, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JRunsetupParams, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JPMTHVSettings, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JPMTHVRunSettings, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JVendorHV, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JCLBID, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JUPI, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JAHRS, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | getSelector< T, JAHRSDetectorCalibration, true > |
| Template specialisation for getting table specific selector. More...
struct | JQueries |
| Auxiliary method to get list of table names. More...
struct | JToAshort |
struct | JUPI |
struct | JUPI_t |
| Universal product identifier (UPI). More...
struct | JVendorHV |
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, JAHRSCalibration &calibration) |
| Read AHRS calibration from input stream. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JAHRSCalibration &calibration) |
| Write AHRS calibration to output stream. More...
int | getVersion (const std::string &version) |
| Get numerical value of AHRS calibration version. More...
const Server & | getServer (const std::string &server) |
| Get server by name. More...
std::vector< JServer > | getServernames () |
| Get list of names of available database servers. More...
const Server & | getServer () |
| Get default server. More...
const char * | getPrivateCookie () |
| Get private cookie. More...
const char * | getPublicCookie () |
| Get public cookie. More...
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &in, JServer &server) |
| Read server name from input stream. More...
template<class JTable_t > |
const char * | getTable () |
| Get table name. More...
template<class JTable_t , class JType_t > |
const char * | getColumn (JType_t JTable_t::*data_member) |
| Get column name. More...
template<class JTable_t > |
std::vector< std::string > | getColumns () |
| Get column names. More...
ResultSet & | getResultSet (const std::string &query) |
| Get result set. More...
ResultSet & | getResultSet (const std::string &query, const std::vector< Selector > &selection) |
| Get result set. More...
template<class T > |
bool | operator>> (const std::vector< Selector > &selection, T &object) |
| Read object with ROOT dictionary from selector. More...
template<class T > |
bool | operator>> (ResultSet &rs, T &object) |
| Read object with ROOT dictionary from result set. More...
template<class JElement_t , class JAllocator_t > |
bool | operator>> (ResultSet &rs, std::vector< JElement_t, JAllocator_t > &buffer) |
| Read multiple objects with ROOT dictionary from result set. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const JPeriod_t &object) |
| Write period to output stream. More...
std::vector< std::string > | getGITTags (const TRegexp ®exp, const JGITTags_t::key_type &date) |
| Get selection of GIT tags. More...
bool | is_detector (const JPBS_t &pbs) |
| Test if given PBS corresponds to a detector. More...
bool | is_string (const JPBS_t &pbs) |
| Test if given PBS corresponds to a string. More...
bool | is_optical_module (const JPBS_t &pbs) |
| Test if given PBS corresponds to a optical module. More...
bool | is_base_module (const JPBS_t &pbs) |
| Test if given PBS corresponds to a base module. More...
bool | operator< (const JRunQuality &first, const JRunQuality &second) |
| Less-than operator. More...
bool | operator< (const JRuns &first, const JRuns &second) |
| Less-than operator. More...
const Selector::RelOp & | getOperand (const int index) |
| Get operand. More...
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JDetectors > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JRuns > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JDatalogNumbers > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JDatalog > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JVendorHV > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JAHRS > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JAHRSCalibration > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JAllParams > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JPMTHVSettings > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JPMTHVRunSettings > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JPMTBestHVSettings > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JProductIntegration > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JCLBMap > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JPersons > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JToAshort > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JRunSummaryNumbers > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JRunQuality > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JRunsetupParams > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JCLBID > &type) |
JTreeParameters | getTreeParameters (const JType< JUPI > &type) |
template<class JTypelist_t > |
const std::vector< std::string > & | getQueries () |
| Get list of possible queries. More...
Auxiliary classes and methods for database I/O.
- Author
- mdejong
mdejong, bjung