1 #ifndef __JSUPPORT__JSUPPORT__
2 #define __JSUPPORT__JSUPPORT__
Data structure for all trigger parameters.
*fatal Wrong number of arguments esac check_input_file $INPUT_FILE for TIMESLICE in JDAQTimeslice JDAQTimesliceL0 JDAQTimesliceL1 JDAQTimesliceL2 JDAQTimesliceSN
Removal of data type from type list.
JTYPELIST< JDAQTimesliceTypes_t, JDAQEvent, JDAQSummaryslice >::typelist JDAQTypes_t
Type list of DAQ data types for I/O.
Auxiliary class for a type holder.
JTYPELIST< Head >::typelist JHeaderTypes_t
Type list of Monte Carlo header types.
Timeslice data structure for L1 data.
ExtendedSummary time slices.
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
Auxiliary class for recursive type list generation.
JTYPELIST< JAllDataTypes_t, JMetaTypes_t >::typelist JAllTypes_t
Type list of all data types for I/O.
JTYPELIST< JDAQTimeslice, JDAQTimesliceL0, JDAQTimesliceL1, JDAQTimesliceL2, JDAQTimesliceSN >::typelist JDAQTimesliceTypes_t
Type list of DAQ time slices for I/O.
Timeslice data structure for L2 data.
Timeslice data structure for SN data.
JTYPELIST< TRandom, TNamed >::typelist JRootTypes_t
Type list of ROOT data types for I/O.
JTYPELIST< JMetaOld_t, JMeta >::typelist JMetaTypes_t
Type list of meta data types for I/O.
The Head class reflects the header of Monte-Carlo event files, which consists of keys (also referred ...
JTYPELIST< JAAnetTypes_t, JTriggerTypes_t >::typelist JAllDataTypes_t
Type list of Monte Carlo, trigger and DAQ data types for I/O.
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
JTYPELIST< Head, Evt >::typelist JAAnetTypes_t
Type list of Monte Carlo data types for I/O.
JTYPELIST< SPE_TimeSlice, ExtendedSummary_TimeSlice, PhysicsEvent >::typelist JAntaresTypes_t
Type list of Antares DAQ data types for I/O.
JTYPELIST< JTriggerParameters, JDAQTypes_t >::typelist JTriggerTypes_t
Type list of trigger and DAQ data types for I/O.
ROOT TTree parameter settings.
Timeslice data structure for L0 data.
The Evt class respresent a Monte Carlo (MC) event as well as an offline event.