1 #ifndef __DOMCROSSING__
2 #define __DOMCROSSING__
40 const JVector3D l(sin(theta)*cos(phi),sin(theta)*sin(phi),cos(theta));
48 const double hitdist = (p0-crossing).getLength();
50 const double dist = sqrt(z*z+R*R);
52 if(hitdist<__Rdom&&dscat>=dist)
return true;
Class to check whether a photon emitted from a position along the z-axis crosses a DOM (approximated ...
DomCrossing(const double Rdom)
bool operator()(const double theta, const double phi, const double z, const double R, const double dscat)
Data structure for vector in three dimensions.
double getY() const
Get y position.
double getZ() const
Get z position.
double getDot(const JVector3D &vector) const
Get dot product.
double getX() const
Get x position.
Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations.