77 x1(
96 static const int N = 100;
97 static const double precision = 1.0e-4;
118 const double Q = b*b - 4.0*
138 x1 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
143 for (
int i = 0; i != N; ++i) {
148 if (fabs(1.0 -
u) < precision) {
220 return exp(-0.5*
272 if (th > 0.0 && th < 1.0)
275 THROW(
"JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor::getMaximalRiseTime(): Invalid threshold " << th);
302 return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
347 if (zmin < th) { zmin = th; }
348 if (zmax < th) { zmax = th; }
356 const double mu = ((NPE-k) * f *
gain) + (k *
359 norm += weight * (0.5 * TMath::Erfc((th - mu) / sqrt(2.0) /
360 cumulP += weight * (0.5 * TMath::Erfc((zmin - mu) / sqrt(2.0) /
sigma) -
361 0.5 * TMath::Erfc((zmax - mu) / sqrt(2.0) /
363 weight *= ( (NPE - k) / ((
double) (k+1)) *
367 return cumulP / norm;
457 return gRandom->Rndm() <
474 return gRandom->Gaus(t_ns,
513 const double X = gRandom->Uniform();
516 for (
double sum_p = 0.0; k > 0; --k) {
519 if (sum_p > X) {
break; }
521 weight *= ( k / ((double) (NPE - (k-1))) *
528 const double mu = ((NPE-k) * f *
gain) + (k *
531 q = gRandom->Gaus(mu,
558 const double mu = ((NPE-k) * f *
gain) + (k *
562 prob += weight * TMath::Gaus(npe, mu,
sigma, kTRUE);
564 weight *= ( (NPE - k) / ((
double) (k+1)) *
662 THROW(
"JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor::getTimeOverThreshold: Invalid charge " << npe);
718 }
else if (
QE <= 1.0) {
724 for (
int i = 1; i <= NPE; ++i) {
726 const double p = (TMath::Binomial(NPE, i) *
727 TMath::Power(
QE, i) * TMath::Power(1.0 -
QE, NPE - i));
735 const double mu = ((i-k) * f *
gain) + (k *
738 Ptotal += weight * (0.5 * TMath::Erfc((0.0 - mu) / sqrt(2.0) /
741 weight *= ( (i - k) / ((
double) (k+1)) *
745 P += p*Pabove/Ptotal;
763 virtual double getNPE(
const double tot_ns)
const override
766 return std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
777 }
else if (tot <= TOT) {
782 const double z = (-b + sqrt(b*b - 4*
a*c)) / (2*
804 const double npe =
808 const double RthBand = PthBand * TMath::Gaus(tot_ns,
sigma_ns, kTRUE);
809 const double RaboveTh =
y *
811 return RthBand + RaboveTh;
828 const double IthBand = PthBand * (0.5 * TMath::Erfc((Tmin -
mean_ns) / sqrt(2.0) /
sigma_ns) -
832 return IthBand + IaboveTh;
883 const double precision = 1.0e-4)
885 int i = (int) (NPE - 5.0 * sqrt(NPE) - 0.5);
886 int M = (int) (NPE + 5.0 * sqrt(NPE) + 0.5);
888 if (i < 1) { i = 1; }
889 if (M < i) { M = i; }
891 double p = NPE * exp(-NPE) / (double) 1;
893 for (
int __i = 1; __i != i; ++__i) {
899 for (
double p0 = 0.0; (p >= p0 || p > precision) && i != M; ++i, p0 = p, p *= NPE / (double) i) {
Time calibration (including definition of sign of time offset).
#define THROW(JException_t, A)
Marco for throwing exception with std::ostream compatible message.
Data structure for PMT parameters.
double sigma_ns
time-over-threshold standard deviation of threshold-band hits [ns]
double QE
relative quantum efficiency
double thresholdBand
threshold-band [npe]
double gainSpread
gain spread [unit]
Default constructor.
double riseTime_ns
rise time of analogue pulse [ns]
double TTS_ns
transition time spread [ns]
double threshold
threshold [npe]
double mean_ns
mean time-over-threshold of threshold-band hits [ns]
void setPMTParameters(const JPMTParameters ¶meters)
Set PMT parameters.
double slope
slope [ns/npe]
double PunderAmplified
probability of underamplified hit
bool slewing
time slewing of analogue signal
double saturation
saturation [ns]
PMT signal processor interface.
Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range.
file Auxiliary data structures and methods for detector calibration.
JDETECTOR::getTransitionTime getTransitionTime
Function object to generate transition time.
Specification for time-over-threshold corresponding to a one photo-electron pulse.
double getTimeOverThresholdProbability(const JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor &pmt, const double tot_ns, const double NPE, const double precision=1.0e-4)
Get time-over-threshold probability.
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
PMT analogue signal processor.
double getDecayTime() const
Get decay time.
virtual bool applyQE() const override
Apply relative QE.
virtual bool compare(const JPhotoElectron &first, const JPhotoElectron &second) const override
Compare arrival times of photo-electrons.
static double getMaximalRiseTime(const double th)
Get maximal rise time for given threshold.
double getT1() const
Get time at transition point from Gaussian to exponential.
double getGainSpread(int NPE) const
Get gain spread for given number of photo-electrons.
double getIntegralOfChargeProbability(const JThresholdDomain domain, const int NPE) const
Get integral of probability in specific threshold domain.
double decayTime_ns
decay time [ns]
virtual double getRandomTime(const double t_ns) const override
Get randomised time according transition time distribution.
virtual bool applyThreshold(const double npe) const override
Apply threshold.
virtual double getChargeProbability(const double npe, const int NPE) const override
Get probability density for given charge.
double y1
amplitude at match point [npe]
static double getTH1()
Get upper threshold for rise time evaluation.
virtual double getRiseTime(const double npe) const override
Get time to reach threshold.
virtual double getNPE(const double tot_ns) const override
Get number of photo-electrons.
double x1
Transition point from a logarithmic to a linear relation between time-over-threshold and number of ph...
double getTimeOverThresholdProbability(const double tot_ns, const int NPE) const
Get probability of having a pulse with specific time-over-threshold.
double getIntegralOfChargeProbability(const double xmin, const double xmax, const int NPE) const
Get integral of probability.
double getIntegralOfTimeOverThresholdProbability(const double Tmin, const double Tmax, const int NPE) const
Get cumulative probability of time-over-threshold distribution.
double getY1() const
Get amplitude at transition point from Gaussian to exponential.
friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream &in, JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor &object)
Read PMT signal from input.
JThresholdDomain getThresholdDomain(const double npe) const
Get threshold domain.
virtual double getRandomCharge(const int NPE) const override
Get randomised charge according to gain and gain spread.
JPMTAnalogueSignalProcessor(const JPMTParameters ¶meters=JPMTParameters())
double getDerivativeOfSaturation(const double tot_ns) const
Get derivative of saturation factor.
double applySaturation(const double tot_ns) const
Get time-over-threshold with saturation.
double getDecayTime(const double npe, const double th) const
Get time to pass from top of analogue pulse to threshold.
double removeSaturation(const double tot_ns) const
Get time-over-threshold without saturation.
double getRiseTime(const double npe, const double th) const
Get time to pass from threshold to top of analogue pulse.
double getAmplitude(const double t1_ns) const
Get amplitude at given time for a one photo-electron pulse.
static double getTH0()
Get lower threshold for rise time evaluation.
double getStartOfLinearisation() const
Get transition point from a model-dependent to linear relation between time-over-threshold and number...
Threshold domain specifiers.
above threshold
below threshold
inside threshold band
void setPMTParameters(const JPMTParameters ¶meters)
Set PMT parameters.
void configure()
Configure internal parameters.
virtual double getSurvivalProbability(const int NPE) const override
Probability that a hit survives the simulation of the PMT.
virtual double getTimeOverThreshold(const double npe) const override
Get time-over-threshold (ToT).
virtual double getDerivative(const double npe) const override
Get derivative of number of photo-electrons to time-over-threshold.
double t1
time at match point [ns]
Data structure for single photo-electron.