1 #ifndef H_J_PHOTON_PATH
2 #define H_J_PHOTON_PATH
80 for(
iterator it=begin() ; it!=end() ; ++it )
92 for( const_iterator it=begin() ; it!=end() ; ++it )
109 for( ; v2!=end() ; ++v1,++v2 ) {
111 L += (*v2-*v1).getLength() ;
125 for(
unsigned int i=1 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
130 res.push_back( v1+frac*(v2-v1) ) ;
138 for(
unsigned int i=0 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
140 if( i+1!=size() ) oss <<
", " ;
149 for(
unsigned int i=1 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
154 res.push_back( v1+frac*(v2-v1) ) ;
164 for(
unsigned int i=1 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
167 if( (v1.
getZ()>z) != (v2.
getZ()>z) ) {
169 res.push_back( v1+frac*(v2-v1) ) ;
178 for(
unsigned int i=1 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
189 double r_to_center = to_center.
getLength() ;
192 double ct = dir_seg.
getDot(dir_to_center) ;
195 if( 1-ct*ct >
r/(r_to_center*r_to_center) ) {
204 double D = sqrt( r_to_center*r_to_center*(ct*ct-1) +
r ) ;
205 double xi1 = -r_to_center*ct + D ;
206 if( xi1>0 && xi1<Lseg )
return true ;
207 double xi2 = -r_to_center*ct - D ;
208 if( xi2>0 && xi2<Lseg )
return true ;
215 for(
unsigned int i=1 ; i<size() ; ++i ) {
226 double r_to_center = to_center.
getLength() ;
229 double ct = dir_seg.
getDot(dir_to_center) ;
232 if( 1-ct*ct >
r/(r_to_center*r_to_center) ) {
241 double D = sqrt( r_to_center*r_to_center*(ct*ct-1) +
r ) ;
244 double xi1 = -r_to_center*ct + D ;
245 if( xi1<0 || xi1>Lseg ) {
250 double xi2 = -r_to_center*ct - D ;
252 if( xi2>0 && xi2<Lseg ) {
254 if( xi2<xi1 ) xi1 = xi2 ;
257 if( xi1>0 && xi1<Lseg ) {
Data structure for polyline in three dimensions.
Data structure for position in three dimensions.
double getY() const
Get y position.
double getLength() const
Get length.
double getZ() const
Get z position.
double getX() const
Get x position.
Data structure for normalised vector in three dimensions.
double getDot(const JVersor3D &versor) const
Get dot product.
Interface for binary input.
Forward declaration of binary output.
Interface for binary output.
std::vector< JPosition3D > getPointsWithY(double y)
return all coordinates where the photon path has the given y
JIO::JReader & read(JIO::JReader &in)
Read from input.
std::vector< JPosition3D > getPointsWithZ(double z)
return all coordinates where the photon path has the given z
bool hitsSphere(const JPosition3D &pos, double r)
Returns whether the photon path intersects a sphere of radius r at position pos.
JIO::JWriter & write(JIO::JWriter &out) const
Write to output.
JPosition3D getSphereHitPosition(const JPosition3D &pos, double r)
Returns the position where the photon hits a sphere of radius r at position pos. If the photon does n...
string getString()
get a string with the path vertex positions
default constructor
std::vector< JPosition3D > getPointsWithX(double x)
return all coordinates where the photon path has the given x
double getLength()
get the total path length
JPhotonPath(int _nscat)
constructor to actually be used
JMODEL::JString getString(const JFit &fit)
Get model parameters of string.
Auxiliary classes and methods for 2D geometrical objects and operations.
Auxiliary classes and methods for 3D geometrical objects and operations.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).