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4 #include <cmath>
6 #include <TRandom3.h>
8 #include "JLang/JCC.hh"
9 #include "JPhysics/JConstants.hh"
10 #include "JPhysics/JIonization.hh"
12 /**
13  * \file
14  * Muon radiative cross sections.
15  * \author P. Kooijman
16  */
18 namespace JPHYSICS {}
19 namespace JPP { using namespace JPHYSICS; }
21 namespace JPHYSICS {
23  namespace {
24  static const double LAMBDA = 0.65; // [GeV]
25  }
27  /**
28  * Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections.
29  * \author P. Kooijman
30  *
31  * Bremsstrahlung and pair production cross sections are taken from <a href="">Particle Data Group</a>.
32  *
33  * Gamma-nucleon cross section:
34  * Phys.\ Lett.\ B\ Vol.\ 697-3 (2011) 184-193.
35  */
36  class JRadiation {
37  public:
39  /**
40  * Virtual desctructor.
41  */
42  virtual ~JRadiation()
43  {}
46  /**
47  * Constructor.
48  *
49  * \param z number of protons
50  * \param a number of nucleons
51  * \param integrsteps number of integration steps
52  * \param eminBrems energy threshold Bremsstrahlung [GeV]
53  * \param eminEErad energy threshold pair production [GeV]
54  * \param eminGNrad energy threshold photo-production [GeV]
55  */
56  JRadiation(const double z,
57  const double a,
58  const int integrsteps,
59  const double eminBrems,
60  const double eminEErad,
61  const double eminGNrad) :
62  Z(z),
63  A(a),
64  Dn (1.54*pow(A,0.27)),
65  DnP (pow(Dn,(1-1/Z))),
66  steps(integrsteps),
67  EminBrems(eminBrems),
68  EminEErad(eminEErad),
69  EminGNrad(eminGNrad)
70  {}
73  /**
74  * Pair production cross section.
75  *
76  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
77  * \param eps shower energy [GeV]
78  * \return cross section [m^2/g]
79  */
80  double SigmaEErad(const double E,
81  const double eps) const
82  {
83  //routine to calculate dsigma/de in cm^2/GeV for radiating a photon of energy eps
85  if(eps<4.*MASS_ELECTRON)return 0.;
86  if(eps>E-0.75*exp(1.0)*pow(Z,1./3.)) return 0.;
87  double zeta;
88  if(E<35.*MASS_MUON)
89  {
90  zeta = 0.;
91  }
92  else
93  {
94  zeta = (0.073*log((E/MASS_MUON)/(1.+1.95e-5*pow(Z,2./3.)*E/MASS_MUON))-0.26);
95  if(zeta<0.)
96  {
97  zeta=0.;
98  }
99  else
100  {
101  zeta = zeta/(0.058*log((E/MASS_MUON)/(1.+5.3e-5*pow(Z,1./3.)*E/MASS_MUON))-0.14);
102  }
103  }
104  double integ = IntegralofG(E,eps);
105  //cout<< eps<<" integ "<< integ<<endl;
106  return integ*(4/(3.*M_PI))*(Z*(Z+zeta)/A)*AVOGADRO*pow((ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*r0()),2.)*(1-eps/E)/eps;
107  }
110  /**
111  * Pair production cross section.
112  *
113  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
114  * \return cross section [m^2/g]
115  */
116  virtual double TotalCrossSectionEErad(const double E) const
117  {
118  //cout<<" entering TotcrsecEErad"<<endl;
119  // radiation goes approx as 1/E so sample in log E
120  // calculate the total cross section as S(dsigma/de)*de
121  // start at E and go backwards for precision
122  double sum(0.);
123  double dle = log(E/EminEErad)/steps;
124  //cout << "dle "<< dle<<endl;
125  for(int i=0;i<steps+1;i++)
126  {
127  double factor = 1.0;
128  if(i==0 || i==steps)factor=0.5;
129  //cout<<"i"<<i<<endl;
130  double eps = EminEErad*exp(i*dle);sum += factor*eps*SigmaEErad( E, eps);
131  //cout<<"eps "<<eps<<" sum "<<sum<<endl;
132  }
133  return sum*dle;
134  }
137  /**
138  * Bremsstrahlung cross section.
139  *
140  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
141  * \return cross section [m^2/g]
142  */
144  double TotalCrossSectionBrems(const double E) const
145  {
146  // double delta = (MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON*eps)/(2*E*(E-eps));
147  double delta = (MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON)/(2*E);
148  //double v = eps/E;
149  double Phin = log((B()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*(MASS_MUON+delta*(DnP*sqrt(exp(1.0))-2.)))/(DnP*(MASS_ELECTRON+delta*sqrt(exp(1.0))*B()*pow(Z,-1./3.))));
150  if(Phin<0.)Phin=0.;
151  double Phie = log((BP()*pow(Z,-2./3.)*MASS_MUON)/((1+delta*MASS_MUON/(MASS_ELECTRON*MASS_ELECTRON*sqrt(exp(1.0))))*(MASS_ELECTRON+delta*sqrt(exp(1.0))*BP()*pow(Z,-2./3.))));
152  if(Phie<0.)Phie=0.;
153  //if(eps>E/(1+MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON/(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*E)))Phie=0.;
154  double sig = (16./3.)*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*AVOGADRO*pow((MASS_ELECTRON/MASS_MUON*r0()),2.0)*Z*(Z*Phin+Phie)/(A);
155  double epsint = log((E-MASS_MUON)/EminBrems)-(E-MASS_MUON-EminBrems)/E+0.375*(pow(E-MASS_MUON,2.)-pow(EminBrems,2.0))/pow(E,2.0);
156  return epsint*sig;//"cross section" in m^2/g multiplied by density and inverted gives mean free path
157  }
160  /**
161  * Photo-nuclear cross section.
162  *
163  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
164  * \param eps shower energy [GeV]
165  * \return cross section [m^2/g]
166  */
167  virtual double SigmaGNrad(const double E, const double eps) const
168  {
170  //minimum radiated energy is 0.2 GeV, not very critical formulae become invalid for very much lower
171  //result is given in m^2/g GeV
172  if (eps<0.2) return 0.;
173  if (eps>E-MASS_PROTON) return 0.;
174  double Aeff;
175  if (A==1)
176  {Aeff = 1.;}
177  else
178  {Aeff = (0.22*A + 0.78 * pow(A,0.89));}
179  double sigmaGammaPofeps = (49.2 + 11.1 * log(eps) + 151.8/sqrt(eps))*pow(10,-34.);
180  double Psiofeps = ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC/PI*Aeff*AVOGADRO/A*sigmaGammaPofeps/eps;
181  double Denom = 1+eps/LAMBDA*(1+LAMBDA/(2*MASS_PROTON)+eps/LAMBDA);
182  double epsoverE = eps/E;
183  double Numerator = E * E * (1 - epsoverE) / (MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON) * (1 + MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON * epsoverE * epsoverE / (LAMBDA * LAMBDA * (1 - epsoverE)));
184  double Factor = 1 - epsoverE + epsoverE * epsoverE / 2 * (1 + 2 * MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON / (LAMBDA * LAMBDA));
185  double PhiofEofeps = epsoverE - 1 + Factor * log (Numerator / Denom);
186  //cout<<"PhiofEofeps "<<PhiofEofeps<<" Psiofeps "<<Psiofeps<<endl;
187  return Psiofeps*PhiofEofeps;
188  }
191  /**
192  * Photo-nuclear cross section.
193  *
194  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
195  * \return cross section [m^2/g]
196  */
197  virtual double TotalCrossSectionGNrad(const double E) const
198  {
199  double epsmin = 0.2;
200  double epsmax = E-MASS_PROTON/2;
201  double sum(0.);
202  double dle = log(epsmax/epsmin)/steps;
203  for(int i=0;i<steps+1;i++)
204  {
205  float factor = 1.0;
206  if(i==0 || i==steps)factor=0.5;
207  //cout<<"i"<<i<<endl;
208  double eps = epsmin*exp(i*dle);sum += factor*eps*SigmaGNrad( E, eps);
209  //cout<<"eps "<<eps<<" sum "<<sum<<endl;
210  }
212  return sum*dle;
213  }
216  /**
217  * Bremsstrahlung shower energy.
218  *
219  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
220  * \return shower energy [GeV]
221  */
222  double EfromBrems(const double E) const
223  {
224  //double EminBrems(0.01);
225  //generate according to 1/k from minimum energy to E
226  double Er = 0.0;
227  for (int i = 1000; i != 0; --i) {
228  Er = EminBrems*exp(gRandom->Rndm()*log(E/EminBrems));
229  //check on the extra factor (1-v+3/4v^2)
230  if(gRandom->Rndm()<(1.-Er/E+0.75*pow(Er/E,2))) break;
231  }
232  return Er;
233  }
236  /**
237  * Get RMS of scattering angle for Bremsstrahlung.
238  *
239  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
240  * \param v energy loss fraction
241  * \return angle [rad]
242  */
243  double ThetaRMSfromBrems(const double E, const double v) const
244  {
245  using namespace std;
247  const double precision = 1.0e-3;
249  const double k1 = 0.092 * pow(E, -1.0/3.0);
250  const double k2 = 0.052 * pow(E, -1.0) * pow(Z, -1.0/4.0);
251  const double k3 = 0.220 * pow(E, -0.92);
252  const double k4 = 0.260 * pow(E, -0.91);
254  double rms = 0.0;
256  if (v <= 0.5) {
258  rms = max(min(k1*sqrt(v), k2), k3*v);
260  } else {
262  const double n = 0.81 * sqrt(E) / (sqrt(E) + 1.8);
264  double k5 = 0.0;
266  for (double vmin = 0.5, vmax = 1.0; ; ) {
268  const double v = 0.5 * (vmin + vmax);
270  const double y = k4 * pow(v, 1.0 + n) * pow(1.0 - v, -n);
272  if (abs(y - 0.2) <= precision) {
274  k5 = y * pow(1.0 - v, 1.0/2.0);
276  break;
277  }
279  if (y < 0.2)
280  vmin = v;
281  else
282  vmax = v;
283  }
285  rms = k4 * pow(v, 1.0 + n) * pow(1.0 - v, -n);
287  if (rms >= 0.2) {
288  rms = k5 * pow(1.0 - v, -1.0/2.0);
289  }
290  }
292  return rms;
293  }
296  /**
297  * Pair production shower energy.
298  *
299  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
300  * \return shower energy [GeV]
301  */
302  double EfromEErad(const double E) const
303  {
304  //generate according to 1/k from minimum energy to E
306  const double eps =0.2;
307  const double IntGmax = IntegralofG(E,eps)*2.0;
309  double Er = 0.0;
310  for (int i = 1000; i != 0; --i)
311  {
312  Er = EminEErad*exp(gRandom->Rndm()*log(E/EminEErad));
313  //check on the extra factor, (1-v) and IntofG
314  double factor = (1.-Er/E)*IntegralofG(E,Er)/IntGmax;
315  if(gRandom->Rndm()<factor) break;
316  }
317  return Er;
318  }
321  /**
322  * Get RMS of scattering angle for pair production.
323  *
324  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
325  * \param v energy loss fraction
326  * \return angle [rad]
327  */
328  double ThetaRMSfromEErad(const double E, const double v) const
329  {
330  using namespace std;
332  const double a = 8.9e-4;
333  const double b = 1.5e-5;
334  const double c = 0.032;
335  const double d = 1.0;
336  const double e = 0.1;
338  const double n = -1.0;
340  const double u = v - 2.0*MASS_ELECTRON/E;
342  if (u > 0.0)
343  return (2.3 + log(E)) * (1.0/E) * pow(1.0 - v, n) * (u*u) * (1.0/(v*v)) *
344  min(a * pow(v, 1.0/4.0) * (1.0 + b*E) + c*v/(v+d), e);
345  else
346  return 0.0;
347  }
350  /**
351  * Photo-nuclear shower energy.
352  *
353  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
354  * \return shower energy [GeV]
355  */
356  double EfromGNrad(const double E) const
357  {
358  //generate according to 1/k from minimum energy to E
360  double cmax = sigmaGammaPparam(EminGNrad);
361  if (cmax < sigmaGammaPparam(E))
362  cmax=sigmaGammaPparam(E);
364  double Pmax = PhiofEofepsparam(E,EminGNrad);
366  double Er = 0.0;
367  for (int i = 1000; i != 0; --i) {
368  Er = EminGNrad*exp(gRandom->Rndm()*log(E/EminGNrad));
369  const double factor = PhiofEofepsparam(E,Er)*sigmaGammaPparam(Er)/(cmax*Pmax);
370  if (gRandom->Rndm() < factor) return Er;
371  }
373  return Er;
374  }
377  /**
378  * Get RMS of scattering angle for photo-nuclear shower.
379  *
380  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
381  * \param v energy loss fraction
382  * \return angle [rad]
383  */
384  double ThetaRMSfromGNrad(const double E, const double v) const
385  {
386  return 0.0;
387  }
390  /**
391  * Ionization a parameter.
392  *
393  * \param E muon energy [GeV]
394  * \return ionization coefficient [GeV*m^2/g]
395  */
396  virtual double CalculateACoeff(double E) const
397  {
398  const double E2 = E*E;
399  const double beta = sqrt(E2 - MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON) / E;
400  const double beta2 = beta*beta;
401  const double gamma = E/MASS_MUON;
402  const double gamma2 = gamma*gamma;
404  const double p2 = E2 - MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON;
406  const double EMaxT2 = EMaxT*EMaxT;
407  const JSter& coeff = getSterCoefficient(Z);
408  const double I2 = coeff.I*coeff.I; // in GeV^2
409  const double X = log10(beta*gamma);
411  double delta = 0.0;
413  if (coeff.X0 < X && X < coeff.X1) {
414  delta = 4.6052*X + coeff.a*pow(coeff.X1-X,coeff.m) + coeff.C;
415  }
417  if (X > coeff.X1) {
418  delta = 4.6052*X + coeff.C;
419  }
421  double acoeff = (2*PI*AVOGADRO*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC*le()*le())*Z/A*(MASS_ELECTRON/beta2)*(log(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*beta2*gamma2*EMaxT/I2)-2.*beta2+0.25*(EMaxT2/E2)-delta);
423  return acoeff;
424  }
426  protected:
427  double GofZEvrho(const double E,
428  const double v,
429  const double r) const
430  {
431  const double ksi = MASS_MUON*MASS_MUON*v*v*(1-r*r)/(4*MASS_ELECTRON*MASS_ELECTRON*(1-v));//
432  const double b = v*v/(2*(1-v));//
433  const double Be = ((2+r*r)*(1+b)+ksi*(3+r*r))*log(1+1/ksi)+(1-r*r-b)/(1+ksi)-(3+r*r);
434  const double Bm = ((1+r*r)*(1+3*b/2)-(1+2*b)*(1-r*r)/ksi)*log(1+ksi)+ksi*(1-r*r-b)/(1+ksi)+(1+2*b)*(1-r*r);
435  const double Ye = (5-r*r+4*b*(1+r*r))/(2*(1+3*b)*log(3+1/ksi)-r*r-2*b*(2-r*r));
436  const double Ym = (4+r*r+3*b*(1+r*r))/((1+r*r)*(1.5+2*b)*log(3+ksi)+1-1.5*r*r);
437  const double Le = log((Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*sqrt((1+ksi)*(1+Ye)))/
438  (1.+(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*sqrt(exp(1.))*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*(1+ksi)*(1+Ye))/(E*v*(1-r*r))));
439  const double Lm = log(((MASS_MUON/MASS_ELECTRON)*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*sqrt((1.+1./ksi)*(1.+Ym)))/
440  (1.+(2.*MASS_ELECTRON*sqrt(exp(1.))*Astar()*pow(Z,-1./3.)*(1+ksi)*(1+Ym))/(E*v*(1-r*r))));
441  double Phie = Be*Le; if(Phie<0.)Phie=0.;
442  double Phim = Bm*Lm; if(Phim<0.)Phim=0.;
444  }
446  virtual double IntegralofG(const double E,
447  const double eps) const
448  {
449  const double EP = E-eps;
450  const double v = eps/E;
451  const double tmin = log((4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps+12*pow(MASS_MUON,2)/(E*EP)*(1-4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps))
452  /(1+(1-6*pow(MASS_MUON,2)/(E*EP))*sqrt(1-4*MASS_ELECTRON/eps)));
454  if (tmin < 0.0) {
455  const double dt = -tmin/steps;
456  double sum(0.);
457  for (int i = 0;i<steps+1;i++)
458  {
459  double fac = 1.0;if(i==0 || i==steps)fac=0.5;
460  double t = tmin+i*dt;
461  double r = 1.-exp(t);
462  sum+=fac*GofZEvrho(E,v,r)*exp(t);
463  }
464  return sum*dt;
465  } else
466  return 0.0;
467  }
469  static double sigmaGammaPparam(const double eps)
470  {
471  return (49.2 + 11.1 * log(eps) + 151.8/sqrt(eps));
472  }
474  static double PhiofEofepsparam(const double E,const double eps)
475  {
476  const double Denom = 1+eps/LAMBDA*(1+LAMBDA/(2*MASS_PROTON)+eps/LAMBDA);
477  const double epsoverE = eps/E;
478  const double Numerator = E * E * (1 - epsoverE) / (MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON) * (1 + MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON * epsoverE * epsoverE /
479  (LAMBDA * LAMBDA * (1 - epsoverE)));
480  const double Factor = 1 - epsoverE + epsoverE * epsoverE / 2 * (1 + 2 * MASS_MUON * MASS_MUON / (LAMBDA * LAMBDA));
481  return (epsoverE - 1 + Factor * log (Numerator / Denom));
482  }
485  static double le () { return 3.8616E-13;}
486  static double r0 () { return 2.817940e-15; }
487  static double Astar() { return 183.0; }
488  static double B () { return 183.0; }
489  static double BP () { return 1429.0; }
491  const double Z;
492  const double A;
493  const double Dn;
494  const double DnP;
495  const int steps;
496  const double EminBrems;
497  const double EminEErad;
498  const double EminGNrad;
499  };
502  /**
503  * Auxiliary data structure for handling member methods of class JRadiation.
504  */
506  double (JRadiation::*sigma)(const double) const; //!< total cross section method
507  double (JRadiation::*eloss)(const double) const; //!< energy loss method
508  double (JRadiation::*theta)(const double, const double) const; //!< scattering angle method
509  };
515 }
517 #endif
Compiler version dependent expressions, macros, etc.
Physics constants.
Auxiliary class for the calculation of the muon radiative cross sections.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:36
static double sigmaGammaPparam(const double eps)
Definition: JRadiation.hh:469
virtual ~JRadiation()
Virtual desctructor.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:42
virtual double SigmaGNrad(const double E, const double eps) const
Photo-nuclear cross section.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:167
virtual double IntegralofG(const double E, const double eps) const
Definition: JRadiation.hh:446
virtual double TotalCrossSectionEErad(const double E) const
Pair production cross section.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:116
virtual double CalculateACoeff(double E) const
Ionization a parameter.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:396
static double B()
Definition: JRadiation.hh:488
double GofZEvrho(const double E, const double v, const double r) const
Definition: JRadiation.hh:427
virtual double TotalCrossSectionGNrad(const double E) const
Photo-nuclear cross section.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:197
static double BP()
Definition: JRadiation.hh:489
double SigmaEErad(const double E, const double eps) const
Pair production cross section.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:80
double EfromEErad(const double E) const
Pair production shower energy.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:302
double EfromGNrad(const double E) const
Photo-nuclear shower energy.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:356
JRadiation(const double z, const double a, const int integrsteps, const double eminBrems, const double eminEErad, const double eminGNrad)
Definition: JRadiation.hh:56
double EfromBrems(const double E) const
Bremsstrahlung shower energy.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:222
double TotalCrossSectionBrems(const double E) const
Bremsstrahlung cross section.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:144
const double EminBrems
Definition: JRadiation.hh:496
const double DnP
Definition: JRadiation.hh:494
const double EminEErad
Definition: JRadiation.hh:497
static double le()
Definition: JRadiation.hh:485
double ThetaRMSfromGNrad(const double E, const double v) const
Get RMS of scattering angle for photo-nuclear shower.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:384
static double PhiofEofepsparam(const double E, const double eps)
Definition: JRadiation.hh:474
static double Astar()
Definition: JRadiation.hh:487
double ThetaRMSfromEErad(const double E, const double v) const
Get RMS of scattering angle for pair production.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:328
const double EminGNrad
Definition: JRadiation.hh:498
double ThetaRMSfromBrems(const double E, const double v) const
Get RMS of scattering angle for Bremsstrahlung.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:243
static double r0()
Definition: JRadiation.hh:486
const double sigma[]
const double a
T pow(const T &x, const double y)
Power .
Definition: JMath.hh:97
static const double PI
Mathematical constants.
Auxiliary methods for light properties of deep-sea water.
static const double ALPHA_ELECTRO_MAGNETIC
Electro-Magnetic coupling constant.
static const JRadiationSource_t GNrad_t
Definition: JRadiation.hh:514
static const double MASS_MUON
muon mass [GeV]
static const JRadiationSource_t Brems_t
Definition: JRadiation.hh:513
static const double MASS_ELECTRON
electron mass [GeV]
static JSterCoefficient getSterCoefficient
Function object for Ster coefficients.
Definition: JIonization.hh:82
static const JRadiationSource_t EErad_t
Definition: JRadiation.hh:512
static const double AVOGADRO
Avogadro's number.
static const double MASS_PROTON
proton mass [GeV]
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
const int n
Definition: JPolint.hh:786
double u[N+1]
Definition: JPolint.hh:865
data_type r[M+1]
Definition: JPolint.hh:868
data_type v[N+1][M+1]
Definition: JPolint.hh:866
Definition: JSTDTypes.hh:14
Auxiliary data structure for handling member methods of class JRadiation.
Definition: JRadiation.hh:505
Struct for the Sternheimer coefficients.
Definition: JIonization.hh:23
double C
Correction density parameter
Definition: JIonization.hh:29
double m
Correction density parameter.
Definition: JIonization.hh:28
double I
Ionization potentian [GeV].
Definition: JIonization.hh:24
double X1
Correction density parameter.
Definition: JIonization.hh:26
double a
Correction density parameter.
Definition: JIonization.hh:27
double X0
Correction density parameter.
Definition: JIonization.hh:25
Auxiliary data structure to convert (lambda) function to printable object.
Definition: JManip.hh:726