Jpp  master_rocky-40-g5f0272dcd
the software that should make you happy
JAAnet Directory Reference


file [code]
 Auxiliary program to preprocess an aanet file.
file  JAAnetTestkit.hh [code]
file  JAAnetToolkit.hh [code]
 Definition of hit and track types and auxiliary methods for handling Monte Carlo data.
file  JAtmosphericNeutrinoFlux.hh [code]
file  JConstantFlux.hh [code]
file  JDiffuseFlux.hh [code]
file  JDiffuseFluxHelper.hh [code]
file [code]
 Example program to filter out-of-time hits in Evt data.
file  JEvtCategory.hh [code]
file  JEvtCategoryHelper.hh [code]
file  JEvtCategoryMap.hh [code]
file  JEvtCategoryToolkit.hh [code]
file  JEvtEvaluator.hh [code]
file [code]
 Program for reweighting Monte-Carlo simulations.
file  JEvtWeight.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightCorsika.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightDAQ.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactor.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorConstant.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorFunction.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorGSeaGen.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorHelper.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorMupage.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorProduct.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightFactorTFormula.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightGenhen.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightGSeaGen.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightHelper.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightInterface.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightKM3BUU.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightMiscellaneous.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightMupage.hh [code]
file  JEvtWeightSupportkit.hh [code]
file [code]
file  JEvtWeightToolkit.hh [code]
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to shift the generated tracks according a given offset.
file  JFlux.hh [code]
file  JFluxHelper.hh [code]
file  JGENIETypes.hh [code]
 Definition of GENIE neutrino interaction types.
file [code]
file  JHead.hh [code]
file  JHeadToolkit.hh [code]
file  JHeadWriter.hh [code]
file  JHondaFluxInterpolator.hh [code]
file  JLorentzBoost.hh [code]
 Auxiliary methods for calculating Lorentz boosts.
file [code]
 Application for merging Monte-Carlo files.
file  JMultiHead.hh [code]
file  JMuonBundleCategory.hh [code]
 Classes and methods for defining muon bundle categories.
file  JNeutrinoInteractionCategory.hh [code]
 Classes and methods for defining neutrino interaction categories.
file  JOscFlux.hh [code]
file  JParticleTypes.hh [code]
 Definition of particle types.
file  JPDB.hh [code]
file  JPowerLawFlux.hh [code]
file [code]
 Auxiliary program to print particle codes and masses.
file [code]
 Program for extracting disjoint output files without overlapping cuts
from a list of Monte-Carlo files with overlapping cuts.
file  JAAnet/JSupport.hh [code]
 ROOT TTree parameter settings.
file  JVolume.hh [code]
file  software/JAAnet/LinkDef.hh [code]