Jpp  master_rocky-40-g5f0272dcd
the software that should make you happy
JTools Directory Reference


file  JAbstractCollection.hh [code]
file  JAbstractHistogram.hh [code]
file  JAbstractMultiMap.hh [code]
file  JAngleRange.hh [code]
file  JArray.hh [code]
file  JArrayIterator.hh [code]
file  JAssembler.hh [code]
file  JAutoMap.hh [code]
file  JCollection.hh [code]
 General purpose class for a collection of sorted elements.
file  JCombinatorics.hh [code]
file  JConstantFunction1D.hh [code]
file  JTools/JConstants.hh [code]
file  JDistance.hh [code]
file  JDriver.hh [code]
file  JElement.hh [code]
 The elements in a collection are sorted according to their abscissa values and a given distance operator.
file  JFunction1D_t.hh [code]
file  JFunctional.hh [code]
file  JFunctionalMap.hh [code]
file  JFunctionalMap_t.hh [code]
 Various implementations of functional maps.
file  JFunctionObject1D.hh [code]
file  JGarbageCollection.hh [code]
file  JGrid.hh [code]
file  JGridCollection.hh [code]
file  JGridMap.hh [code]
file  JHashCollection.hh [code]
 General purpose class for a hash collection of unique elements.
file  JHashEvaluator.hh [code]
file  JHashMap.hh [code]
 General purpose class for hash map of unique elements.
file  JHashSet.hh [code]
 General purpose class for a hash set of sorted elements.
file  JHermiteSpline.hh [code]
file  JHesseMatrix.hh [code]
file  JHistogram.hh [code]
file  JHistogram1D.hh [code]
file  JHistogram1D_t.hh [code]
file  JHistogramMap.hh [code]
file  JHistogramMap_t.hh [code]
file  JList.hh [code]
file  JMap.hh [code]
file  JMapCollection.hh [code]
file  JMapList.hh [code]
file  JMappableCollection.hh [code]
file  JMergeSort.hh [code]
file  JMultiFunction.hh [code]
file  JMultiGrid.hh [code]
file  JMultiHashMap.hh [code]
 General purpose class for multidimensional hash maps.
file  JMultiHistogram.hh [code]
file  JMultiKey.hh [code]
file  JMultiMap.hh [code]
 General purpose multidimensional map based on a type list of maps.
file  JMultiMapTransformer.hh [code]
file  JMultiPair.hh [code]
file  JMultiPDF.hh [code]
file  JMultipleMap.hh [code]
file  JMultiSet.hh [code]
file  JPair.hh [code]
file  JPermutation.hh [code]
file  JPolfit.hh [code]
file  JPolint.hh [code]
file  JQuadrature.hh [code]
 Auxiliary classes for numerical integration.
file  JQuantile.hh [code]
file  JQuantiles.hh [code]
file  JRange.hh [code]
 Auxiliary class to define a range between two values.
file  JResult.hh [code]
 This include file containes various data structures that can be used as specific return types for the interpolating methods.
file  JResultTransformer.hh [code]
file  JRouter.hh [code]
file  JTools/JSelector.hh [code]
file  JSet.hh [code]
file  JSpline.hh [code]
file  JTable2D.hh [code]
file  JToolsToolkit.hh [code]
 This include file contains various recursive methods to operate on multi-dimensional collections.
file  JTransformableMultiFunction.hh [code]
file  JTransformableMultiHistogram.hh [code]
file  JTransformer.hh [code]
file  JTuple.hh [code]
 Data structure based on type list.
file  JWeight.hh [code]