27 int main(
int argc,
char **argv)
42 JParser<> zap(
"Example program to histogram charge distributions.");
55 catch(
const exception &error) {
56 FATAL(error.what() << endl);
65 const double dx = JPMTSignalProcessorInterface::getQmin();
66 const double xmin = 0.0 - 0.5*dx;
67 const int nx = (int) ((10.0 -
xmin) / dx);
69 H0[1] =
new TH1D(
"1.0", NULL, nx,
xmin + nx * dx);
70 H1[1] =
new TH1D(
"1.1", NULL, nx,
xmin + nx * dx);
73 const double dx = 0.02;
75 const int nx = (int) ((10.0 -
xmin) / dx);
77 H0[2] =
new TH1D(
"2.0", NULL, nx,
xmin + nx * dx);
78 H1[2] =
new TH1D(
"2.1", NULL, nx,
xmin + nx * dx);
91 for (
int i=1; i <= H0[test]->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
93 const double npe = H0[test]->GetBinCenter(i);
94 const double p = cpu->getChargeProbability(npe,NPE);
96 H0[test]->SetBinContent(i,p);
99 if (numberOfHits > 0) {
101 int number_of_hits = 0;
103 for (
int i = 0; i != numberOfHits; ++i) {
105 const double npe = cpu->getRandomCharge(NPE);
109 if (cpu->applyThreshold(npe)) {
123 const double dx = (H1[test]->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() - H1[test]->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()) / H1[test]->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
125 H1[test]->Scale(1.0 / (
double) number_of_hits / dx);
135 for (
auto& i : H0) { out << *i.second; }
136 for (
auto& i : H1) { out << *i.second; }
145 for (
int i = 1; i != test; ++i) {
147 DEBUG(
"Test " << i << endl);
149 for (
int ix = 1; ix <= H0[i]->GetNbinsX(); ++ix) {
151 const Double_t
x = H0[i]->GetBinCenter (ix);
152 const Double_t y0 = H0[i]->GetBinContent(ix);
153 const Double_t y1 = H1[i]->GetBinContent(ix);
155 DEBUG(
"[" << setw(3) << ix <<
"]" <<
' '
157 <<
FIXED(6,4) << y0 <<
' '
158 <<
FIXED(6,4) << y1 << endl);
160 ASSERT(fabs(y0 - y1) < precision);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
General purpose messaging.
#define DEBUG(A)
Message macros.
#define ASSERT(A,...)
Assert macro.
PMT analogue signal processor.
Utility class to parse command line options.
#define make_field(A,...)
macro to convert parameter to JParserTemplateElement object
I/O formatting auxiliaries.
Auxiliary class for map of PMT parameters.
const JPMTParameters & getPMTParameters(const JPMTIdentifier &id) const
Get PMT parameters.
Data structure for PMT parameters.
double thresholdBand
threshold-band [npe]
double threshold
threshold [npe]
PMT signal processor interface.
virtual const char * what() const override
Get error message.
Exception for accessing a value in a collection that is outside of its range.
Utility class to parse command line options.
This name space includes all other name spaces (except KM3NETDAQ, KM3NET and ANTARES).
Auxiliary data structure for floating point format specification.
PMT analogue signal processor.
Empty structure for specification of parser element that is initialised (i.e. does not require input)...